One last post before bed...

May 12, 2015 23:29

...cos look how pretty it was outside at twenty to ten tonight... *g*
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pics, space and time, somerset, wonderful things

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Comments 10

heliophile_oxon May 12 2015, 22:53:48 UTC
A new shooting distance must take a bit of adjusting to, I would think. Hope you do get the chance to settle in to the new variables - to all the variables they can throw at you, in fact, then you can say ha! :-)

And oh, sunset from Mars - what an incredible, wonderful picture, the fact that it could be taken and sent back to Earth is just, well, literally wonderful! The sun is smaller .... I mean, of course it is, but you can see it!
I wonder why the sunset is blue ... hmm, must investigate *g*


byslantedlight May 13 2015, 12:59:14 UTC
Apparently they don't know why the sunset on Mars is blue - it's under investigation. *g* Particles in the atmosphere seems to be the general theory. *g* And isn't it amazing - of course it's happening, and we know it is, but... yes! Seeing it!


dollidaydream May 13 2015, 05:17:41 UTC
Thank you so much for posting the sunset pictures. They really moved me. When I was younger I couldn't think about the future in the sense of moving to space stations and colonising new worlds because I knew that it would not happen in my lifetime, or if it does that it won't happen for me - so I understand your wistfulness.


byslantedlight May 13 2015, 13:01:05 UTC
I'm very impressed - it didn't occur to me to stop thinking about the future because it won't happen for me! It sounds quite a practical approach to life! *g* I'm more John Cleese in Clockwork, somehow - it's not the despair that gets to me, it's the chance that something might happen! *g*


helenraven May 13 2015, 07:23:29 UTC
That is a stunning night-time picture. And something about the smaller tree on the left somehow makes the landscape look not-quite English, but more some sort of desert scrub. Fascinating.


byslantedlight May 13 2015, 13:02:31 UTC
Thank you! I know what you mean about the extra element from that little tree - in fact it's a very English tree, but very young and only just out of bud. Maybe it dreams its a cactus in exotic foreign lands... *g*


solosundance May 13 2015, 08:09:00 UTC
Wow wow WOW... the 'two worlds, one sun' pictures are breathtaking, particularly in the larger version. So hopeful and scary and inspiring. You know me though - given the choice I'd stick with the left hand one :D


byslantedlight May 13 2015, 13:03:14 UTC
Aren't they fabulous! I'd be on the right-hand one in a heartbeat, but we could wave... *g*


miwahni May 13 2015, 11:47:58 UTC
Amazing photos, especially the NASA set. And now I'm quite wistful about twilight evenings where there's still a dim daylight glow at 9.40pm. Much more of a chance of experiencing that again, than of seeing a Martian sunset. (but wouldn't that be awesome!)


byslantedlight May 13 2015, 13:04:32 UTC
Aren't the NASA pics fab? I do love the long twilight evenings here, but I long to see a Martian sunset... and presumably will only ever long for it... *sighs*


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