Fic: Vizzini's Rule (54/105)

Sep 14, 2008 16:39

Title: Vizzini's Rule, Chapter 54

Rating:  NC-17ish

Warnings:  A little smut at the end…

Spoilers:  Season One thru Random Shoes (1x09) and Season Two for the episode Adrift (2x11)

Disclaimer:  Torchwood and all its wonderfulness belong to Russell T. Davies and the Mighty Beeb. Just goofin' around!

Summary:  In which Ianto offers comfort to the rift victim at Flat Holm...

Notes:  WooHoo!   Last chapter from  Random Shoes!!   Tomorrow?  Out of Time begins the end of season angst-fest.  In other news, all hail the magnificent butterflycell for my awesome new icons!  This chappie (and the whole fic when you get right down to it) is for thrace_adams.  Thanks for all your help, be strong and sorry about the shirt-bashing, sweetie!! :D

Previous Chapters

Vizzini's Rule: Chapter Fifty-Four

The room looked much the same as it had that morning, except the yellow duvet was piled in the corner of the room and the woman they had found was apparently hiding underneath it. Ianto sighed. This was going to be even harder than he thought.

He moved the chair from the desk in the corner of the room and placed it a good eight feet from the yellow bundle. He just sat for several minutes, waiting to see if she would acknowledge his presence. When nothing happened, he began to talk in quiet tones. He didn’t even really know what he was saying, he just kept talking. He told her his name, about his childhood pets, about Lisa (the good parts anyway), about Jack and how he had built this place, about the first time he’d gone to Paris, anything he could think of. His voice was starting to get rough when she finally lowered the duvet to look at him.

He smiled reassuringly and pulled the rosary beads from his pocket. “Do you know these?” he asked softly.

The woman leaned forward eagerly, a light in her eyes. But then she drew back, looking around her, clearly terrified. Ianto spoke again in those same even tones, telling her that she was safe, that no one would harm her here, that she could take the beads, that he had brought them for her.

She tried again and this time managed to take the beads from Ianto’s outstretched hand. She clutched them to her chest, looking at Ianto with tears in her eyes. Then she spoke the only word he had heard her say. “Safe?” she asked.

He nodded, tears shining in his eyes as well. “Safe,” he agreed. He stood up slowly and turned to the door.

“Th-thank you… Ianto,” she whispered.

He turned again and looked at her. He smiled. “You’re welcome.”

“Caro… Caroline,” she whispered even more quietly, pointing at herself.

Ianto’s smile widened. “You’re welcome, Caroline.”

She nodded and then pulled the duvet back over her head. Ianto could hear her murmuring a prayer as he quietly closed the door. He stopped at the nurse station on the way out to tell Trevor that he was leaving and that their newest patient’s name was Caroline.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~
“Where on earth did you go?” Jack asked him an hour or so later.

Ianto had returned to the Hub with high spirits and a big bag of Indian food from Jack’s favorite take-away. He felt so good about his success at Flat Holm that even the sight of Jack’s hideous striped shirt (really need to have the laundry “lose” that, he thought) couldn’t dampen his mood. “Not tonight. I’ll tell you some other time,” he promised as he set the food on the table in the conference room.

Jack just grunted. “Gwen finally showed up. I told her she could have the weekend to see what she could find out about Eugene and that was it.”

“Sounds reasonable,” Ianto said. “Do you expect everyone else in?”

“Probably not,” Jack said through a mouthful of nan. “Owen will use today as an excuse for a long weekend and I’m sure Tosh could use a break too.”

Ianto sat down and dug into his belated dinner. “I could catch up on the filing,” he said between mouthfuls.

Jack cuffed him gently on the back of the head as he sat down beside him. “No you couldn’t,” he said sternly. “If everyone’s off, that means you too.”

“What will I do to entertain myself?” Ianto asked, looking up at Jack through his eyelashes.

Jack laughed and set down his fork. He pulled Ianto out of his chair and into his lap. Sliding one hand around his back and the other up to cup his cheek, Jack drew Ianto close. “If we put our heads together, I’m sure we can think of something.”

Chuckling, Ianto lowered his mouth to Jack’s. “I’m sure you’re right, sir,” he murmured before pressing their lips together in a long, lingering kiss.

Jack seemed to lose all interest in the food, sliding the containers to the end of the table (or off it completely in the case of the lamb vindaloo, as Ianto discovered in the morning). He lifted Ianto off his lap and laid him on the conference table with one of his wicked grins.

“I’m in the mood for dessert first tonight,” he said and promptly kissed Ianto until he was dizzy from lack of oxygen. Jack slid his hands under Ianto’s jumper and then down to unbutton his jeans. He almost purred when he discovered Ianto wasn’t wearing any briefs.

Ianto buried his hands in Jack’s hair as his Captain freed his burgeoning erection from the denim and sucked him into his mouth. Jack went hard and fast, using his hands and his talented mouth to drive Ianto to the brink of orgasm and then over. Through the foggy haze that always surrounded his mind after one of Jack’s blow jobs, it occurred to Ianto that the CCTV cameras were probably still running. But then Jack pulled a bottle of lubricant from somewhere and grinned and Ianto ceased to care.

They finished dinner… eventually and then went straight back to bed where, as Jack had predicted, they were able to keep each other entertained for quite some time.

TBC in Chapter Fifty-Five 
(or you can check out  Watching: A Vizzini's Rule Interlude for Teachwriteslash's birthday

fanfic, jack/ianto

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