The story of a ridiculous day...

Jun 11, 2017 16:04

I know, two posts in a row - I'm giddy with the freedom of being on holiday, and being on a boat where I have time (and the ability!) to go online... *g* This is my second experimental post actually, because I'm again posting from another new device - and it's all tied up with why I didn't drive from MK to west Wales yesterday at a relaxed pace, ( Read more... )

computers, ramblings

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Comments 21

thesmallhobbit June 11 2017, 15:13:11 UTC
If your laptop is like mine, there's a little icon thingy on the bottom bar which looks like a yellowish rectangle with a blue facing down C on it. That's where I find my documents. Or click on the little windows icon in the bottom left and choose 'File Explorer'. Or there's a windows button on my keyboard.

I bought a new HP about a month ago - they were on offer in Tesco, which is only down the road. My old laptop, apart from not being too keen to type 'A', suddenly decided to scroll to the bottom of the page regardless of what I asked for. It would let me type, but didn't think I wanted to see what I was typing.


byslantedlight June 11 2017, 22:30:15 UTC
Aha - thank you! And I did actually know that was there, cos I clicked it in curiousity yesterday! *g*

I really didn't feel the need to buy a new laptop, and I wouldn't have done except for this Job 2 that I do for a month in the summer. Ironically, this is also going to be the last time due to their changes, but that also means that I don't want to not work on it! Ah well. And it's interesting being all up-to-date... *g* I looked at HPs too, but this Lenovo was the one on offer around these parts... *g* Enjoy your new 'A'! *g*


dawnebeth June 11 2017, 15:39:19 UTC
Congrats on your new computer although I know how discombobulating it can be to have to figure it all out again. Have fun in ireland!


byslantedlight June 11 2017, 22:31:07 UTC
Thank you! I think I would have enjoyed the new phone and laptop much more if I hadn't bought them both in a massive rush, and then needed to configure them!

And hooray for Ireland - so far so good! *g*


loxleyprince June 11 2017, 16:03:37 UTC
You've typed this post ever so nicely, so if that was all done on the new kit with either the not-real keyboard or the too-sharp one, brava, dear!
I definitely think you made the right decision to get a new laptop instead of continuing to try and fix the old one.

YAY!!! for your Somerset friends noticing that you've lost weight and are looking more healthy! That just goes to show what a good decision it was to take the New Job in MK, even if the place is a tad tech-lite. Since you've now replaced pretty much all of your devices, that shouldn't be a problem any more. :-)

More posts? Yes please!!!


byslantedlight June 11 2017, 22:34:24 UTC
Lol - thank you! I did this one on the too-sharp keyboard - I'm on it again now, and it really is rather surprisingly sharp... I forsee some kind of tape in its near future...! My old laptop wasn't really broken, exactly - and I keep thinking that I might eventually have worked out the updates (and I don't really want IE11 for myself, it's only that Job 2 insists on it), but... but yeah, it's not too bad a thing to update after six years or so, I guess... *g*

I miss Somerset, and I'm still a bit discombobulated by the new place/job (to borrow Dawn's word!), but it was the right decision as far as a more active job goes, definitely...

Now let's see what I can do about more posts! *g*


milomaus June 11 2017, 16:12:19 UTC
New life, new everything, you're not doing things by half...

I am soo looking forward to more posts!
Have some Caipirinha, too.

... )


byslantedlight June 11 2017, 22:35:31 UTC
Oh, just what I need at the end of a long day - cheers! And, um, I'm very interested in what it's sitting on...? *g*

My 2017 really does seem to have taken the nuclear option so far, in so many ways... cross fingers there's no scary fallout!


milomaus June 12 2017, 10:18:29 UTC
Crossing my fingers and holding my thumbs! It will work out, I'm sure.

The drink was sitting on part of this, there's more to see and read about it over at my blog,

... )


byslantedlight June 12 2017, 22:06:22 UTC
Oh wow, masterpiece indeed! It's looking gorgeous! Nice blog too - I google-translated it, and eep sewing machine! And wow, fat stars! And all those quilts in between - just amazing! *g*


siskiou June 11 2017, 20:03:54 UTC
You're all updated now, and with your old laptop being six years old, I'm sure it was the right move.
And the phone! How do you like the camera on it?
I'm looking into getting a dual sim phone, but can't quite make myself spend the money, since my old phone still works fine.

Did anyone get seasick on that rough crossing?
I hope you can take some time to relax, before starting work during your vacation!

I'm just done putting the second solar panel on, and just have to wait for a fuse to arrive before putting it all together and test everything.
Just in time, too, as there are dark clouds moving in, and I was hoping to be done before the rain that's forecast.

Looking forward to following along with you. Posting pictures right from your phone! :)


byslantedlight June 11 2017, 22:42:49 UTC
I really didn't feel like my laptop needed changing, so fun as it is to have a new one, I also feel a bit guilty about it. It's only Job 2 that couldn't cope with the lack of IE11... But... yeah, it's probably not bad to have some up-to-date tech! *g*

So far I like the camera on the phone, but I've only been using it for a day, so we'll see! I've got to work out all the effects, and see what the zoom is like, and all... *g* Luckily I have a holiday to practice on... *vbg*

I did see one elderly lady being helped out of the ladies, and I suspect being seasick was the reason - but either I've gone back to my barely-caring younger non-sicky self on such trips, or the stabilisers were really good on this ship!

The bad news is that I'm going to be starting the work on this holiday, and have it to finish (probably) over my next holiday (in Germany...) - gaaah! All cos of the timing - I'd never have chosen those two weeks myself... Oh well - at least I get holiday ( ... )


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