The banner makers only have posting access, no maintainer status, so there are no conflicting issues when it comes to them entering the challenges. :)
* wk 01:
* wk 02:
tattooedraven* wk 03:
* wk 04:
aehallh(Week 01 means week 01, week 05, week 09, week 13, week 17, etcetera.)
When it's your turn to make the banners I will leave a comment on your introduction post with a link to the voting post and when I've posted the winners, I will comment with a link to the voting post and to the challenge so you can use the images if you want.
As a banner maker you will have posting access. Your introduction post will be used to link to from the post with the winners, so people can request their banner(s). You can reply to their comment with the banner or post them all in one post in the community.
Personally, I prefer people asking for their banner, because I don't like making banners for people that either don't use it or take the banner without even commenting. Now, if you prefer making all the banners, wether people asked for one or not, and post them in one post in the community, that's fine by me. :)
You can use your own server to upload the banners or use the community's photobucket account. Let me know if you want the PB's username and password.
Something I've seen in other icon contest, besides having a mod's choice, they've also got a banner maker's choice. As a thank you to the banner makers, I would like to introduce that here. The way this works is, you need to vote on the voting post the week you're making the banners and the icon that didn't place and you ranked the highest, will be the BM's Choice.
* When I save people's icon to make a banner, I go to the post with the winners and save the icon(s) under a new name on my desktop. First which challenge (37), then award (01, 02, 03, mod, HM, BM, text) and then the name of the maker. For example: 37-01-fakedoll89. I save the banner under the same name. ^^ (You don't have to do this obviously. :P)
Thank you. ^^