Virtual Writing Office Wednesday 14th October

Oct 14, 2015 15:16

Finally the day has come - a Writing Wednesday that I haven't filled with other things! I have three things I need to do today - write, finish that bloody CoRtA form, and practice fiddle for tomorrow's lesson. which means that I have so far posted an October fic, downloaded a trial of Aeon Timeline, which I'm loving (and is at least connected to ( Read more... )

writing talk, pros pics, computers, myvirtualoffice

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Comments 16

ali15son October 14 2015, 14:33:12 UTC
I hope it wasn't the ms photo I put up then took down again of him in his flying suit because if it was then im sorry . Let me know and I will put it up again x


byslantedlight October 14 2015, 14:43:21 UTC
It was indeed that one! Did you change your mind about liking it, or...? Also I wouldn't have known the programme was on last night (and now on catch-up telly) if you hadn't posted, so thank you!


ali15son October 14 2015, 14:49:04 UTC
I am out at the moment but I will post it in your comment box when I get back and the programme was on bbc 4 at nine oclock last night x


ali15son October 14 2015, 15:48:28 UTC
please enjoy xx

... )


milomaus October 14 2015, 16:46:01 UTC
Such nice togethery pics!!

I have a prompt, hope I'm not too late?

One of them tackling a rider. In full speed or so...

What a glorious thing, a day for writing!!

Hope you get the rest done, too.


byslantedlight October 14 2015, 19:56:17 UTC
One of them tackling a rider. In full speed or so...
Well that'll teach me to ask, won't it..! Right then... *g*

My writing got stalled while I finally got my certificate application properly sorted - but I'm so pleased that's done at least! All I have to do now is post it, and try not to worry. There's no real reason to worry, so I don't know why I fret, but...

Right - writing! And riding, and tackling... hmmn...


paris7am October 14 2015, 17:05:09 UTC
Hope your writing day is going beautifully! I am back under pressure with a deadline. Court this morning went well - our judge really likes J, thankfully.


byslantedlight October 14 2015, 19:53:49 UTC
Well, I finally got my certificate application completed and with all required docs and a copy scanned - which almost took longer than everything else! Now let's see if I can finally do some writing too... *g*

Hurrah for court going well, and friendly-sounding judges too - crossed fingers and held thumbs that your world continues to go as beautifully as it really should!


jessebee October 14 2015, 21:50:45 UTC
Love that pic of MS in flightsuit, from the Dambusters special, isn't it?


byslantedlight October 14 2015, 22:16:29 UTC
I reckon it is - and I've not watched it yet! So much for crashing in front of catch-up telly tonight - there may have been writing instead... yeay! *g*


jessebee October 15 2015, 00:11:14 UTC
Oh you must watch that, very interesting! Of course, I love planes and war history both, so there you go *g*. And YAY writing!


Three simple words anonymous October 16 2015, 22:53:47 UTC
Time heals everything.---------Hope it helps....Kiashi


RE: Three simple words byslantedlight October 18 2015, 22:44:44 UTC
Oh, now that sounds like a longer story - I shall have to think about that one! *g* Thank you!


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