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Comments 13

cornishcat December 31 2010, 17:21:19 UTC
That's a good year, kidda!

It's so easy for relatively little unpleasantness to overshadow loads of happiness. Keeping a diary, in words or pictures, is a fabulous way of reminding yourself of the fun you've actually had. Thanks for sharing some of it with me.

I really hope that 2011 brings you satisfaction, joy and even greater adventures. Onwards and upwards!


byslantedlight December 31 2010, 17:29:43 UTC
There were many lovely things last year, there really were! And you're right, I do like lj for reminding me/us of what was what, and keeping things in perspective...

And thank you for sharing 2010 with me! Here's (a large Scottish dram or two!) to a brilliant 2011 too. *g*


andreathelion December 31 2010, 17:41:03 UTC
That's a lovely way to look back at the year :)

Have a fantastic 2011 and may all your hopes and wishes come true!


byslantedlight December 31 2010, 18:30:56 UTC
It was rather nice to look back that way - and thank you! I wish your wishes too... *g*


siskiou December 31 2010, 18:08:03 UTC
Your pictures are always worth looking at!
And it's great to find out there were good things, too!
Best of luck with the planned changes!
Aren't you trying out the nanny position soon?
If yes, I'm crossing my fingers that they are a nice family etc.


byslantedlight December 31 2010, 18:36:10 UTC
Aw, thank you! And there were good things, even if the horrid things were horrid enough...

I am indeed trying out for the nanny thing in a few days - I hope they're nice too, and that the situation is mutually compatible! I'd be quite nice to live by the sea... *g*


sc_fossil December 31 2010, 23:46:32 UTC
Nice pictures. Have a great 2011.


byslantedlight January 1 2011, 10:24:47 UTC
Thank you - and happy New Year to you too!


miwahni January 1 2011, 12:15:07 UTC
Your photos are like works of art; they are utterly, utterly gorgeous. What a wonderful way to look back on the past year. And 2011 is going to be the best of times!


byslantedlight January 1 2011, 19:05:03 UTC
What a lovely thing for you to say - thank you, you've made me smile alot! *g*

I like the idea of 2011 being the best of times too - yes! Let it be!


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