Fic: To The Pain (23/41)

Apr 22, 2009 09:59

Title:  To The Pain, Chapter 23

Rating:  R

Warnings:  Language, a kiss (the interlude is over, plot from now on if you’ve been skipping!)

Spoilers:  Season One thru End of Days (1x13)

Pairings:  Jack/Ianto; Ianto/Brendan

Disclaimer:  Torchwood and all its wonderfulness belong to Russell T. Davies and the Mighty Beeb.  Just goofin' around!

Summary:  In which the team heads out to question the suspected dealer…

Notes:  Off work again today but I have lots to do (*sigh* no sitting on the sofa) so you’re getting the next chapter super early!  Sequel to Vizzini’s Rule; previous chapters of To The Pain can be found here. Thanks to my wonderful beta
thrace_adams for all the support - any mistakes are mine!

To The Pain: Chapter Twenty-Three

The next morning Ianto got up with his alarm and showered quickly. He let Brendan sleep a little longer while he made some coffee and got dressed. He was about to roust Brendan when his tousled head appeared in the doorway to the bedroom.

“Morning,” Brendan yawned.

“Morning. You sure you want to come to Bristol? You could just stay here and sleep, take it easy.”

“And miss all the fun? No way. Just need a shower and some coffee. Mmmm… your coffee,” Brendan hummed appreciatively as he took the proffered mug. He took a long drink and then looked up at Ianto. “And one more thing,” he murmured.

Ianto looked confused until Brendan slipped his hand behind Ianto’s neck and pulled him down for a quick kiss.

“Wait for me?” Brendan asked.

Ianto chuckled. “It’s either that or call a cab,” he joked.

Brendan smiled. “Right. After this is over we are so taking care of that. Deal?”


Ianto puttered around the kitchen for a few minutes while Brendan went to get ready. After this is over, he thought. After this is over, he’ll be heading back to base. I’ll be alone. Again. And while he knew he’d miss Brendan, somehow the thought of being alone wasn’t as unbearable as it had been even a few days ago. Being with Brendan had reminded Ianto that he wasn’t truly alone, even if Jack was gone forever. He knew he should feel weak for needing that reassurance, but he didn’t care. He was also aware that Tosh and Gwen and Owen had been trying to tell him the same thing for weeks, but somehow it was easier to believe in Brendan’s affection. Maybe it’s because he’s separate from my life with Jack. The others are all wrapped up in it, part of it almost, even though they never knew about us.

Realizing that he was scrubbing the same part of countertop over and over, Ianto put an end to that train of thought and threw the sponge in the sink and washed his hands. He poured himself another cup of coffee and waited for Brendan.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~
When they arrived at Torchwood, Ianto reluctantly left Brendan in the Tourist Office and headed down to the Hub. He hadn’t been expecting anyone in yet so he was surprised to find all the lights on and Tosh at her workstation.

“Good morning!” she called as he walked through the cog door.

“Morning. Do you need coffee?” Ianto asked politely.

“That would be great, thanks.”

Tosh joined him by the coffee maker and watched him measure out the grounds before she spoke.

“I think whatever you and Brendan got up to did the trick,” she observed.


Tosh laughed quietly and stepped in front of him, holding his face between her small hands for a moment. “You’ve lost that haunted look. You look like you actually slept. You kind of look like you got -”

Ianto rolled his eyes. “You can stop right there.”

“Okay,” Tosh groused good-naturedly as she stepped back. “I won’t pry. But… it’s just nice to see you again. I’ve missed you.”

Ianto put an arm around her shoulders and gave her a quick hug. “I’ve been a prat, I know and I’m sorry.”

She gave him a squeeze. “You had good reason, so no hard feelings. You take me to dinner soon so we can have one of our nice long chats and we’ll call it even, okay?”

“Deal.” Ianto hugged her again and then turned back to the coffee maker. “So, do we have a game plan for today? I’ve left Brendan up in the Tourist Office. Wasn’t sure how everyone would take me bringing him into the Hub,” Ianto said, trying hard to forget that he’d already broken that particular rule.

Tosh pursed her lips. “If it was just me… but, yeah, probably best not to bring him down. Why don’t I grab the info we found yesterday and I’ll bring you both up to speed.”

“Thanks, Tosh. Let me just grab a mug for Brendan.”

Tosh grinned at him and headed back to her workstation for her file. There wasn’t really much to go over once they were settled around the counter in the Tourist Office. The Bristol police had acquiesced to Gwen’s request that Owen be allowed to perform the autopsy on Susan Whitted, but insisted that the body be kept in Bristol. Owen was planning to visit the coroner’s office after they questioned the suspected dealer. He hoped some of his more advanced instruments would shed a little light on the effects of the drugs that had killed the young woman and point them in the right direction to stopping further deaths.

The dealer himself they believed was a man named Laurence Brownson. His rap sheet was full of minor offenses and known aliases, but nothing had been serious enough to earn jail time. He was either quite adept at working the system or just incredibly lucky. Ianto hoped it was the latter.

Ianto had ventured down to the Hub for fresh coffee and when he returned, Tosh and Brendan were chatting with one another like old friends.

“Are you serious? What’s their objection?”

“Well, she - thanks, Ianto,” Brendan said, taking the coffee. “She was a Scottish Nationalist. But that’s bullshit. I mean, she was but who cares?”

“That’s it? Your brother must be ready to strangle someone!”

“Sorry, who are we talking about?” Ianto asked.

“Brendan’s oldest brother. He was going to propose to his girlfriend on Valentine’s Day but UNIT is making him wait,” Tosh explained.

“Why does UNIT have a say?”

Brendan spoke up. “It’s like the secret service. They figure we know too much to go home and chat about our day with just anyone. If you want to get married or even live with someone, they have to be vetted. My family, some of Britt’s team, we’ve all gotten hauled in to the City to report on our observations about Jenny and Britt and their relationship - fact-gathering or whatever that arsehole in Intelligence calls it.”

“So UNIT can just tell your brother, ‘Sorry, no, find someone else’?”

“In theory. I’ve never seen it happen, but if this bastard has his way?” Brendan shrugged.

“Your poor brother,” Tosh said sympathetically. “I can’t imagine anyone trying that at Torchwood.”

Ianto snorted. “I wouldn’t have put it past Yvonne Hartman. Perhaps there’s something to be said for keeping your numbers small. Six people in the entire Institute anymore, if you don’t count Torchwood Four, which I don’t.”

“Torchwood Four?” Brendan asked.

“Don’t ask,” Tosh said.

The bell over the door jingled as Gwen came in.

“Good morning. Everyone here?” she asked.

“Except Owen,” Tosh replied.

Gwen snorted. “Typical. Well, I have no idea what equipment he needs so he’ll just have to pack it up himself when he gets here. Ianto, can you please make sure the weapons are ready? I don’t want anyone going in unarmed.”

“Everything in the armory is ready to go at a moment’s notice. Standard issue sidearms?”

“Yes, please.” Gwen turned to Brendan and frowned slightly. “Except… Brendan, I’m not sure I’d be comfortable loaning you a Torchwood weapon.”

Ianto bristled at that, but Brendan just nodded at Gwen. “That’s good because I wouldn’t feel comfortable taking an unfamiliar weapon into the field. I’m technically off duty right now anyway so I’m not authorized to be carrying. If things get exciting, I’ll be sure to duck.”

“You better!” Tosh said with a light smack to his arm as Gwen’s frown relaxed into a smile.

“Good, that’s settled then. Ianto, please tell me there’s coffee?”

“Of course.”

“Great,” Gwen breathed. She paused for a moment, but when no one moved she continued, “I’ll, er… I’ll be down in the Hub if anyone needs me,” Gwen said awkwardly and headed for the open stone wall.

Ianto rolled his eyes and smiled apologetically at Brendan who grinned back at him. “I’ll come with you,” he offered as he set down his mug and followed Gwen. She turned back and smiled brightly at him. “I need to get the weapons sorted.”

“Right, I’ll just keep our guest entertained then,” Tosh said cheerfully with just a hint of mischief.

Ianto darted a warning glance in her direction which just made her grin more. Hoping Brendan would be able to deflect Tosh’s prying, Ianto gave him an encouraging smile. Brendan looked up at him and then dropped his eyes to Ianto’s mouth, the stare as palpable as a kiss. Ianto caught his breath and then turned quickly to follow Gwen through the wall.

While he selected the weapons from the drawers and logged the clips out, Gwen got herself some coffee and then headed to Jack’s office to pick up some folders from the desk. She joined Ianto in the armory, taking her weapon from the counter when he indicated he was finished.

“You’re looking better today, Ianto,” Gwen observed as she expertly checked the weapon before tucking it into the back of her jeans.

“Thanks, I got some sleep. Amazing how much difference that can make.” He was surprised and quite proud of himself when he didn’t blush. Maybe there’s hope for me yet, he thought.

“I’m glad. I was getting worried about you. We all were,” she added hurriedly.

He shifted uncomfortably and made a note on his clipboard. “I know and I owe all of you an apology.”

She made a dismissive sound and picked up her files. “No need. It’s been a hard few weeks - God, it’s almost two months now, isn’t it? Anyway, we’ve all had to find our footing again, right?”

“Right,” Ianto agreed.

“Right,” Gwen said again and then laughed a little. “Well, I’m going to go try Owen’s mobile and tell him he has until half-past and then we’re leaving without him. I’m glad you’re feeling better, Ianto. Really.”

He smiled and nodded at her before turning back to his clipboard. Once he had all the weapons properly logged, he gathered them up and headed back to the Tourist Office. He passed Owen on his way to the lift, pausing for a moment to give the doctor his sidearm and clips. Ianto was grateful that Owen didn’t bother to comment on his improved appearance. Owen merely clapped him on the back as he hurried down to the med bay to get his equipment.

At half-past, they were all situated in the SUV with Owen behind the wheel. Ianto glanced over at Brendan sitting next to him in the backseat and remembered his words once again. This is what we do, this is the fight, Ianto thought. He smiled grimly. And this time we’ve got to win.

TBC in  Chapter Twenty-Four

tothepain, fanfic, jack/ianto

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