Fic: To The Pain (37/41)

Jun 03, 2009 20:14

Title: To The Pain, Chapter 37

Rating: R

Warnings: None really, just don’t feel like changing the rating :)

Spoilers: Season One thru End of Days (1x13)

Pairings: Jack/Ianto

Disclaimer: Torchwood and all its wonderfulness belong to Russell T. Davies and the Mighty Beeb. Just goofin' around!

Summary: In which the team learns a little of what’s been going on in Britain since they left…

Notes: OK, so the plan was to finish this off and get it all posted before I left for Chicago. Um… yeah, so that didn’t happen! I’m VERY sorry to leave you for a few days with no ending, but I’ll try to get this finished and maybe posted over the weekend if there’s downtime. See all y’all who are going Torchsong in the Windy City!! Sequel to Vizzini’s Rule; previous chapters of To The Pain can be found here. Thanks to my wonderful beta
thrace_adams for all the support and putting up with my lastminuteness - any mistakes are mine!

To The Pain: Chapter Thirty-Seven

When the team got to the UNIT headquarters, it was apparent that something big had happened while they were on the mountain. They weren’t able to get the full story until they were all settled at a table in the mess with Major Davies who filled them in over supper.

“It’s unbelievable really, the Prime Minister just announced to the world - the whole world, on live television - that he’d been contacted by an alien race.”

Owen choked on his coffee and Gwen’s mouth dropped open.

“What?” Tosh exclaimed.

Ianto just stared at Major Davies, almost unable to comprehend.

“Don’t misunderstand me, I think it’s wonderful that we have a PM in office who thinks the world is ready to know what we’ve all known for years, but…”

“Aren’t there protocols in place for this sort of thing?” Ianto asked.

“Yes, dammit, yes there are and Mr. Saxon has completely ignored them. First Contact Policy was created by the UN Security council almost forty years ago. Granted,” she admitted ruefully, “ they’ve never been followed as written since it was never deemed safe for the public to be made aware. But this! And on his first day in office? It’s almost as if he got elected just so - ” She broke off, her cheeks flushing.

“Just so what?” Gwen asked. “Do you think he planned this?”

“Don’t be daft,” Owen scoffed. “How could he plan to be contacted by an alien race? Maybe he just thought the human race was ready to grow up a little.”

The Major nodded. “That’s essentially what he said in his broadcast. He played up the fact that this will all happen out in the open, for everyone to see, no secrets.”

“When?” Gwen asked worriedly.

“Tomorrow morning in London at 0800.”

“So 1:00 here,” Ianto said.

“That’s correct.”

Tosh finally spoke up, asking, “Do we know the alien race? Is it anything we’ve encountered before?”

“No,” the Major said. “At least, it’s nothing I’ve ever come across. He called them Toclafane and they appeared to be smallish metal spheres. Sound familiar to you?”

The team all shook their heads.

“Well, word is that the American President is livid. He’s contacted the higher-ups in UNIT, wants them to take over First Contact. I’ve heard he’s flying to the London tonight to rendezvous with Mr. Saxon and inform him of the change. He’s going to insist the meeting be moved to UNIT’s newest ship as neutral territory.”

When Gwen raised a disapproving eyebrow at the Major, she coughed to hide a little smile. “I know I shouldn’t listen to gossip, but sometimes it pays off. The Valiant is still pretty big news around UNIT. Anytime its transports land on terra firma, someone finds out and word spreads like wildfire.”

“‘A ship for the 21st Century’,” Ianto murmured, quoting something Jack had said once.

“Exactly that, Mr. Jones. She’s the pride and joy of UNIT.”

“What’s the Valiant?” Gwen asked.

Major Davies looked shocked. “She’s an aircraft carrier. The only one of her kind ever built.”

“What’s so special about it… er, her, I mean?”

Ianto gave the Major an apologetic smile. “She’s docked above Greenland right now, Gwen. She flies instead of floating.”


“The Valiant was Mr. Saxon’s pet project as Minister of Defense. He was invaluable in her design,” Tosh explained further.

The Major pursed her lips. “That’s why this whole thing with the Toclafane surprised everyone. Mr. Saxon has always had the utmost respect for UNIT and what we do. Why he’s ignoring protocol now?” Major Davies sighed and took a drink of her coffee.

“I assume you’ll be airing the broadcast throughout the base?” Tosh asked the Major.

“Of course. We don’t want anyone to miss this historic event, we’ve recalled everyone from the field already.” Major Davies stopped and looked uncomfortable. “Which reminds me, I need to ask you a very odd question.”

“Shoot,” Owen said.

“Where is Captain Harkness?”

There was an awkward silence. Owen cleared his throat and asked, very simply, “Why?”

The Major didn’t respond for a moment and then suddenly stood. “Would you follow me, please? There’s something you should see.”

Exchanging worried glances, the team followed Major Davies to her quarters. She turned on a large television in the corner of her room and used the remote to call up an image. It appeared to be an emergency news brief, but the playback was paused.

The Major fiddled with the remote. “I wouldn’t have thought anything of it except that Captain Harkness isn’t with you today. This aired about an hour after the Prime Minister’s announcement.” She pressed play and the screen changed to a still frame of a man with messy brown hair. The caption read, “NATIONWIDE HUNT FOR TERRORIST SUSPECTS”. While the newswoman went on about the unknown suspects, the screen changed to another picture, this time of a pretty young woman. Before anyone could ask what this had to do with Jack, the picture changed again.

Jack! Ianto was afraid he’s spoken out loud but no one looked at him. All eyes were on the screen.

After the news bulletin was complete, the Major paused the playback again. “You must admit it’s an uncanny likeness. And when the Captain wasn’t on the plane with you this afternoon, I… well, I just had to ask.”

There was that hint of steel, Ianto noted. He swallowed around the dryness in his mouth. “I understand your concern, Major, but Captain Harkness is in Cardiff right now, not carrying out any terrorist activities, I assure you. He didn’t feel secure leaving the rift unmanned so he stayed behind and sent us here to investigate Mr. Saxon’s concerns.”

The Major regarded him for a moment. “And I could call him right now to verify this?”

Ianto shrugged. “You could try. Although without me there to screen his calls, he may not answer.” He reached in his pocket and brought out his mobile. “Would you like me to call him for you now?” he asked coolly without dropping his gaze.

A little furrow appeared between the Major’s eyebrows as she considered. Ianto’s knees almost gave out when she waved him off. “No need. If he’s the only one in Cardiff, I’m sure he has his hands full dealing with this Toclafane SNAFU on his end.”

Ianto nodded and put his phone back in his pocket, leaving his hand there as well to mask its trembling.

“Well, let’s get you settled for the night. I understand you’ll need to make another trip up to Base Camp One tomorrow?” When they all nodded, the Major continued. “I don’t want anyone to miss the broadcast, so why don’t you plan on making the ascent after First Contact tomorrow afternoon?”

“Sounds like an excellent idea,” Gwen said gratefully. “I’m really not looking forward to going up there again.”

“Who knows?” the Major said as she opened the door to their suite of rooms. “Maybe the world will end and you won’t have to bother.”

They all laughed, of course, but it sounded hollow to Ianto.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Once they were all settled and the lights were off, Ianto let his mind stray to Jack. He’s here! He’s in London right now with the Doctor and some woman. After the Major had left, Ianto had confirmed for the rest of the team that the other man in the news bulletin was indeed the Doctor. He assumed the woman was the Doctor’s current assistant. Records show he likes them young and pretty, Ianto thought bitterly. If he’s got her, then why does he need Jack too?

Jack. He must have escaped that terrible place I saw in my vision. He said he had a plan, he must have gotten out somehow. He said he’d come back, the little voice in his head pointed out. Why is he gallivanting around London with the Doctor instead of heading home?

Ianto groaned and punched his pillow a few times before flopping on his stomach and burying his face in it. He’d tried to call Jack right after the Major left them alone, but all it did was ring. Jack never picked up and it never went to voicemail. He’s obviously in trouble if he’s on the news as a wanted terrorist. Whatever he’s doing with the Doctor, it must be dangerous. What if he’s hurt? What if he needs help?

Ianto scoffed at that thought before he’d even finished it. What kind of help would I be if the Doctor isn’t enough? I’m bloody useless. But if I could just reach him, just for a moment, to find out if he’s okay…

Rolling over again, Ianto felt a foot connect with his arse through the bottom of his mattress.

“Knock it off, Ianto! You’re shaking the whole damn bed,” Owen complained.

He sighed. Damn bunk beds. “Sorry,” he muttered. He fell asleep a while later, still fighting the urge to contact Jack.

TBC in Chapter Thirty-Eight  

tothepain, fanfic, jack/ianto

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