That was le weekend that was...

Nov 15, 2015 23:24

Kind of a glum Saturday (except for the new Pros dvds - yeay!), but today...
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autumn, photos, wanderings - england

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Comments 10

jessebee November 15 2015, 23:55:32 UTC


byslantedlight November 16 2015, 00:03:03 UTC
Well I liked it... *g* It was lovely and blowy... actually it's lovely and blowy out now too, but it's also dark and I'm surrounded by muddy fields, so not quite the same.... *g*


fiorenza_a November 16 2015, 00:02:12 UTC

Can't imagine wanting to 'hop a weekend flight'. I know security is there for a reason, but I'm fed up with the faff. It only seems worth it for a week or a fortnight now,

Anyway, although loads better. No energy. Everything requires planning to get through.

Used to jump in my car and just drive at the weekends. Still, on the upside, saving money on petrol. And probably preserving the environment at the same time (even if idle car means grumpy battery).

Had a horrible thing through on my friends thingy. I'm watching but haven't joined (so can't comment) on the UK Lj community. Usually its just random oddness, which is why I watch. But this time a picture of black swathed women advocating Sharia Law in Dalston popped up.

I don't agree with them, any more than I agree with the EDL. But I can do without the accompanying Islamaphobia. Is this really the Britain our forefathers fought for? Well, yes, actually, it is. We call it freedom of speech. It's a bunch of fully veiled women with a pram and a trestle table. Get over it ( ... )


byslantedlight November 16 2015, 00:44:10 UTC
I've not done enough of the faff for ages to be fed up with it - and I don't often have the luxury of being able to take off for a week or a fortnight now... Though actually I could very well in some ways, cos I can work from anywhere as long as I can get online for ten minutes at the end of the day... If I had my passport back!

Glad to hear you're feeling better - hopefully one day you'll be full of energy again. It's horrid when you realise it's drained away, isn't it.

Horrid when we're forced to remember that for every perfectly nice person, there's a thoughtless/unkind one out there too...

Hope you have a better night than it sounds like you're expecting - enjoy the dvd! I've got to get to bed myself - I didn't mean to be up this late again - in fact I was going to not be... *headdesk* Stoopid night owl tendencies...


miwahni November 16 2015, 11:39:44 UTC
Gorgeous cliffs and beach, reminds me a bit of the spot where Broadchurch was filmed. In Dorset, IIRC?

I feel your pain. I NEEEEED to get away for a bit but can't really go anywhere until Easter next year when J gets married. I will try to steal a weekend between then and now though.


byslantedlight November 17 2015, 17:39:27 UTC
Well-spotted you, this is indeed where Broadchurch was filmed - well, just down the road from West Bay, anyway. *g*

Isn't it agony to be stuck in a spot when you want to escape! Here's to stealing weekends!


ariss_tenoh November 16 2015, 20:02:52 UTC
Wow. Great shot of the shore. Hope you enjoyed yourself!


byslantedlight November 17 2015, 17:40:34 UTC
Thank you - and oh yes, I certainly did! Enough that I wish I was there again right now (and it's after dark on a very wet and windy November day, so it must have been good! *g*)


heliophile_oxon November 17 2015, 10:18:08 UTC
Looks like you picked a wonderful place to slip away to! Those photos are just so wintry-autumnal-beautiful ...


byslantedlight November 17 2015, 17:43:33 UTC
It's definitely a good place to slip away to, even in winter-autumn wind and bluster!

There's even a cafe there that's supposed to be pretty good - trouble is, it's always so full that there's no way someone on her own can get a table - whenever I've gone in and tried patiently queuing for a bit, it's only ever been to watch the remaining space or two be nabbed by family and friends of the people who queue after me. And no one ever seems to leave!


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