Official Duties Part Four

Mar 20, 2014 08:41

Title: Official Duties
Characters: Linkara, Rachel, Spoony, Ashens, Mike Michaud, OCs
Rating: R
Warnings: Language, violence
Summary: Linkara takes Rachel on her first mission.
Notes: Takes place in the Denny’s Court verse after “ The Nice and Accurate Stories of Sursum Ursa, Witch.” Rachel created by
achika_chan. Used by permission.

Part One | Part Two | Part Three

Meanwhile, Rachel returned to the office, where Linkara and Spoony were still arguing over their map.

“So you're proposing we ask Smarty to work his day job for six hours and then go out patrolling the border for another seven?” Linkara asked. “That's a bit unfair.”

Spoony sighed. “Well, who else do you have in mind then?”

Linkara paused. “Good point,” he muttered. “We are kind of running out of people...but having someone who's exhausted patrolling won't help much.”

Rachel stood there listening, trying to think of a solution that would help their problem.

Spoony sighed again. “I suppose I can put Nora and Alex on it, though they're very easily distracted...”

Linkara thought. “Maybe someone can go with them, three is a safer number if we're getting random vampires coming in...”

Rachel decided it was time to step in. “Um...excuse me? My Lord?”

Spoony looked up, looking annoyed or at least frustrated. “What is it, Bella?”

Rachel swallowed. No matter how long she was in the Court, she would never be good at talking to Spoony. “Well, um, we did just pick up a good man...and the hospital's going to be shut down for a bit while the police investigate, right? So maybe we can ask him if he'd like to work the border patrol? If...if you think it would be a good idea,” she finished in a rush.

Spoony raised his eyebrows. “You mean that doctor guy?”

Rachel nodded. “Yes, sir...he did kill one of the vampires and he held up well under pressure.”

Spoony considered her. “Yeah, but that was in self-defense and he seemed very apprehensive about it. You think we can count on him to actually straight out attack anymore creatures?” he asked.

Rachel bit her lip. “Well...I think...if there are other people with him...if there has to be an attack, he can run a message back to us while the others fight...or...something...I'm sorry, I shouldn't have presumed to advise you.”

Spoony looked over at Linkara. “You were there, what do you think?”

Linkara thought for a moment. “He did do well under pressure, yeah, and I've never seen anyone who isn't a Slayer take down a vampire faster. I'd have to talk to him a bit more to make any sort of judgment, though.”

Rachel spoke up again. “And...he is a doctor too. If that helps any.”

Spoony nodded. “I will consider the matter...speak to him a bit more, see what he thinks.” He looked thoughtful, then shook his head. “What about you, Bella?” he asked. “Linkara said you made your first kill do you feel?”

Rachel looked a bit surprised, but answered. “It was...well she said some things that kinda....upset me’s hard to think about.”

Spoony nodded. “I've noticed that with young Slayers. They're always so shocked when they actually slay something.” He smiled at her. “Still, you are to be congratulated. You took her down very neatly and held up magnificently through the mission. I think this calls for celebration! Is there anything you want?”

Rachel looked even more surprised. “ cream?” she finally said.

Spoony grinned. “Ice cream it is! Come on, coming, Linkara?”

Linkara shook his head. “I'll stay here in case the doctor needs anything. You two have fun.”

Spoony shrugged. “Suit yourself, we'll bring you back a pint of something nice...”

Linkara smiled. “Okay, take care you two.” He kissed Spoony good bye and watched them leave before heading upstairs to the door leading to Dr. Ashens's guestroom and gently rapping on the door. “Dr. Ashens?”

"Whoever you are do come in,” Ashens called.

Linkara did so, closing the door behind him. "I'm sorry to bother you Dr. Ashens," he said. "We discussed matter with Spoony, we have a proposition for you".

Ashens leaned against the bath, looking intensely at Linkara. "I'm curious of what you want of me," he replied.

Linkara took a breath. “Well, we were discussing…that is, until we can mend the threshold we need some extra hands on border patrol and seeing how you proved how well you can handle yourself in an emergency situation…maybe you could accompany some of us on a patrol duty?” he asked.

Ashens raised his eyebrows. “And what exactly does that entail? I'm not usually eager to start fights, Slayer.”

Linkara nodded. “Well, yeah I now that. We're not asking you to start any fights but you are quick to slither on foot, if you don't mind me saying so, and well...your medical skills might come in handy.”

“Go on?” Ashens asked.

“Basically, we just need more people keeping an eye out for other problems that could come in and your name came up since our Court's already run thin,” Linkara finished.

Ashens considered him for a moment. “What benefits would there be for me in serving vampires?” he asked.

Linkara shrugged. “You can start racking up favors with Spoony, move up the social ladder, and after a while, you'll be able to ask him for anything you want.”

Ashens nodded. “I may have to think about it. As of the moment, most vampires aren't my favorite creatures right now.” He thought a moment. “But...I take it I can't really go back to the hospital for a while....can I?”

Linkara shook his head. “Not until the police have finished with their investigation into the ‘terrorists’ who tore the place apart. And I know you don't like vampires, necessarily, but it's never a bad thing to have Spoony's favor.”

“That is true,” Ashens said. “But like I said...I'm a healer, not a killer. Can you let me sleep on it tonight?”

“Sure.” Linkara turned to leave. “But think about this, too, Doctor...those vampires tonight aren't the only ones who want to screw us over. If anything else gets into the city unhindered, there could be thousands of lives at stake.”

Ashens pondered on it. The slayer was right, he could save human and non-human lives, even if it was as a servant of the vampires. It would also result in him losing the anonymity he built up over the centuries. "Like I've said, I will think about your offer.”

Linkara nodded. “That is fair enough, it has been a pretty hard night for us. I will leave you to finish up and have the maid clean the blood off for you.” He leaned down and picked up the clothes that are in a neat little pile in a corner of the bath. “So when does your tail…I mean…How long does the transformation usually last on Saturdays?”

“By Sunday morning it should be gone,” Ashens answered. “But then I will also give you your answer, Linkara.” The slayer turned to leave until the doctor stopped him. “And Linkara, I want to thank you again for your help back there.”

Linkara smiled. “Just doing my job, Doctor.” He left the room, leaving Dr. Ashens to think.

oc: rachel, character: ashens, character: spoony, character: linkara, fanfic, character: other, character: oc, series: the denny's court, tgwtg

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