Title: After the Interview
Date: 08/29/1998
Time of Day: 3 pm
Characters: Percy Weasley, Charlie Weasley
Location: The Ministry, Percy's Flat
Status: Private
Brief Summary: Charlie and Percy talk after Charlie's interview at the Ministry
Completion: Complete
Warnings: None
...And in conclusion Minister Shacklebot believes, given the heinous nature and flimsy loyalties displayed by the dementor population in the recent months, that action should be taken to withdraw them from the wizard populace. A meeting shall be called in the near future to consider possible replacement measures for Azkaban prison and a public relations gathering to decide on how to properly report the decision while securing the wizarding world's sense of security. Please keep these future meetings in mind as the dates will be sent out shortly.
Percy Weasley
Junior Undersecretary to the Minister of Magic
Percy let out a soft sigh as he read over the freshly dried ink, placing it down only after having convinced himself not a mistake was to be found. He tapped the paper lightly with his wand, duplicating it several times before flicking his wand once more to make the papers fold in on themselves into neat airplanes, each of which levitated a few inches off his desk before flying off quickly into the hall.
With his task done Percy sat back, throwing his planner a glance and watching as the bright red words of Dementor Negotiation Notice faded into the softer blue scrawl of Drink with Charlie, pushing any other reminders for that day aside roughly. Percy glanced to the stack of unfinished reports in a near look of longing before scolding himself and clearing his desk with his normal efficiency.