Title: Letter to Percy Weasley
Date: August 7th, 1998
Time of Day: 11:59 PM
Characters: Ron Weasley, Percy Weasley
Location: From The Burrow.
Status: Private.
Brief Summary: Ron accepts Percy's invitation.
Completion: Complete.
It wasn't luck it was pure skill. I would very much like to have lunch but I've been summoned to the testify at the trials of the two Malfoy's. Not really sure how I feel about that.
Why don't you come by the shop on Sunday? We're pretty slow and I might even treat you to a Daydream Charm.
As for Hermione, I think it's fair to say we are a couple. I'm taking her out to dinner and to get our school books.
I guess that should tell you my decision about the NEWTS. I'm going to have to speak to George about taking a bit of time off to do that. It's a bloody shame that he and Fred never got to open the shoppe in Hogsmeade.
I'll miss seeing Verity everyday. She's great, Mate. She knows Quidditch, although she doesn't understand the appeal of the Cannons.
Why don't we say Sunday at noon. I'll have Tom make us up some sandwiches for lunch.
Don't work too hard!