Le Weekend, c'est Grey and Wet.

Mar 29, 2015 14:12

I had a mission yesterday, and I'm quite excited to have headed into the depths of Devon to accomplish it. No pictures of this bit, cos it would mean nothing, but I went to find an archery shop, and I bought a wrist guard, finger tab, and a quiver of my own... *g* They're not gorgeously rustically ye olde leathere, which is what I aspire to one ( Read more... )

reading, somerset, photos, real life

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Comments 16

ali15son March 29 2015, 13:28:37 UTC
i do like looking at your pictures , especially the books behind the wire netting , very tudorish ...the weather in the northwest is dull ,grey and teaming with rain so for me it is also a day of cleaning , keeping up with posts and reading pros fics at random .......enjoy the rest of your sunday x


byslantedlight March 29 2015, 13:59:08 UTC
The netting does make them look Tudor-ish, doesn't it - though I suppose it's really more a security element!

Sounds like the country's under clouds in general today - as I just read elsewhere, welcome to British Summer Time!


dollidaydream March 29 2015, 13:32:03 UTC
Montacute House is great. I love that long Tudor walking gallery. I wonder if those portraits have been there a while? I only ask because it's ages since I was there and when I was one of the portraits really caught my attention. The face was so modern in a way. I seem to recall that there is some ancient graffiti scratched into a window, too. Did you see it? My weekend? I'm doing absolutely nothing for a change! Absolutely nothing, and I love it! :)


byslantedlight March 29 2015, 14:13:04 UTC
Oh, I didn't see the graffiti on the window, though I've come across that elsewhere - Derbyshire I think... Haddon Hall, maybe? I shall have to go back and find the Montacute graffiti! oh, there's loads, apparently! - how fab!

I think the portraits - as they are now, anyway - are reasonably recent. It all looks very new and rather like a special exhibit anyway. I wonder which of the portraits caught your eye! Man? Woman?


dollidaydream March 29 2015, 14:32:47 UTC
It was a woman. I can't recall any details to mind except that she looked really modern and I was really taken with the picture. It was in the days before smart phone cameras so I couldn't take a photo. (Wow, that makes me sound like we were living in the Dark Ages!)


byslantedlight March 29 2015, 18:47:53 UTC
Fair enough... and hee - yes, I remember those days. Phones chained to the wall, numbers that you had to remember... ah, the dark ages... *g*


solosundance March 29 2015, 14:10:15 UTC
Montacute House is very lovely - I've stopped there on numerous occasions on the way to or from Cornwall, although I've only been in the actual house once. Gorgeous shot of the window and the long path. Love Tintinhull too - the village and the garden!

It's a very blustery day - a howly down the chimmney sort of blustery day. Have been for a walk by the river, put on the washing, hoovered up rice krispies, cleared up my desk (a bit, kind of) and now want to write :D


byslantedlight March 29 2015, 14:17:47 UTC
I was completely surprised to find the house open - my book said it wasn't yet - and I'm glad I got in before the summer hordes. Mind you, I need to go back now and find all the window graffiti - I do like a bit of window graffiti... *g*

And oooh - I don't have a chimney, but there's definitely blustering and roaring around the roofs and corners here! I wish there was a river to walk beside, because I quite fancy a walk, but I need something to make the chill and effort worth it today, and I'm not sure the hack track cuts it... maybe later. Hurrah for wanting to write! I'm frustrated - I want to want to write, cos it's such a fab indoors-y day, but I don't want want to... Well, maybe later for both things! I shall be inspired by your productivity!


snailbones March 29 2015, 15:31:03 UTC

I haven't been inside Montacute House in forever! I remember the long gallery, and how lovely it smells though - there was an exhibition of paintings there I think, but I don't recall what or why now, it was so long ago. I love your photos - as always *g* - especially the big tree.

I've just come in from a fine and angry walk, blown along in the wild wind - glorious! My Sunday is all about lists and planning for the week so the wretched thing doesn't escape my clutches and run amok... that's the theory at any rate *g*

Happy Sunday!


byslantedlight March 29 2015, 18:50:50 UTC
I assumed the matting must have been new to smell so nice (well, they probably do renew it every year, come to think of it!)... and the gallery looked quite shiny-new too, but perhaps they just have really good caretakers there! Now, the tree I'm sure has been there for a while, though... *g*

Wild-wind blustery-walks are gorgeous, aren't they! It stopped raining here after all, so I went out too - prompted, I must admit, by a text from Landlady - and I found spring! It's there!

Hope your listing went well - I'm very impressed, by the way, so organised... *g* I'm still eyeing up my Big Pile of Papers and thinking that I should really do something about it, now... Maybe tomorrow.... or next weekend... *g*


caffyolay March 29 2015, 22:03:40 UTC
I do love Montacute. Haven't been in several years so must shift myself and pop over.

My favourite M/M books so far have been your Astrient books. :-)


byslantedlight March 30 2015, 09:09:49 UTC
Astreiant and the Magpie books - oh, and a trilogy by Joanna Chambers - have been my favourite m/m books so far. I'm disappointed that I can't find more that sing to me like that though. I keep trying, but I can feel myself giving up again soon... though I did find one that I really liked except for one character/premise to the story, so maybe there's actually four m/m authors out there that are working for me... Then again, I do limit myself a bit by wanting m/m historical at the moment... *g*

I really only caught a glimpse of Montacute on Saturday - and didn't get into the gardens and grounds at all! Nice to have more exploring to look forward to. *g*


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