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Comments 27

msmoat January 25 2009, 23:54:11 UTC
I love that look between them when Jack kisses Chrissy. It's a whole conversation. *g* And I also love the way they both talk about the other when they're separated on this case--Bodie wanting to know what Doyle has found; Doyle saying he left his "stick" behind. Yeah, I reckon they're together here. *g*

Thanks for all the great photos! It might not be a top ten episode, but I do like it.


byslantedlight January 26 2009, 00:09:00 UTC
They are sort of together really here, aren't they... I mean, it's no S2 ep, but they're there. And oh for that last look, it really is a whole, long, gorgeous conversation, isn't it! You can practically hear it... *sighs happily*


sc_fossil January 26 2009, 00:07:43 UTC
It's not a bad ep. I think they spend too much time setting up the story and on the other people, but then I always think that! The boys look wonderful, I think. Really together in this one. Thanks!


byslantedlight January 26 2009, 00:11:11 UTC
Lol - I know, I'd love a whole relationship-totally-based season of Pros, but they kept including these plots, didn't they! They are looking good though, aren't they... *g*


kiwisue January 26 2009, 00:10:13 UTC
I quite like this episode too. I like the family (you can't help but feel sympathy for poor Chrissie, struggling with the kids, Dad off to jail). Liz is good - I wish that stairways shot had been a bit better lit so it could have gone in the vid.

And even when the lads aren't together, it feels a bit like they are, or at least not far away *g*.


byslantedlight January 26 2009, 00:12:57 UTC
Oh I like the Stones too! And Liz - and that she's charmed by Bodie, but doesn't let him walk all over her... and that she's good in action! *g*

It's a lovely grey ep, isn't it - you know that technically Jack Stone is A Bad Man, but actually... the lads can't deny that he's human, and that what they do affects human lives...


runriggers January 26 2009, 00:26:00 UTC
Love the comment about the guys in bowler hats - they do indeed look like they are going to break into song!


byslantedlight January 26 2009, 20:20:54 UTC
It's the one at the front that makes it, I think! *g*


runriggers January 27 2009, 00:17:22 UTC
Jackson Five anyone?


draycevixen January 26 2009, 00:32:54 UTC

I do like this episode for the same reason in that you get to see more of them as just blokes... Like Bodie coaching those kids looking like a big kid himself.

Oh and very nice screen cap of the bowler hat brigage... Very Bob Fosse!


byslantedlight January 26 2009, 20:22:11 UTC
Bodie looks so gorgeously amazed and bemused at the noise they're all making, doesn't he! Love his "Shut up!" *g*


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