I'm moving this weekend so I'm giving everyone an extra week to get their icons in. Fingers crossed it goes smoothly.
You must be a member to participate.
ENTIRE icon must be black & white. No exceptions.
You may submit up to TWO (2) icons per theme for a total of 6 icons.
Icon must fit LJ standards (<= 100x100px; <=40kb; .gif, .png, .jpg/.jpeg)
Animation is allowed.
You are NOT REQUIRED nor expected to use the images provided. Feel free to use other images, but please leave a link to the original cap/pic with your submission.
You CANNOT mix themes.
ALL icons must remain anonymous until results have been posted.
Please post in the following format:
SRC: http://www.host.com/image.pngTHEME: MOVIE/STOCK/TVCAP RESOURCE(S): (if applicable)
Quantum of Solace
Sewing Materials
ScreenMusingsflickr &
flickr &
flickrHome of the Nutty Due Date: Friday, September 25th @ 10PM
PDTEntered: 14