
Feb 15, 2015 09:55

...weird weekend. It started well - will hopefully end well - but I went to bed at about 1am this morning and found myself awake around 2.30am and couldn't get back to sleep after that! I eventually gave up and got up and watched it get light, but now I'm sleepy and don't dare go to bed cos I won't sleep tonight. Ack!

I did go off for a wee ( Read more... )

somerset, photos, real life, winter

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Comments 14

etain_antrim February 15 2015, 22:41:10 UTC
With any luck, you're now all snug in bed and fast asleep. In your case, my strategy would be the same, stay up until bedtime. It's how I deal with jet lag, too, but it can be brutal in the short term.

Lovely photos! How ever did you get so close to the robin? Mr. Antrim counted the birds at our feeder yesterday for the St. Valentine's Day count, and saw one American robin, but so many of them stay year-round that they don't herald spring or anything but a mess under where they roost.


byslantedlight February 16 2015, 09:58:46 UTC
And now I'm all awake and staring out at a rainy day, so I'm even more glad I got out on Saturday! Oddly enough I didn't feel nearly as sleepy yesterday as I thought I would - but I did sleep well last night. Yeay! *g*

I had my telescopic lens with me, so I didn't have to get too close to the robin - but he was six feet or so away, I guess. *g* There was a trio with a dog walking the path behind me, and I was desperately trying to get a shot in before they caught me up! *g* Robins are winter birds over here too - in fact to me they mean Christmas and snow (I blame the Christmas cards of course) even though I see them all year around too. The American robin is very different to the English robin (oh, I just looked them up to double-check, they're not even in the same family - the American robin is a thrush and the English robin is a flycatcher (though they used to think it was a thrush!) They look very different when you see them side by side, too! *g* Like English magpies (which I've just started seeing around here alot - I ( ... )


miwahni February 16 2015, 11:13:52 UTC
Oh those trees! Old, old as the land itself (well not quite but it's how they look, as though they've been there forever). And the snowdrops are so pretty.

I'm glad you got a good sleep last night, after your earlier wakefulness. I wonder what that was all about? You must have been feeling rather zombiefied by the time you made it to bed last night.


byslantedlight February 17 2015, 23:44:13 UTC
I was oddly not feeling too bad all that day - and then yesterday I felt oddly dopey! Shush - it was odd... *g*

I passed more snowdrops on the verges as I drove around today - so nice to see!


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