Title: Vizzini's Rule, Chapter 43
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Nothing springs to mind
Spoilers: Season One thru Random Shoes (1x9)
Disclaimer: Torchwood and all its wonderfulness belong to Russell T. Davies and the Mighty Beeb. Just goofin' around! All ©’s to Jacquetta May for dialogue and situations borrowed from Random Shoes.
Summary: In which there
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Comments 51
Hey, you'll be in Philly? That's not so far from me! *waves* And my best friends live in Atlanta. Give the city my regards. :) Have fun on vacation and don't worry, we'll all be waiting (im)patiently for new chappies when you return.
Best regards,
Will wave in your general direction when I get to Philly! :) I MIGHT be able to post a little between now and Thursday if my brother (and my niece and nephew!) will allow me a little computer time. *crosses fingers*
Many pics and stories to come once I'm back! :D
You can go on the one condition that you say hi and take pictures mkay? ;)
GDL is the ONLY reason I finally let myself be talked into going. Bring on the crazies and the hot boys!! :D Squee!!
Have fun on vacation anyway. *iz still jealous*
I like this chapter a lot. It's just like Jack to go and say something like that to Ianto. And while I'm a big Janto fan, I wouldn't mind seeing Ianto and Brendan together even if its only for a one night stand or something. It seems like there could be potential there.
Heh, won't spoil anything but I will say this, no matter what happeds in the next few chapters, you know the SUV will need service every three months.... so Brenda may be back!
Jack how dumb can you get?
P.S. Have a wonderful time a DragonCon.
P.S. Thanks!! Will be posting pics and stories when I get back!!
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