Title: The Bet
byaghro Pairing: Albus Severus/Scorpius
Rating: G
Word Count: 560
Warnings: None.
Summary: James & Lily have a bet going. Rose is disgusted. Hugo is vaguely clueless. Just your typical day in the Library.
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement
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Comments 7
Loved Rosie. She's very Hermione-y - but where did Hugo get that Slytheriness from? O_o (And who's going to pay his 30 Galleons? Does James have to get himself a job to pay his depts? So many questions...)
Anyway, is there any chance that you'll soon manage to write that sequel you promised half of an eternity ago? You know, to that one evil drabble about Al proposing to Scorpius, who is, unfortunately, cursed to say no and then vows bloody revenge while pocketing the ring.
(YES, I remember that drabble very well. It broke my innocent little heart, but then you promised to write a sequel and make it all good and fluffy again... but the sequel never came. Yet.)
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