poisonfield -
reebeecaa -
setentpet So this 10-days task is to make icons about tv shows' characters
that died but.. came back to life (vampires & co are allowed).
# you can submit up to 4 icons, in a new post.
# your icons MUST be black and white.
# you can icon everything (stock, screencaps, still ...) and any fandom (movie, telefilm, animanga..) you wish as long as it fits the theme.
# when you post your icons, provide IMGs and URLs.
# the submitted icons must be made specifically for this challenge, and they must be made by you!
# if you have any kind of doubt relative to the challenge, leave a comment here.
# tag the entry with your username.
# icons must fit lj's standards.
# DEADLINE is on 23/05/13