Date: August 2nd, 1998
Time of Day: Evening
Characters: Neville Longbottom, Lavender Brown
Location: Fairview, Pendle, Lancashire to Kelmscott Manor, Oxfordshire
Status: Private
Brief Summary: Neville answers Lavender's owl with his good news.
Completion: Complete.
Dear Lavender,
First of all thank you for the birthday card and wishes. I have to say being eighteen doesn't feel that much different to seventeen but various relatives have assured me it's all the same once you're of age.
The house hunting is indeed going well, I saw a property today and actually sent off an owl with an offer to take up the lease right before I opened yours. Which will I suppose teach me to read my mail first but it was conditional on a viewing to which you are welcome to come along to if you'd like. It's on a cottage called The Nook, in Hogmeade, I had to get Aberforth to direct me to it so I could have a nose around but perhaps you're familiar with it. I think you'd like it to be honest and I have decided that sharing is definitely the way to go. Feel free to mention it to any other DA members you think might be up for it. At least we know we can live together without too much hassle thougt we won't have to have hammocks! (Hopefully, I suppose I shouldn't speak until I've done a full viewing.)
I think my Gran might get on a bit better with your mum to be honest. She reminded me today my parents were engaged at my age and got a bit sniffy when I said you might be interested in sharing. (I did not think to not mention names. Sorry.) I told her that the houseshare idea was like Gryffindor Tower but with less stairs but if you see her when you're out and about it might be an idea to keep her away from your mum. She's a bit unstoppable when she gets going.
I might have to nick that 'greater sense of responsibility' line to use on Gran at some point but she seems okay with it really. I think I still surprise her a bit when I decide anything for myself. I should get on with studying I suppose but have been busy with the greenhouses. I'm at Gran's (for now anyway) but have been apparating up to Hogsmeade most days to help out, I suppose I could count it as Herbology revision at least.
I hope you had a good day in Ireland. Let me know if you fancy coming along to that viewing and I'll let you know as soon as they give me a date and time (and feel free to invite anyone else interested!)