More Fan Fiction: A Fire In My Blood

Jan 07, 2005 20:53

Hi there! I wrote this for the Comicbook100 Community here on Livejournal. They issue a challenge, you write the fic. It's that simple. Okay, they gave me "notebook, Zippo lighter, coffee cup", and all you lovely people get this.
Fandom: Uncanny X-men Rating: PG (to be on the safe side) Summary: A youngster tries to make sure that school's out for ever. It's Pyro, so I think you can guess how, think of it as Pyro: The Prequel. I almost called it Pyromania.
The ideas that it should be around the 100 word mark, it isn't. I struggle with short. (I think you all know that!)
Disclaimer: The merry mutants of the X-men aren’t mine but Marvel’s. I hope Uncle Stan doesn't mind me borrowing them.
The boy, ash blond hair falling into his eyes making him look like an angel, stood there in the schoolroom, and looked at the notebooks he had carefully piled up.
He swung his arm and smiled as the top of the Zippo lighter went kerklick, kerklack. He did it again and his smile grew brighter.
And then, with almost loving care, he held the flame close to the paper. As it caught, a light entered into his eyes. And he breathed in the smoke as if it was incense in a church.
He breathed in deeply and shuddered as the fire hit his blood and rushed headlong into his heart.
He began to breathe faster, to keep with the pace of his creation. As his eyes grew wider so did the fire and with that the fire in his heart grew.
There was a sound behind him.
There was a teacher, her twinset and pearls ill-matched with the fear on her face. The remains of her broken coffee cup traced circles on the linoleum.
She wasn’t meant to be here. Nobody was meant to be here.
The fire danced in his eyes, giving his face a different, almost devilish, cast.
“St. John,” she stuttered, “St. John, is that you?”
She got no further.
The fire leapt like a cat. He leapt like a cat. He leapt like a cat and danced around her tugging at her clothes, pulling at her hair. He stroked her with a thousand fiery fingers.
And then the fire drew back and danced around him like impatient, inquisitive kittens.
And he felt good.
Please feed the psycho author. I think my mother's getting disturbed about how much of this junk I'm doing.


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