Title: A Meeting in Diagon Alley
Date: August 10, 1998
Time of Day: 6.00pm, approximately
Characters: Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom
Location: Diagon Alley
Status: Public
Brief Summary: While waiting for the rest of the Malfoy trials, two friends meet to catch up (and possibly go Kneazle shopping).
Completion: Complete
Warnings: None
Luna stood outside Magical Menagerie... )
Comments 52
He had thought though for the house share it might have an idea to have a house shared owl. Neville had never owned a post owl of his own, for a multitude of reasons, mainly owing to not actually sending that much post generally combined with the thought it would prove extremely unpopular with Trevor. He headed down to the Magical Menagerie just to check it out.
Thoughts of owls went entirely out of his head when he saw recognised Luna's pale blonde hair and face as she stared entrance into the window. He smiled and called her name. "Luna," he said, his pleasure at seeing her evident in his voice. He glanced over her shoulder at what she was watching, "changed your mind?" he asked.
"Oh no, I haven't," she assured hm, before smiling momentarily back at the rats. "They are rather sweet though, aren't they?"
"I thought you might not remember to meet me," she added, "Since we didn't make proper arrangements. I'm very glad you're here, though."
"I thought I might have had a bit of trouble finding you," he admitted, "but I wouldn't forget to meet you." His memory was not
that bad. Well mostly. She looked more cheerful than he might have expected and he was grateful both to the rats and to her rather enviable ability to distract herself. "Do you want to shop now?" he said, "or go for a drink and catch up."
She turned away from Magical Menagerie at last, facing him properly and smiling widely. "Is there anything else you want to buy?"
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