Title: Owl to Verity and Charlie
Date: August 20, 1998
Time of Day: 8:20 pm
Characters: Percy Weasley, Charlie Weasley, Verity Thruston
Location: The Ministry
Status: Private
Brief Summary: Percy writes two letters.
Completion: Complete
Dear Verity,
If I haven't properly thanked you enough for the Quidditch match let me offer my sentiments once more. That silly flag is now resting in my office right next to my spare quills - I have gotten many odd looks for it. I can't understand why.
I would also like to apologize again for some of the family issues you had to witness, such is the curse of a large family I'm afraid. I truly meant it when I said I enjoyed myself and I hope you did as well.
I suppose the point of my letter is to ask you if you would like to perhaps go to dinner or lunch. It won't be as exciting as a group of wizards and witches thoroughly trying to cripple each other on brooms but maybe you also could use a change from the constant excitement of that shop (this is not sarcasm, I know my brothers very well).
If you wouldn't be adverse to dinner or lunch send a reply and we can set up a day.
Hope you are well,
Percy Weasley
Dear Charlie,
I thought you'd like to know I heard something of your application - apparently the Ministry is impressed. Though I'm sure a large part is due to your experience in such a dangerous and secluded field (and yes, that is meant in slight disapproval of your hazardous lifestyle. I can worry as well) I'd like to think my help has also aided this development. You may thank me by indulging in a drink later, of wine. Yes, not firewhiskey. I'll show you eventually that not all alcohol has to leave abrasions down your throat.
You will most likely hear a reply soon, and I wish you luck in whatever comes ahead.
Oh, and one more thing - I will not be at the Burrow the 22nd so please, whatever you may be planning forget it now. I plan on avoiding that place like the plague and actually having some semblance of peace for a day or so.
Percy Weasley