Jul 19, 2008 21:16

Halcyon is a world ruled by faeries. These faeries have a rather bad habit of fluttering through windows and sprinkling a magic powder on sleeping victims. This puts the person into an eternal slumber and causes them to have a dream... This state of mind is connected with the minds of all of the other victims.

This place has no 'true' form. It can be a city, a jungle, a desert, a rainbow cloud, or even a land made entirely out of ice cream. Whatever the faeries see fit. They like to watch their new 'friends' get all confused and wonder where they are. But when this bores them, they will cause a problem.. a curse. It could be anything at all~ Bad foot odor~ Rats~ Personality Swaps~

Curses will be handled on another page. And they are completely optional.

While in Halcyon, the characters will have all their canon powers. They may be watered down a touch upon arrival, but this will wear off after a week or so.

If you have anymore questions, comment here.


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