Heroic Dramatics Bonus Content

May 23, 2015 06:01

Many thanks to everyone who contributed to this project!

First, from trulyamindlost, this lovely mix, which can be downloaded here

1. That’ll Never Be Me: from “Now.Here.This.”

If only I were stronger
If only I were braver
I would break these ties and be free
I could finally be the person
That I wanna be
But that’ll never be me, I know

“Look, kid,” the agent said. “You’ve got nothing going for you. You’re not pretty enough to be eye candy, you’re not talented enough to be a lead, you’re too distinctive to be an extra, and you’re not weird enough to be comic relief. Face it. You’re never going to be an actress, no matter how much bleach you put in your hair. So go inflate your tits and be a waitress or something, cause your future isn’t here.”
“She seriously said that?” 80s Chick sputtered, gesticulating furiously with her fork. “That’s totally bogus!”
“Maybe she’s right,” Spoonette sighed. “And I should just quit now. I mean…not a bad gig here, really. I get by, anyway.”
Spoony shook his head. “Don’t listen to her,” he said. “You are pretty enough for the movies.”

2. Some Nights: fun.

This is it, boys, this is war
What are we waiting for?
Why don’t we break the rules already?

“How did you end up 1A?” she asked furiously. “Your heart isn’t strong enough for caffeine, let alone battle!”
“It’s the Space Corps. You don’t have to physically fight as much, just shoot. They’ll probably give me a cushy position as the transport operator or something.”
“You can’t go!”
He shook his head sadly. “If I just dodge draft, I’ll go to jail,” he pointed out. “And then you girls will be left alone anyway.”
Spoonette spent the first week trying to think of a solution. The second week, she had come up with the only one she could. She went to a costuming shop and bought a pair of extra-sharp scissors, one box of dark-brown hair dye and one of blonde, and a good chest binder.

3. Alex Theme: from “Silent Hill: Homecoming”

The shadow cast before me
I walk inside your circle
Protect me, correct me
You got your orders, soldier

… she looked in the mirror. Same green eyes. Same slender build. Same stupid over-sized nose. With her hair cut and darkened back to its natural color, she looked exactly like him.
She checked her watch. Three AM. To get to the Space Corps headquarters, she would have to leave by 4:30. Might as well go before she could change her mind.
Spoony’s suitcase was by the door. She hated taking his things, but she had to. His life was more important.

4. Army: Ben Folds Five

Well, I thought about the army
Dad said son, you’re fuckin’ high

“Hey, dude!” the teenager said in a voice that was a bit too loud and way too enthusiastic. “Comicron-One, right?”
“Yeah,” Spoonette said. “You get drafted or did you sign up?”
“Drafted,” he said. “Just my luck that there’d be a threat the moment I turned eighteen.”
“Yeah,” Spoonette agreed. “They should’ve called someone older.”
The boy shrugged. “Just as well. I wasn’t going anywhere. Probably would have signed up eventually.”

5. Just One of the Guys: Jenny Lewis

No matter how hard I try
To be just one of the guys
There’s a little something inside
That won’t let me

Spoonette sighed as she entered the room and set her bag on the bed closest to the door. She had figured she would have to share a room and had already prepared a number of ways to avoid detection, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t annoying.

6. It’s Our Little Secret: from “Promises, Promises”

It’s our little secret
Little secret, little secret
I’m gonna buy me a hat
And keep our secret under that

She looked at him pleadingly. “Please don’t turn me in, Oscar. I don’t want Spoony to get in trouble…”
“Hush. I’ll help you. Cover for you. Whatever you need.”
“Really?” She knew there had to be a catch. “In exchange for what?”
“If we get out of this in one piece, you let me buy you dinner when we’re back in LA.”
Spoonette thought for a moment. It wasn’t the worst thing he could have asked for, and she was going to need help. “Okay,” she said.
“Excellent!” Linksano cackled.

7. This Sacred Line: from “Silent Hill: Homecoming”

Different day and another wall
Order shifts, tumbles down
Standing strong with your sacred line
With your cold sacred line

90s Kid swallowed heavily before gripping the pole and starting to climb. It was only a few seconds before he lost his grip and fell.
“Step back,” Linkara ordered. “Next!”
One by one, the soldiers stepped up to try. All fell.
Spoonette was the last to go up, steadfastly keeping her eyes on the task and not on Linkara’s pretty blue eyes. The pole was slick, high and Spoonette was barely off the ground before she slipped.

8. Something to Die For: The Sounds

When something’s right, then something is worth to die for
When I feel that something is wrong, then something is worth to fight for
Don’t say goodbye, just leave an open door
I wanna hear you say you’ll give me something to die for

“Everyone has someone back home…a wife, a mother, a sister, a brother, a child…a father…none of us wanted to leave them. But we had to. They need us out here.”
Spoonette nodded. “Yes, sir,” she muttered. They reached the bridge and stood, looking out across the stars. She took a moment before she dared to ask. “What about you, sir? Who did you leave behind?” At his surprised look, she blushed and added, “If…if it’s not impertinent of me to ask…”
“I lied,” he admitted. “We don’t all have someone…well, not back home.” He sighed sadly. “My parents were both in the Space Corps when it first started, so I was always going to join up. They died in the Mech War when I was sixteen. After that, Admiral Finevoice took me in. He trained me, and I saved him in the war…he’s my only family now.”
“I’m sorry,” Spoonette said.
He shook his head. “Still,” he said. “It’s something. I’m not alone…remember that, Antwiler.” His eyes bore deep into hers. “You are never alone.”

9. Team: Lorde

Not very pretty, but we sure know how to run things
…and you know we’re on each other’s team

Linkara said yesterday that we’re a unit. That means we have to work together.”
*I agree,* the Ninja Style Dancer wrote. *We are a team and we will succeed or fail together.*

10. Labor of Love: from “Star Trek”


“Kid! Can you hear me?”
“I hear you, Admiral,” Linkara called. “What’s happening?”
“I hate to do this, Kid, but…we need you in sector seven as soon as you can get here. We’ve held them back so far, but they’re wearing us down.”
“On our way.” Linkara nodded to Pollo, who hovered over to get the ship moving.
“Keep communications open as long as you can. I don’t want to-damn it, Walker, hold that door!-I don’t want to leave you in the dark.”
“Harvey, what’s going on?” Linkara asked, his voice cracking.
“They’ve breached the lower decks.” Linkara could hear the regret in Harvey’s voice. “I’m sorry, Kid. But you’re gonna have to save the world.”
There was a loud bang from the intercom. “Get to Sector Seven!” Harvey yelled. There were several explosions, several swear words, and then static.
“Harvey? Harvey!”

11. Into the Fire: from “The Scarlet Pimpernel”

Never hold back your step for a moment
Never doubt that your courage will grow
Hold your head even higher
And into the fire we go

“All troops, report to the bridge! All troops to the bridge!”
Spoonette stood beside Linkara as the men came in and fell into formation. She moved to take her place in the ranks, but Linkara shook his head.
As soon as the men had assembled, Linkara began to speak. “We’re moving out,” he announced. “To our knowledge, we are all that remains of the Space Corps, which means we’re going to meet Vyce head on. We will be fighting long and hard, and if we can’t hold them back, we’ll at least give them something to remember us by.” He paused, looking down at his small, ill-prepared army. “I’m sorry,” he said. “It’s been an honor to be your captain.”

12. The Phoenix: Fall Out Boy

Put on your war paint…
Hey young blood, doesn’t it feel
Like our time is running out?
I’m gonna change you like  remix
Then I’ll raise you like a phoenix

“What are you doing?” he demanded.
“I’m going to destroy the flagship,” she said. “Here.” She handed Linkara her gun. “I’ll drive, you shoot.”
“Do you know how to work this thing?” Linkara asked.
“No,” she admitted. “But how hard can it be?” She hit a button and discovered that the machine was, in fact, equipped with a gun of its own. “Hold on!”

13. Wounded Warsong: from “Silent Hill 4: The Room”


A sudden blast came from below. Spoonette cried out as her chest burned, but she didn’t fall. She had to keep going…but her arms weren’t working, she couldn’t move…
But the rope was being pulled up, they were moving. She just had to hold on.
She felt a warm hand grasp her wrist and pull her up. She fell on solid ground, the burning in her chest spreading through her entire body. She could hear people talking but they weren’t making sense and she couldn’t see or feel anything but pain and someone was screaming but she didn’t know who…
Then someone picked her up and everything went black.

14. Serenity: from “Serenity’


“Tell them that I have named Eleanor Antwiler Captain of Comicron-One.”
Spoonette blinked. “What?”
“You heard me,” Linkara said. “If I’m anywhere near as brave and honorable as you say, you’re fifty times above that. By all rights, you should be the Admiral, but I’m not going to argue with Washington.”

15. Everybody Wants to Rule the World: Lorde

There’s a room where the light won’t find you
Holding hands while the walls come tumbling down
When they do I’ll be right behind you

Linkara’s face was expressionless. “I don’t want you to go,” he said. “Is there any other way?”
“Several,” Spoonette admitted. “But this is the best way. If all goes well, only two of us have to die. And what’s two against billions?”
“I’d prefer it to be zero.” His eyes bored into hers. “Especially if it means losing my captain.”

16. Skyscraper: Demi Lovato

Go on and try to tear me down
I will be rising from the ground
Like a skyscraper…like a skyscraper

“You are strong,” Vyce acknowledged. “You could have been a great warrior.”
“What do you mean, could have been?” Spoonette asked. “I am a great warrior.”
Vyce aimed his wrist at her and fired a laser blast from a mounted gun. It hit Spoonette’s left knee and she fell, her hand flying out instinctively. She heard a sickening crack from her wrist as she hit the shingles. Her whole body hurt now, but she struggled to her feet again. Her leg trembled, but she remained standing.
“You cannot keep getting up forever,” Vyce said.
“Watch me,” Spoonette snapped. She managed to pull a small knife from her pocket and held it out, ready to fight.
Vyce aimed again and hit her other knee, but this time she stayed standing in spite of the pain. She forced her tears back. She would not show weakness in front of him.
“You try my patience,” he said.
“You try mine.” Her legs couldn’t possibly hold her much longer…
Vyce seemed to hesitate, considering her. “Who are you, girl?”
She smiled. “My name is Eleanor Abigail Antwiler,” she said. “Commonly known as Spoonette, Captain of Comicron-One, Third Girl in Bar in Buzzkill IV, sister to Noah Antwiler, and the person who is going to kick your ass.”

17. Who I Am: Jessica Andrews

Sometimes I’m clueless and I’m clumsy
But I’ve got friends that love me
And they know just where I stand
It’s all a part of me
And that’s who I am

…I guess I’ll go back to LA…get on with my life…see if I can be an actress now with a huge scar on my chest that keeps me out of the B-movies.” She didn’t sound happy even to herself.
“Do you want to go back?” he asked.
“No,” she admitted. “But what else am I going to do?”
Linkara looked hopeful. “You could stay here,” he said. “We have to rebuild the Space Corps, but when we do, we’ll need someone who can command a ship…and you’re the best captain we’ve ever had.” He smiled. “So…when you’re better…maybe you could reenlist…as yourself this time.”
She looked at him for several minutes. “Two conditions,” she said. “First, you are going to have dinner with me next week when I’m released.”
He raised his eyebrows. “That doesn’t seem appropriate,” he said. “Me being your commanding officer and all.”
“Is anyone going to care?” she asked.
“Probably not,” Linkara admitted. “All right. What’s the second condition?”
She smiled at him. “I choose my own crew.”
He smiled back. “Agreed.”

Next, from robynred:

artist notes: I admit I got a little indulgent with Spoonette's civilian outfit here. Look, let's just assume this is a universe where the 80s never died, okay?? Also I doubt they would ever allow those bangs in the army, not even fictional space army. I'm still happy with how this turned out, I hope the writer likes it. ^^

And finally, from lizynob, another piece of art:

Artist's note: Obviously this isn't Spoonette's super decorated ceremonial uniform, but something a bit more standard for everyday wear. The story doesn't say whether she went back to dying her hair at the end, but I got the sense that by that point, she was comfortable enough with her natural look to not mind.

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character: dr. linksano, character: linkara, art, character: spoonette, big bang, tgwtg

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