But Monsieur...

Feb 25, 2013 13:49

I've just discovered that the new computer I've got here at work (massive screen, bigger than the tv I have at home, harddrive integrated into the flat screen) - has a touch screen! No one told me, I just happened to tap it with my pencil when I was pointing out something on a form, and the cursor was right there with me ( Read more... )

real life, computers, mybrilliantcareer

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Comments 15

solosundance February 25 2013, 14:07:50 UTC
watch Pros? *g*


byslantedlight February 25 2013, 14:30:51 UTC
Ohhhhh - and move the lads to much better places on the screen... *sighs wishfully*... *g*


solosundance February 25 2013, 14:49:01 UTC
I was thinking more of touching than moving... and ah yes, I see moonlightmead is thinking along the same lines *g*


byslantedlight February 25 2013, 15:59:59 UTC
But... you could move them into places so that they could touch... *g*


constant_muse February 25 2013, 14:34:14 UTC
The office of the future?
Makes my sore shoulder feel sore just to think of the arm stretching and holding up.
But no doubt it will soon seem very natural. Do other people try to do touch screen on ATMs and old mobile phones, or just me?


byslantedlight February 25 2013, 16:02:41 UTC
I had a go at one of Cloudless's jigaws, and my arm did indeed get tired!

I can imagine them being useful if you were making a presentation - or actually in a classroom they'd be great, up on the wall (though I bet they wouldn't last long)

Every now and then I try to open our front door with my car remote key... usually first thing in the morning when I'm off to work... *g* And I have handwritten the code for italics before now, and somehow expected it to work... *g*


moonlightmead February 25 2013, 16:48:33 UTC
I repeatedly answer the house phone and then put the receiver down on the sofa instead of putting it on the rest again. And then a short time later I reach for the remote control and find myself trying to change the channel on the television with the phone.


moonlightmead February 25 2013, 16:49:54 UTC
It's not just you. Ahem.


moonlightmead February 25 2013, 14:43:52 UTC
Do cloudless-9193's Pros jigsaws, and you can gently stroke them into place...


byslantedlight February 25 2013, 16:00:42 UTC
Ha - I just had a go at one of those (I've been meaning to for ages!) My arm got tired... but I liked the gentle stroking... *g*


moth2fic February 25 2013, 17:17:33 UTC
You could just stroke the lads while watching Pros... But stretching your arm might be a strain??

I'm another one that assumes the phone will make the TV work.


byslantedlight February 26 2013, 09:50:18 UTC
Lol - well I can stroke the lads on any old tv screen, but I like the idea of being able to move them around the screen (and into the correct places... *g*)


siskiou February 25 2013, 18:42:15 UTC
Could they be planning to move to Windows 8? From what I've read, you need a touch screen to use it to its full potential.
I like all the Pros touchscreen suggestions! ;)


milomaus February 25 2013, 22:27:12 UTC
I thought about touching the lads first thing, too! *g*

And W8 is so very tempting, but with my good old Laptop touching just won't work...


byslantedlight February 26 2013, 09:52:29 UTC
Well, we're still on XP, so I'm not counting on Windows 8... *g* To be honest I suspect they chose it for other reasons (I'm a guinea pig for the harddrive in the flat screen design, apparently) and probably didn't even know about the touchscreen, or think about it, anyway... As soon as I can get one of them to stand still for five minutes, I'll ask... *g*

I feel like I've barely upgraded to W7, haven't even thought about W8 yet!


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