Title: A Day in Diagon Alley
Date: 6 October 1998
Time of Day: 1130 am
Characters: Andromeda Tonks, Narcissa Malfoy, Teddy Lupin, anyone else that we may run into....
Location: Diagon Alley and outlying vicinity
Status: Public
Brief Summary: Andromeda and Narcissa meet for lunch and spend the day together.
Completion: Incomplete
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She wore a Muggle-style outfit that she had found in one of the shops in Salisbury. It had taken her ages to find because, apparently, pantsuits were all the rage among Muggles, this year, and calf-length skirts were few and far between--unless one wanted a sheath dress that was little better than a hobble skirt. The only other choice was mini-skirts, which Narcissa had always wanted as a 16 year-old, but now...at age 43? No. Not at all. She supposed she hadn't much to worry about in the legs department, but still--no. How Muggle. She wore a light tan skirt with a cream-coloured blouse and a light olive-green button-down jumper, which Naricssa had left unbuttoned.
Her sister turned around and smiled brightly, quickly closing the distance between them. As Narcissa stepped in front of her, they kissed each other on the cheek.
"So, are your teeth still perfect? I always hated that about you," Andromeda teased.
It was far easier to look at him than she had thought it would be. Narcissa wasn't sure what she had been imagining--some half-wolf, half-human infant creature. But no, this was a perfectly normal-looking baby, with a full head of hair that changed from dark blond to yellow as she bent down to look at him. "Well, hello there," she said to him. "Did your Mummy's hair do that, too?"
Andromeda stood, her knees creaking a little bit. She took the handle of the pram in one hand and waved Narcissa to follow her. They strolled for a little while down the alley, defiantly ignoring the strange looks from those they passed on the street. It was wonderful to see Diagon Alley coming back to its former glory, but it really was a shame that the people still held onto the old ideas about each other.
"Do you want to eat first or do some shopping? I'd like to visit George Weasley's shop. He has some new Wonder Witch products I'd like to check out."
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