Title: Owl Post
Date: August 2, 1998
Time of Day: Early evening
Characters: Luna Lovegood, writing to Neville Longbottom (brief mentions of Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Xenophilius Lovegood in the letter)
Location: Sent from Luna's house
Status: Public
Brief Summary: Luna sends some more owl post.
Completion: Complete
Warnings: None
Just an owl to say hello. I do hope you got the birthday present I sent you, my father's owl has been a little unpredictable of late.
Father said he might buy me one of my own, since I didn't actually get a present for my coming of age, what with him being in Azkaban and me being on the run. I'd much rather have a kneazle, though, even if they can't deliver my post. It shouldn't be difficult to persuade him when we visit Diagon Alley.
I'm rather bored at home, so I hope we go soon. My father doesn't do much but sit in the living room at the moment, though I hope he'll start printing the Quibbler again any day now. I've offered to help him write articles for it, but he doesn't seem very interested.
Harry is staying at the Burrow with Ron and the other Weasleys, and sent me an owl telling me 'not to be a strange'. I don't think I can go and visit, though, even if he wants me to. I shouldn't leave my father alone, and although I understand why he did what he did to them, I'm not sure they do. Especially Ron. He isn't very understanding a lot of the time, is he?
I wasn't sure whether to go back to Hogwarts for my final year, but I've decided that I will now. I'll be rather happy to go back, actually. Now the Carrows aren't there it will almost be back to normal. Although I will miss the DA, even if there isn't a reason to have it anymore.
I do hope I'll hear from you soon.
She felt much better - much less alone - after writing the letter, and her heart was considerably lighter . Even the prospect of going downstairs shortly to cook her father some tea couldn't dampened her spirit.