Title: Letters to Harry and Molly
Date: 18 August 1998
Time of Day: 11am
Characters: Andromeda Tonks, Harry Potter, Molly Weasley
Location: Sheffield, York
Status: Private
Brief Summary: Andromeda writes to Harry and Molly
Completion: Complete
Dear Harry,
I have to check with Molly, but I think next Friday we'll head out for Bath. You could come over with Molly after your meeting with Minerva, if you like.
One suggestion for you...bring plenty of t-shirts. Teddy's been spitting up lately.
I'm so glad that Arthur was so reasonable about it. I had a feeling he would be. You just tend to worry too much now don't you?
Next weekend would work for me. You and Harry could arrive together when he gets finished with Minerva.
Oh...I did get a recommendation from a friend for a place to stay and she gave me a voucher for a discounted room!
Have a great day!