
Aug 12, 2015 23:08

I ran out because there was a really low plane passing by a little while ago - really low - and, you know, I like interesting things, and as I looked up, a shooting star flashed across the corner of my eye and I remembered that it was Perseids night. It wasn't very dark yet, but there were a scattering of stars, and I thought oooh - and then was ( Read more... )

space and time, wonderful things

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Comments 14

jessebee August 12 2015, 22:38:21 UTC
Happy you, glad you have good viewing for them! I'll be going outside later myself :-)


byslantedlight August 12 2015, 23:19:50 UTC
I hope you see some too! I thought I might nip back out just before I headed off to bed, but I'm slightly sleepier than I thought... Happy Perseiding!


anonymous August 12 2015, 22:54:31 UTC
I love all things that send me starry-eyed. My first crush was Mr Spock until I discovered our lads at the ripe of age of 13 -14. So please tell me what is this "Perseid" night all about = sounds very exciting. I've seen the odd bit of space junk or meteor flash past late at night but nothing that lines up with your experiences. Had the most wonderfully warm day yesterday - a tantalizing hint of spring to come. It has been an unusually hard winter this year and I for one; can't wait to stop shivering and shed all the layers to feel the first kiss of the sun on my skin. Your summer simply looks delightful and unspeakably pretty....Kiashi


byslantedlight August 12 2015, 23:31:52 UTC
The Perseids are a meteor shower that can be seen at this time every year - the Earth passes through a trail of debris left by a comet that broke up, which I guess is now orbiting our sun in its own right, and when the debris hits Earth's atmosphere, it lights up as shooting stars (meteorites). Fab! I also saw lots of planes and/or satellites. One them might have been the International Space Station, too, which is quite cool. Not that I knew which one, but it was going past around the time that I was out there!

I'm going to cross my fingers that we have a lovely snowy winter (even if everyone else is cursing me as I wish... *g*) Cold and dry and snowy would be lovely, though! You may have your heat... *g* That said, the first kiss of summer really is lovely, and it's actually being a nice summer here too - I'm enjoying it! Just warm enough, and beautifully sunny with warm breezes for the last couple of days. Of course now we're forecast a couple of days of storms to make up for it! *g*


nypagan August 13 2015, 00:05:02 UTC
I can't see it here! I am soooo disappointed. We have too much cloud cover and rain. Since there is no moon, it is supposed to be optimal viewing. But not here!! wah! :( Enjoy your views!!


byslantedlight August 13 2015, 10:35:03 UTC
Oh rats! I was sure it was going to be cloudy here, cos we were forecast rain starting, but it delayed - thank goodness! I'm so sorry you didn't get to see any - maybe tonight, they'll still be shooting!


unbelievable2 August 13 2015, 06:16:22 UTC
Was out for about an hour from 10.30, and saw a good handful. And they were really nice ones. Lovely long golden streaks! :)) I did not see the trails, this year, as we had a wispy cloud coming up, but I have in other years and I have also heard sound before. Literally a whoosh when they are very low. I love them. Fantastic to watch them! :))

I should have gone out again at 1am, cos I was still awake, but in bed. But there had been increasing cloud and I ended up being too lazy! ;)


byslantedlight August 13 2015, 10:37:08 UTC
I've heard that people have heard the sound of shooting stars before, but I never have - how amazing would that be! I'm desperate now to hear their whoosh! Probably not tonight, cos it's all clouded over now for our rain-coming, but I'll cross my fingers anyway. I've never seen them so close and so golden before - I'm so glad I remembered last night!


londonronnie August 13 2015, 07:08:48 UTC
It was lovely and clear here last night so I went up to the attic where I have a clear view across the rooftops. I was probably a tad too early though, it was about 10pm and the sky wasn't quite dark enough. The street lamps don't help either, of course!

I did plan to watch for a while but I was sooo tired that my bed won, I'm afraid...


byslantedlight August 13 2015, 10:38:47 UTC
Yucky street lamps - that's one reason I like living in the country, I hate light pollution. Even here there's too much of it, but last night it was dark enough that I could see the Milky Way splodging its way across the sky - so beautiful! I shall cross fingers you get other clear nights in the next few days to look for them - an attic sounds like a fab place to be watching!


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