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Comments 17

dollidaydream February 2 2015, 07:01:21 UTC
Oh, yes. I saw snowdrops yesterday, too! They always give my spirits a little jolt when I see them. They make me feel hopeful that winter will pass. We have crocuses too and the garden opposite is drenched in daffs. Enjoy the lovely winter light. :)


byslantedlight February 2 2015, 10:54:22 UTC
It really is lovely to see the snowdrops isn't it - maybe it was just that Manchester was particularly bereft of them, and I lived there for so long, but there seem to be so many more wild flowers around these days! Happy February!


kiwisue February 2 2015, 07:17:11 UTC
Nothing like snowdrops here *g* Although it has been wet and cloudy. That's a wondrously atmospheric shot. Happy Imbolc indeed!


byslantedlight February 2 2015, 23:36:37 UTC
Hee - you silly! *g* Erk to wet and cloudy - hope it's the nice-change, needed-that kind! It was a gorgeous day here - not sunny all the way, but enough that twilight and sunset were rather golden and magical, and then it turned out I'd taken a wrong turning (or not taken a right one) and I ended up finding the perfect vantage point for a Glastonbury sunset! Yeay February! *g*


heliophile_oxon February 2 2015, 09:45:17 UTC
It can't be the beginning of spring already, can it?!? (yup, I had to look up imbolc *g*) B- but - but we haven't actually had winter yet!
It is light reasonably early, now, though it still gets dark much too early for my taste (I'd love it if it never got dark before 6 at the earliest, never! *g* but then sadly that would mean no long evenings in summer of course) - but it's been so mild here, the mildest winter I can remember in my entire life ... which is all very nice, certainly, but makes me think of nothing so much as climate change increasing the probability of haywire weather ... and of course I'm fully expecting snow in April.

Lovely picture, really lovely with such beautiful muted tones - it's almost like a series of horizons, one after another, in stripes! Everything asleep still, only just beginning to wake up. Where/what is that mound?


miwahni February 2 2015, 10:34:51 UTC
I could be wrong but it looks like Glastonbury Tor.


byslantedlight February 2 2015, 23:43:20 UTC
You couldn't be wrong, because you're exactly right! *g*


byslantedlight February 2 2015, 23:40:58 UTC
Well, I never think it's the beginning of spring until the equinox - or at least until there are daffs out and leaves coming to trees and so on, and for all the snowdrops I don't think I've seen any trees in bud yet. Which is funny when you think about it, cos it does seem to have been a mild winter (well, down south anyway - I'm jealous of all the snow up north of course...) And yeah, we have actually been here before now, and then had snow in April, so... I reckon it's spring when it's spring! But I like the idea of Imbolc being when we feel we're turning the winter corner and maybe can start thinking about spring... *g*

it's almost like a series of horizons, one after another, in stripes!
Yes! That's just what I thought about it! Somerset is just so lovely... *g* And miwahni's right, it is of course Glastonbury Tor! I didn't even think to say so, just assumed everyone would recognise it these days, after the Olympic opening ceremony! I love seeing it suddenly appear in front of me as I drive around these days... *g*


caffyolay February 2 2015, 09:51:37 UTC
Yes, I noticed the same last night. It'll be a few weeks before the light changes though... that seems to happen around the third week in February. *Gorgeous* photo.


byslantedlight February 2 2015, 23:42:56 UTC
I always think it's around the third week of February that it's as if someone's turned on the switch, but it's struck me early this year - not quite as forcibly as when it's past 6pm and so on again, but still - I'm definitely noticing it, and I don't usually. It's not even as if I have a view of it either now - maybe that's why, because I'm more focussed on what I can see from the windows!

And thank you - gorgeous Somerset! *g*


moth2fic February 2 2015, 10:30:59 UTC
Happy Imbolc to you too! I am really happy with the lighter evenings - in Portugal it's light till about 5.30. even on the darkest days round 21st December, so I was extremely aware of the darkness when we got back this month!!


byslantedlight February 2 2015, 23:44:55 UTC
I don't usually notice the light being switched back on (which is what it really feels like somehow - there's always a day when just suddenly click I feel as if it's light so much longer than the day before) until nearer the end of February, but this year I really seem to be... and eep, yes it must feel extra dark to you when you've been used to so much light!


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