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Comments 4

heliophile_oxon January 16 2015, 23:02:37 UTC
Brilliant! A real comet ... it's fantastic just to think that humans know enough to find them and track them, really. Very :-))))))) for seeing it!


byslantedlight January 17 2015, 00:13:21 UTC
Isn't it fabulous to think of them up there, whizzing through, seeing all the things that we can't see... Yeay for seeing it!


miwahni January 17 2015, 14:13:32 UTC
Isn't it exciting! I still remember the thrill of seeing Halley's comet in the late eighties - living at the time in a cooler climate, and rugging up before going outdoors of an evening to try and spot it. Great times!


snailbones January 17 2015, 19:47:31 UTC

Brilliant! You managed to find it - it's not the easiest critter to spot, is it?

And congratulations! I didn't realise you hadn't seen one before - I wish it'd been as lush as Hale-Bopp for your first, but at least you've seen one! Yay!


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