[ Teen Wolf ] [ No Other Star 2/3 ]

Jun 01, 2012 11:00

Title: No Other Star
Series: Teen Wolf 2011
Characters/Pairing: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (pre-slash), entire cast of Teen Wolf, original characters
Rating: PG-13
Notes: Teen Wolf and Harry Potter Fusion AU
Warnings: Scenes of physical violence to a minor and use of discriminatory language.

no other star
part 2

"Great," Mr Stilinski rubs his hands in satisfaction. "We’ve covered quite a bit of ground today, congratulations. Let’s move on to the next article, shall we?" He peers at the document through his spectacles. "Let’s see. Article 27. Bonding and marriage. The werewolves are requesting - again - that the Hunters remove the reservation placed against--"

"No," Mr Argent says before Mr Stilinski even has the opportunity to complete his sentence. "The reservation remains."

There is a sustained murmur of discontent from the opposite end of the room.

Mr Stilinski raises his eyebrows. "But I wasn't even done yet, Mr Argent. Could you please allow me to finish at least? As I was saying, the werewolves are requesting that the Hunters remove the reservation placed against article 27-A."

"Yes, yes, we know exactly what you're referring to. 27-A refers to spontaneous bonds between a wolf and human.”

"It's an abomination," Kate argues vehemently, fire flashing in her hazel eyes. "Some of them bond during childhood, even," she says, literally radiating disapproval.

"And that," Mr Whittemore glares at the young Hunter, "Is what makes them special."

"You mean unnatural. I can’t imagine my child shackled to a partner so young," Brandon Silbern, another head of a Hunter clan echoes.

"Spontaneous bonds have a revered place in our society," Siobhan O'Connell, Alpha of the O’Connell family, emphasises the wolves' position on the matter. "We don’t understand why the Hunters perennially raise this objection."

"We are concerned because some wolves," Victoria intones dramatically, "Bond with humans. That is why we find spontaneous bonding problematic."

"They're only problematic because every time a spontaneous bond with a human occurs, the Hunters insist on poking their noses into our business!" Mr Whittemore shoots back.

Over on the werewolf side of the room, there were poorly disguised whispers. Mr Stilinski can plainly hear the soft cries of discontent. "Tristan and Iseult. Layla and Majnun."

"Though I don't see for the life of me why some wolves bond with humans, spontaneous or otherwise." Peter Hale interjects. "They make for such weak mates."

"Shut up, Hale," Mr Whittemore snaps at the older Alpha. "We could do without that sort of thinking right now."

"All right, all right," Mr Stilinski steps in quickly before the situation descended into chaos. "Everybody calm down. Mr Hale, your views on human and wolf relationships are noted, but will not be recorded," he pauses but raises a finger to silence the meeting. "And Mrs Argent, Mr Silbern, I understand that spontaneous bonds are precisely that - spontaneous. Nobody's been able to explain why they happen or how. Not even the wolves. It doesn't seem to be anything they can predict. Are you still saying you want to keep the reservation?"

"Yes," comes the unanimous decision from the Hunters, meeting with dead silence from the werewolves.

Mr Stilinski rubs his jaw, knowing an impasse when he sees one. "Tell you what. Let's adjourn for the day. Let's cool our heads, go back and think about it further. We'll meet again next month to continue debating this Article."

"Where's the new location?" Mr Whittemore asks, because as per tradition, Accords negotiations were never conducted in one fixed place - a holdover from the days when they were held in secret to prevent opposing parties from either side scuppering the delicate discussions. Now, with all the Hunter and werewolf families signed to the Accords, the venues were made public, so that any adult member of the families could register to attend.

"Hogwarts. The Headmistress has agreed to permit us to use the Great Hall." Both parties nod in approval; many families present had children attending Hogwarts. Holding the next round of negotiations at the school would provide the parents among them the opportunity to see their children before the holidays.

“Right. That settles it. Till the next meeting. We'll resume our debate on Article then," Mr Stilinski brings the session to a close with an internal sigh of relief.

Kate carefully picks through her pie, watching Derek through the corner of her eyes where he’s seated three persons away from her across on the opposite side of the breakfast table. The Prefects tended to sit together regardless which of year, which made monitoring Derek’s movements easier for her. Just then, an owl she’s come to recognise as Laura Hale's flies down to settle in front of Derek, dropping a large package near his soup.

Derek pauses in his eating to open the package and read the note inside it. Kate hears an annoyed exclamation from Derek - "Laura!" - before he crumples the note and tucks it into the pocket as he wraps the package up again.

Kate continues her breakfast, smiling at her fellow prefects even as she continues to keep one eye on Derek’s movements. After his meal, she joins the mass of students heading from the Great Hall to their classes, but she notices how Derek breaks away from the other prefects in his year to wade through the Gryffindor crowd.

She watches in bemusement as Derek opens his package, dragging what looks to be a packet of candy to give to Stiles Stilinski. Kate makes a face as she is reminded of Mr Stilinski. The negotiator was hardly on her list of favourite people at the moment. Meanwhile, Stiles seems to be in raptures of delight as he tears the bag open in happiness. He offers what appears to be a fruit sherbet to Derek, chattering at full speed with his mouth stuffed with the newly-acquired treats.

Kate stares, amazed when the usually dour Derek offers what seems to be token resistance before taking the sweet with a patently false scowl. Stiles grins at Derek before waving goodbye to the older boy, rushing to catch up with his friends.

"Ah," Kate thinks to herself as she sees the small smile on Derek's face that he quickly suppresses before he pops the sweet into his mouth. "So that's how it is."

"Ladies and gentlemen," Mr Stilinski shuffles the documents in front of him and reads the relevant section again. "Are we settled? Good. Let’s begin."

"Excuse me, Mr Stilinski," Chris raises a hand and speaks up, "Before we begin this next round, the Hunters would like to make one request."


"As per the protocol, all parties must declare any potential conflicts of interest."

"We've gone through that already, Mr Argent," Mr Stilinski reminds him. "Might I remind you, we’re in the middle of the negotiations now."

"But the Hunters understand that there have been new developments."

Mr Stilinski furrows his brow. "Really?"

There’s a derisive snort from Theodore Chapman, current Alpha of the Chapman family. "The Hunters are just engaging in brinksmanship. Pay them no attention, Mr Stilinski."

"As it is, we're not," Chris parries smoothly, a stern look on his face. "We’ve been given to understand that there is a bonded werewolf in Hogwarts."

There is a murmur of surprise from the opposite side of the room.

"Now?" Mr Stilinski asks Chris. "As in currently?"

"Are you sure about this, Argent?" Mr Chapman rumbles. "We'd know if any of our children have bonded. You can't hide these things. Besides," he looked around to the rest of the wolves present, "It'd be a happy occasion for us."

"And certainly none of the business of the Hunters." Peter points out quickly.

Chris smiles the smile of one who knows he's holding all the cards. "Not if the werewolf in question is bonded to a human."

This time, there is no mistaking the uproar that arises amongst the werewolf families.

Mr Stilinski pounds on the table, "Silence. Silence!" He raises his voice just slightly, demanding their acquiescence. “Mr Argent, that’s a significant update. Are you sure about this?”

"Oh, we are, Mr Stilinski."

"Argent," Peter growls, barely suppressing the menace in his voice, "What are you playing at?”

"Funny you should say that, Hale, considering that it's your nephew we’re talking about," Chris replies, smirking at his erstwhile adversary.

"What?" Peter hisses in fury, "Do you mean by that?"

"Oh, you mean you didn't know?" Kate asks Peter, feigning surprise. "Where is he now, then?"

"My nephew is at the infirmary, where he should be on nights like this," Peter denies the charge strongly. Accord negotiations were held only on the nights of the full moon as a condition set by the original Hunter families. This was when wolves were at the weakest, with the pull of the moon so strong. It also ensured that only the strongest werewolves could attend, as control was considered a sign of strength.

"Then why have I been seeing Derek wandering around the castle unchanged on the nights of the full moon?”

"You lie, you insolent wretch."

"Watch what you say to my sister!"

Mr Stilinski assesses the situation, which is threatening to spiral out of control and swiftly makes a command decision.

"I apologise for this, but the negotiations are suspended," he announces to the assembled crowd. "We cannot proceed any further until this situation with the Hale family is clarified. The Ministry will inform all families as to when we will resume the negotiations. You are all free to leave," he instructs all the Hunters and werewolves present. He gestures to the doors of the Great Hall, unsubtly ushering them out. A few grumbles are heard, but both Hunter and werewolf families begin filing out, many of them casting curious glances at the Hales, speculation already building.

"You too, Mr Argent," Mr Stilinski asserts his authority when he notices the Argent family delaying their departure. "This is strictly a matter for the werewolves now."

"Very well, Mr Stilinski," Chris agrees amiably, satisfied to have proven his point. "But do keep us updated."

The Hall is soon emptied of its occupants, with only a few notable persons left behind.

"I'm staying," Mr Whittemore offers.

"As will I," Siobhan steps forward. A few other Alphas also remain along with their consorts, forming a small crowd around Peter and Mr Stilinski.

"Do any of you know anything about this?" Peter asks, not wasting any time before he launches a verbal attack.

"Hale, we'd know if your nephew bonded to any of our children studying in Hogwarts now, trust me," Mr Whittemore assures Peter. "And we'd have told you. Have you asked his sister? Derek’s pretty close to Laura, isn’t he? Where is she anyway?"

"She’s been delayed," Myles Hale, one of the Hale Betas, explains. "But she'll be here later."

"You can be sure that I will be asking Laura some questions when she does appear."

"Why don't you just ask Derek himself?" Mr Stilinski suggests. "After all, if the Argents' claim turns out to be unsubstantiated, the werewolves will have ample grounds to file a complaint against the Hunters. We can send a messenger to fetch him."

"There’s no need for that," Peter promises grimly before tossing his head back for a howl. It is a low, primitive sound, one that hearkens back to the ancient days when werewolves circled the fringe of society, unwelcome, unwanted and survival depended on the ability of the Alpha to gather his pack as quickly as possible so that they could escape.

It chills Mr Stilinski to the bone, raising the hairs on the back of his neck and curdles the blood in his veins; making him grateful that he is immune to the absolute, unyielding note of command infused in the summons.

It makes him glad that he is human.

The werewolves gathered wait in tense silence for a few minutes, not one person speaking until they hear the doors of the Great Hall open and Derek pads quietly into the Hall accompanied by Dr Deaton.

"I believe you called for Derek, Mr Hale?" the physician asks the Alpha, tone mild as always, one hand placed protectively on Derek’s ruff. He raises his brow at the sight of the empty hall. "Oh dear. What happened?"

"We had to suspend the negotiations," Mr Stilinski begins to explain, but is interrupted by Peter.

"Drop the pretense, Derek," Peter orders his nephew, ignoring Dr Deaton. "The Argents claimed you've bonded. Is this true?"

Derek shakes his head and whines, flattening his ears.

"Do not lie to me!" Peter roars. The scream has no effect on the adult werewolves, but Mr Stilinski is dismayed to see Derek drop to the floor by the force of his uncle's words, legs folding under him. He feels a wave of sympathy for Derek, hating the public show of obeisance the younger man is forced to display.

"For heavens' sake, Hale, calm down," Siobhan reprimands him, shocked at Peter's anger. "He’s just a boy."

"Stay out of our business," Peter snarls but Siobhan pays him no heed.

"Derek, is this true?" she asks, keeping her tone gentle. Derek slinks back on his haunches, but does not respond.

"If he's bonded," Mr Whittemore thinks out loud, "He should be able to change back, shouldn't he?"

Peter walks over to where Derek is huddled on the floor. "Change," he commands, voice icy as the frozen tundra. "Don't make me repeat myself, Derek, or you will suffer the consequences."

Derek looks up at Dr Deaton, who only shakes his head in surrender. He whines low in his throat and stands on all fours, before slowly shifting back to human form. There is a collective gasp from the Alphas, and Mr Stilinski can hear Mrs Chapman exclaiming softly, "Oh my goodness. It’s true after all."

"Who's the lucky girl, Derek?" Mrs Whittemore asks in an encouraging tone. "What a silly boy you are, hiding this from us all along."

"Actually," Derek averts his gaze. "I --"

"Derek?" Siobhan prompts him.

Derek sighs. "He doesn’t come from a werewolf family."

"Oh dear," Mrs Whittemore says sympathetically, as she takes a quick and worried look at Peter.

"I see," Peter says calmly, but Derek can detect the poorly disguised fury in his voice. "Give me the name of the boy."

"What are you going to do if I tell you?" Derek looks up to his uncle, trepidation building up within him.

"That is not for you to know."

"In which case, no thank you, Uncle," Derek flicks a glance at Mr Stilinski.

"This is not open to negotiation." Peter says again, each word like the lash of a whip to Derek as he uses his powers to demand submission. "Tell me his name."

"No," Derek thinks of Stiles and finds within himself the strength to defy his uncle. "Not unless you give me your word that you won’t do anything to him."

Peter casually backhands Derek, making him stumble to the floor. "You are in no position to be making demands of me."

"Fine," Derek scoffs, putting on a veneer of adolescent bravado. "Whatever it is, I'm not telling you.”

"Very well then," Peter remarks coolly, "Don't forget that I have other ways of ensuring your obedience." He jerks his chin at two of his Betas. "Seize him."

Mr Stilinski watches, horrified as Myles and Randall Hale grab Derek by the collar of his uniform and pin his arms behind his back. "Isn't anybody going to do anything?" he asks the Alphas present.

"We cannot interfere," Mr Whittemore concedes regretfully. "You know our laws. And Derek hasn't been harmed.”

"Yet!" Mr Stilinski protests. "Mr Hale, I object to this treatment of your nephew."

Mr Chapman reaches out with one arm to clamp Mr Stilinski by the shoulder. "Mr Stilinski. You must stay out of this."

"But he's --"

"Derek knows the price of disobeying his Alpha."

"He wouldn't have to disobey if Mr Hale was being reasonable."

"Unfortunately, you know how Peter Hale feels about humans."

"Derek's bonded to this boy, whoever he is. Surely Mr Hale can reconcile himself to the fact sooner or later."

"He might not be able to harm Derek's mate," Mr Chapman points out grimly. "But there's very little from stopping Peter from making life difficult for Derek. Peter is the family Alpha after all."

"Then why won’t he just tell his uncle what he wants to know? It's just a name, isn't it?"

"I have no idea," Mr Chapman turns to look at Mr Stilinski. "But there must be something about the boy that makes Derek feel it necessary to hide his identity from us."

"So what can we do now?"

"We wait. And hope that Peter is not too harsh with Derek."

Laura takes the stairs two at a time, cursing the perennially congested London motorways that had made her late for her train.

"Laura Hale!" she hears a voice calling her, urgent and panicked. "Laura Hale!"

"Thaddeus?" she queries, looking up at the portrait. "Good to see you again. It's been a while, hasn't it?" she greets him with a small smile.

"We can talk later. For now, you must hurry," Thaddeus points in the direction of the Great Hall. "Your brother needs you."

"What happened?" Laura feels fear settling like a lead weight in her stomach.

"Peter Hale has found out about your brother," Catherine explains, wringing her hands. "And he has summoned Derek."

"Dammit!" Laura swears. "Who told him?"

"The Argents brought it up before the start of the meeting."

"But how would Chris Argent --" Laura speculates as to the source of the information. “No, wait. Kate Argent. It's got to be her. That bitch!"

"Hush, now is not the time," Catherine reprimands Laura. "Your brother needs you. Your uncle is reacting very poorly to the news."

"Go!" Thaddeus urges her.

Laura shifts to her wolf form and lopes into a run.

"Tell me his name," Peter pops out his claws and digs into Derek's shoulder, careful to keep it shallow enough so as not to draw blood. Derek gasps in pain.


“It’s just a name, Derek,” Peter croons into his nephew’s ear. Derek shuts his eyes and turns away from his uncle’s voice. "Give me his name."


"Why do you insist on making things difficult for yourself?" Peter turns when he hears the doors of the Great Hall open again, only to see Laura barrelling through, changing quickly to human form.

"What is the meaning of this?" Laura demands of the Betas. "Release him."

"Ignore her. Keep that whelp there," Peter countermands Laura’s order. "Remember, I'm the Alpha.”

"Ms Laura--" Myles wavers, his eyes flicking back and forth between Laura and Peter, torn between which person to obey.

"Release him!" Laura repeats, voice rising in rage. "My brother is not an animal to be restrained."

"Don't you dare question my orders."

"I'd follow them if they made any sense." Laura sneers, her eyes briefly flashing from blue to red. "What did Derek do?"

"Your brother," Peter spits out venomously, "Has bonded to a human. Did you know of this?"

Laura darts a look at Derek, who only shakes his head at her. Realising that their secret was out in the open, she squares her shoulders and faces her uncle head-on. "And so what if I did?"

"You knew and you didn't think to tell me?"

"Why should I? It's none of your business."

"It's my business when your brother’s decided to sully his heritage in such a fashion."

"Oh please," Laura dismisses Peter’s words. "All that nonsense about making sure the family line stays pure. Move with the times, Uncle. Mother and Father never had a problem with humans the way you did. I'll bet they’d have been happy for Derek," she sniffs, invoking the memory of her late parents.

"I am the Alpha now, not your father. The both of you are part of my pack and you will obey me."

Laura draws a deep breath, ready to argue her point further when they hear the doors creaking open again.

"Why are we having visitors now?" Mr Whittemore grouses, preparing to throw the interloper out but stops when he sees who it is.

"Stiles?" Mr Stilinski enquires, incredulous.

"Dad? What’s going on?" Derek stiffens in worry at the sight of Stiles. "Where's everybody? Aren’t you supposed to be having the meeting now?"

"Stiles," Mr Stilinski asks again, inviting his son to come closer. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I sort of heard something calling me to come here?"

Mr Stilinski looks at Stiles carefully. "Son, nobody called you."

"Really?" Stiles stares at his father, confused. "Well, that's funny. I could have sworn I heard somebody asking me to come."

"What did you hear, Master Stilinski?" Siobhan asks.

Mr Stilinski notices how all the other Alphas have fallen quiet, listening to what Stiles had to say. Stiles draws back a little, bemused at the attention he was receiving. "Well, I have to admit, it’s not like I actually heard anything."

"You didn't?" Mr Whittemore asks.

"No..." Stiles squints, looking up at the ceiling. "It was more of a feeling, actually. Something telling me I had to come. Wow, that is strange." Stiles looks around him, his gaze settling on Derek. "Wait. Why are you holding him like that?" Stiles glares at the two Betas. "What did he do?"

"None of your bloody business," Derek grits through his teeth. "Just go."

"How friendly!" Stiles exclaims, miffed. "And here I am because I thought you needed me."

"Why would Derek need you here?" Mr Stilinski asks, astonished. "Stiles, you're not making any sense."

"Stiles, you idiot, just leave," Derek yells. "Dammit, just go."

"Stiles," Laura manages to get a word in, "Listen to Derek, please."

"Why should I? And why is everybody looking at me strangely?" Stiles steps closer to his father, feeling uneasy at the considering looks all the Alphas were giving him. "Dad?"

"It's you," Peter inhales deeply, finally joining the dots together. "Stilinski's brat?" he rounds on Derek, radiating fury from every pore of his body. "Of all people to choose, it was Stilinski's?"

"Wait, what? What are you saying?" Mr Stilinski stares at Derek, jaw agape. "My son? You’ve been trying to protect my son?"

"Mr Stilinski," Dr Deaton pulls Mr Stilinski and Stiles away. "I'd advise you to take Stiles--"

He doesn’t have the chance to finish his sentence when Peter shifts, knocking Mr Stilinski out of the way and pushes Stiles to the floor all in one swift movement. There is a shriek of pain when Peter extends his claws and presses his paw into Stiles’ right shoulder, followed by the sickening sound of his head hitting the floor and bones breaking. Derek moans in sympathetic pain at the sight of the younger boy injured.

"No! Stiles!" Derek screams, thrashing in the grip of his uncle’s Betas, struggling to reach Stiles. "Let me go!"

Peter growls and turns to face the stupefied audience; his bloodlust palpable to all present. He drags Stiles with him like a shield, digging his claws even deeper into the boy’s flesh. Mr Stilinski watches in horror as Stiles' blood tracks across the floor, hands itching for a sidearm that he does not possess any more, cursing his inability to do anything to save his own son from the crazed beast Peter Hale had become.

Mr Whittemore and Mr Chapman both shift, bodies tense in preparation for an attack. The two Alphas circle Peter cautiously, who only clutches Stiles closer. Stiles lolls like a ragdoll in Peter’s grasp, his blood staining Peter’s paws red. Siobhan and Dr Deaton tug Mr Stilinski from where he is trying to reach his son.

"Don’t let Peter Hale get you too, Mr Stilinski," Siobhan coaxes him even as he struggles against their grasp. "Let us handle him."

"Stiles," Derek cries out again, voice broken in agony. "Laura," he begs his sister.

Peter turns to Laura then, and he bares his teeth at her aggressively, daring her to approach. She glares back at him in defiance and shifts, leaping agilely over Mr Whittemore and Mr Chapman to close in on Peter. He pushes her away with ease but her attack serves its purpose; Peter is distracted for long enough to have to release Stiles. Mr Whittemore quickly darts behind him and drags Stiles to safety where Dr Deaton and Mr Stilinski run to Stiles’ aid.

"I'll get help,” Mrs Chapman offers. "What do you need, Dr Deaton?"

"Bring my assistants here, please," the physician requests, already initiating early treatment on Stiles, hands moving slowly and carefully as he tends to his wounds. "And ask the Headmistress to contact St Mungo’s. Their physicians need to come here, he's too injured to be moved."

"I'll go now," Mrs Chapman promises. She casts one last worried look at Laura and Peter before leaving.

"You sick bastard," Laura says through her teeth, changing back to human form and Peter follows suit. "He's just a child."

"He's human," Peter says the word like it’s a curse.

"Nothing wrong with being human."

"Never in our family."

"When I am Alpha, I will change that," Laura swears.

"You forget, I am the Alpha."

"Not if I have my way."

"Is this a Challenge?" Peter snarls.

"Do you want it to be?"

"As if you dare. You are still a child," Peter sneers.

"I am of age. There are four Betas from our family present," Laura ignores his insult. “And more than three other Alphas from allied families. The quorum is met."

"You know the old laws," Peter acknowledges grudgingly.

"Just following your advice, Uncle. I studied our history."

Mr Stilinski watches the developments, rapt despite his growing worry over Stiles. A Challenge was issued when a younger Alpha wished to overthrow the leadership of a reigning Alpha. In the past, Challenges were common, when brute strength determined the leadership and success of a pack. With time, they had fallen out of fashion, with packs planning their succession in a more ordered manner.

"You would leave your brother alone in the world?" Peter taunts Laura.

"Laura, no," Derek screams at his sister from where he's still pinned down by his uncle’s Betas, struggling wildly underneath their restraints. "Don't!"

Mr Whittemore stares back and forth between the two warring werewolves, comprehension dawning upon him as he realises Peter's intent. "Come now, Hale, surely there is no need to go to that extreme. A simple duel will suffice."

"Don't worry, Mr Whittemore," Laura scoffs, putting on a brave front though Mr Whittemore can see the slight tremble of her lip. "I'm up for it, if the old man is."

"To the death?"

Laura bares her teeth at her uncle. "To the death, then," she agrees before shifting again.

Mr Stilinski watches, horrified and spellbound as the two wolves charge at each other.

"Stay," Siobhan O’Connell sidles up to Mr Stilinski and whispers into his year. "Stay and watch."

"But my son," Mr Stilinski looks at where Dr Deaton is gathering Stiles onto a stretcher, his wounds still bleeding freely, blood now soaking the front of the physician's robes.

"Is in the good hands of Dr Deaton," Siobhan says calmly. "You cannot do anything to help. But it is your duty to witness this duel to the end," she turns to pin Mr Stilinski with a steely stare, green eyes flashing with emotion. "There has not been a Challenge in any of our families for decades."

"Besides,” Siobhan continues, crossing her arms, lips pulled back in a bloodthirsty grin when Laura rakes her claws across Peter's flank, drawing a spray of blood. "She is doing this not only for her brother," she advises Mr Stilinski, though her eyes are still fixed on the sight of the two wolves grappling with each other. "She is doing this for your son too."

"Will she win?" Mr Stilinski asks, feeling his throat constrict in fear. Laura looked big enough in her wolf form, though he was no expert on such matters, but Peter was bigger still, and had the advantage of greater mass and experience.

"It is hard to tell. Peter is right. She is too young for a Challenge," Siobhan muses. "But she has cause to fight. That may be enough." She gives Mr Stilinski an arch look. "You should be honoured that she would risk her life this way."

Laura pants, trying to catch her breath, grimacing at the taste of blood in her mouth as she looks down on her uncle.

"Clever," he wheezes, and she can hear the blood pooling in his lungs, drowning him by the second. The end was nigh for Peter Hale. "You had always been the smarter one. I knew I had to watch out for you."

"It didn't have to come to this," she says regretfully, taking another deep breath, wincing as she holds up her right arm with her left, feeling the broken bones there. "If you had just said 'yes', we would have obeyed."

"A human," Peter reiterates, feeling his power fade, flowing from him to Laura. "Never in my family," he says again.

"They're not your family anymore," she reminds him, smiling grimly in triumph when she sees Peter's eyes close and his breathing cease.

"I claim leadership of the Hale family through blood contest," she declares for the audience, her words ringing across the Great Hall, wiping her bloody mouth with the back of her hand, eyes flashing red.

All the Hales present drop to their knees immediately upon hearing Laura's words, acknowledging their new Alpha. Afterward, Derek rushes to his sister's side, hugging her tightly.

"Thank you," he whispers into her ear.

"It's over," she promises him, closing her eyes against the prick of tears she can feel forming.

"The Whittemores welcome Laura Hale," Mr Whittemore intones solemnly after Derek and Laura break apart, Derek supporting his sister by the waist.

"The Chapmans welcome Laura Hale."

Laura acknowledges her fellow Alphas silently with a nod as Mr Stilinski watches and keeps his silence, recognising the ceremony for what it is.

"The O'Connells welcome Laura Hale," Siobhan says, last. She moves to kiss Kate on the cheek, heedless of Kate’s current physical condition. "Congratulations, sister. That was well done."

"Thank you," Laura whispers, swaying a little on her feet from exhaustion.

"I'll inform the rest of the families," Mr Whittemore tells Laura. "And with your permission, two of your Betas can come with me and we can handle Peter for you. I'm sure Derek will want to be with young Stilinski."

"That would be good," Laura agrees, giving him a look of pure gratitude. "Go with him," she orders Myles and Randall. "Keep me updated on the arrangements." She notes with satisfaction how they move to obey her without question, already accepting of the change in leadership in the family. "Harold and Agnes, with me, please."

"You need medical treatment too," Siobhan reminds her. "Come, let's go. You too, Mr Stilinski."

The four of them walk slowly towards the infirmary, leaving the body of Peter Hale behind.

Part 3

derek/stiles, teen wolf

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