Official Duties Part Two

Mar 19, 2014 09:30

Title: Official Duties
Characters: Linkara, Rachel, Spoony, Ashens, Mike Michaud, OCs
Rating: R
Warnings: Language, violence
Summary: Linkara takes Rachel on her first mission.
Notes: Takes place in the Denny’s Court verse after “ The Nice and Accurate Stories of Sursum Ursa, Witch.” Rachel created by
achika_chan. Used by permission.

Part One

Upstairs, the leader looked up. “Sounds like we've got company,” he said. “Bring the prisoners down!”

Two of the vampires each grabbed a random human, ones who were still alive and healthy enough to walk on their own.


“GLADLY!” Linkara yelled back. “BECAUSE I DON'T KNOW IF YOU'VE HEARD, But I AM A MAN!!!!!!” He took out his gun and headed for the elevator with Rachel taking out her stakes and following after him.

“Why did you have to remind him that you are in fact, male?” Rachel asked as they went up.

Linkara shrugged. “I don't know. It’s just what I do...snappy catch-phrases come as an added perk.”

Rachel rolled her eyes and fell silent.

Upstairs in an examination room, Clarice and another vampire were tying the doctor they took down to a chair. He wanted to struggle and break free but Clarice had a knife at his throat to make him more compliant. “Doctor…Ashens is it?” she said, looking at his name tag. “Are you scared of me? Be honest, I love it when men are terrified of me.” She smiled wickedly.

“Yes!” Doctor Ashens exclaimed. “I am extremely terrified of you!”

“Good,” Clarice said. “Maybe if you survive it, you and I can get to know each other a little better.”

Ashens glared at her. “You are a crazy vampiress that threatens helpless little girls! I don't want to be alone with you ever!”


As Rachel and Linkara were walking stealthily in the hospital corridor, they heard a cry from the end of the corridor. Rachel got out her weapon and was about to start running when she was grabbed by the shoulder. "Don't rush in," he told her in a hushed voice "You will run right into their trap and be disadvantaged". Linkara stared at the horizon "Let them come to us".

“But, what if there is more of them than there are of us?” Rachel asked.

“I know numbers are intimidating right now,” Linkara said calmly. “But a good Slayer knows when to work with the odds to their favor in emergency situations. Just follow my lead.”

“Okay...” She swallowed and took a defensive stance beside her mentor. “I hope they aren't too vicious...”

They walked down the hall way of the third floor where Malous told them to meet and the vampire emerged. He was a tall, powerfully built vampire holding a pair of guns and looking very stern and angry, flanked by three other vampires. He stood in the hallway waiting for Linkara to get closer.

“Greetings Slayer,” Malus said quietly. “I'm glad you could show up. I hope the ambiance didn't scare your little friend away?” He chuckled.

Rachel glared. “I'm not afraid of you! Now let go of the hostages or else!”

Malus laughed again. "Or else what sub-slayer ?"

“We shove a stake through your heart and make you choke on your own blood!” Rachel answered.

“Go ahead and try,” Malus said. “But remember, I have the upper hand here!”

Suddenly, he whistled and two other vampires escorted three hostages out of a room with guns to some of their heads. “Do you remember my terms,” Malus asked. “Or should I refresh your memory, Slayer?”

“I remember your letter, yeah.” He studied the hostages. One female doctor in her late 40s, one elderly male patient who looks like he'll keel over of a heart attack at any second, and one teenage girl with her arm in a cast and sling. “So what do you want me to do to save them? You kill me, you'll kill them just like you did with all the others.”

“You and your kind will pay for the crimes they have enacted on my people,” Malus said. “I want you to surrender, Slayer.”

“I think you've forgotten. I'm not just the Slayer here,” Linkara said. “I'm the Consort. And how do you know that I don't have my Lord and his Court waiting just outside to kick your ass as soon as I give the word?”

“I've already prepared for it,” Malus answered smoothly. “I will make you watch while I kill these hostages in front of you...slowly, agonizingly, ripping every limb from their bodies. And if you still don't give in...I have another leverage tied up...but I will spare these mortals, especially the girl, if you surrender and die for your crimes.”

Linkara studied him carefully, then turned to Rachel. “Rachel, what were you taught to do in a dangerous hostage situation involving vampires?” he asked calmly, as though this was just a lesson.

Rachel stared at him. “Um...” She thought for a moment. “Safety of the hostages goes first before the attack on the vampire captors. Don’t act irrationally and don't underestimate the attackers.”

“Right,” Linkara nodded. “That's what the textbook says. But you know what I say to do?”

Rachel shook her head. “What?”

“Have good aim.” He whirled around, aimed his gun carefully, and shot Hawthorn perfectly between the eyes.

Rachel gasped. The hostages hit the floor as Malus opened fire on Linkara and Rachel, who ducked out of the way and behind equipment to use as cover as Linkara shot back at him. Rachel took out a silver throwing knife and threw it at another vampire with a gun to the head of the female doctor and pulled out a second one to throw at Rigel, who ended up with a knife shoved into his eyesocket.

Linkara grinned at her. “Good work!” He shot at Malus again but missed. “Get them out and then go get the last one.”

“Right!” She moved quickly, getting to the hostages and leading them out of the fray to safety. “Where is the nearest exit in this place?” she asked them.

The female doctor was helping the old man, but still managed to answer calmly. “Down the hall to the left, last door at the end. It’s a fire exit that leads downstairs. “

Rachel nodded. “Okay, I will cover you guys while you head there. It will be okay.”

The teenaged patient tugged on the doctor's arm and signed something one-handed.

“Dr. Ashens will be fine,” the doctor said. “The nice man back there will save him.”

“Dr. Ashens?” Rachel asked.

“The doctor that they took with them,” the elderly patient said. “They apparently stuck him in a different room somewhere.....not sure…”

“Don't worry,” Rachel said. “Once I get you guys out of here, I will find him. Come on.” Rachel accompanied the hostages until they were near enough the exit, thus safe. “Okay. Get as far from here as possible. Don't tell anyone what really happened. Just say they were random insane humans. There should be police nearby, so talk to them.”

“Thank you,” the doctor said. “Please be careful.”

Rachel smiled. “I will.”

Elizabeth gave her a hug before they slipped out the door. Rachel ran back in, taking out a stake and a silver bladed hook with a chain attached to it. Ready for action. Rachel took a deep breath and felt like she was in a video game except with no save points to start over. She moved quickly and carefully down the hall the vampires had come from, listening carefully for any sounds of human suffering.


In the examination room, Clarice slowly walked around Ashens as he struggled vainly against the ropes. The lights were off and the room was dark, but her vampiric eyesight still allowed her to see well without any trouble at all. She balanced her knife, never taking her eyes off of the terrified doctor and showing her fangs.

Ashens glared at her. “You and your friends will pay for what you did to my patients, my friends.You won't get away with this.”

Clarice rolled her eyes. "You're making me start regretting not taking that mute girl instead". She leaned in until they were face to face. "You sure do talk a lot for a man who's going to die.”

“If I die I would rather die knowing that a stake was through that black heart of yours!” Ashens spat.

Clarice grinned. “That is what I love about you Brits, you can even make a petty insult towards me sound classy....what is to stop me from making you into my delicious blood fodder right here and now?”

He suddenly spat right in her face. “I think that should tell you,” he snapped. “Unless vampires are too stupid to analyze saliva?”

She considered what she was about to do a gross act but she was amused by the Brit's wit, she wiped the saliva out of her face and tasted a bit of it. She paused, trying to recognize its origin. It dawned on her that he was right, the man wasn't human, but what could he be? It wasn't vampire saliva. That they would have noticed from the get go.

Ashens noticed the look of confusion on Clarice's face and grinned at her. “What is the matter, cat got your tongue?”

She glared at him. Grabbing him by the sides of his face, she pressed her lips against his in a forceful punishing kiss, brushing her fangs against his lips. Feeling the joy of his panic set in, not wanting to have his mouth shredded by her sharp teeth. “Mmmm..”

“Mmmmph!” Ashens flinched back, his eyes clamped shut.

No...wrong. His tongue flicked briefly against hers, forked and scaly. She pulled back, staring at him. “What are you?” she breathed.

Ashens pulled away and leaned as far back as he was allowed. “Don't you ever do that to me again!” he snapped.

Clarice glared more intensely. “I said WHAT are you?”

Ashens smirked. “Fine. I'm not human.” They heard the sounds of footsteps running down the hall. “But I'm afraid whatever I am instead and my story that parallels it won't be heard by you tonight...”

Clarice turned as the door opened and Rachel came in, stake in hand. “Untie him,” the Slayer said. “Now.”

Clarice walked around behind Ashens and took out her knife. “Well, I guess they start Slayer training early, don't they?” she said. “What, you getting extra-credit in school for this baby doll?”

Rachel glared. “I think you know how soon we start training. Which means you can be damn sure I know how to use this. Now let him go and I might let you live.” She hoped she sounded like a real Slayer and not a little girl just pretending. She doubted it, though.

“I don't take orders from little brats that stuff their bras,” Clarice said, grabbing a handful of Ashen's hair and forcing his head back, exposing his neck. She placed the knife gingerly on his neck. “Go ahead and try me....”

Rachel took in a breath. “You bitch...” she whispered.

Clarice glared. “What was that? Didn't hear you, Barbie.” The knife started to dig in a bit.

Rachel took out her chain blade. “Why don't you fight against someone that can take you on instead of being a coward and picking on a person tied up and helpless!”

Clarice laughed. “You really think you can take me on?”

Rachel smirked. “I know I're just a leather-clad bunny from some Supernatural Romance vampire novel ‘True Blood’ knock off with fake tits! BRING IT!”

Claris growled at her, showing her fangs to the young slayer as a means of intimation.

Rachel rolled her eyes. “Oo, fangs. Scary.” She inclined her neck, showing off the half-healed bite marks Jaeris had left on her. “Sweetie, I get bigger fangs than that every night.”

Clarice angrily shoved the chair over with Ashens in it. He yelped as he landed painfully on his side as she watched. “Go ahead and see what happens when little girls get in way over their heads,” Clarice snapped. “After I kill this bitch I will bite you and make you my whore, and your first blood will be this dead little wench's body!” With a hellish shriek she lunged at Rachel with her knife and fangs out.

Ashens stared fearfully, but Rachel held her ground. As soon as Clarice was close enough, she whirled her chain around once before throwing the spike toward the vampiress. Either from the momentum of the chain or Clarice's lunge, the spike went straight through her chest, catching her in the heart..

Clarice screamed. “I WILL KILL YOU!”

Rachel smiled impishly. “Actually, if I pull this chain hard enough, I will kill you first.”

Clarice snorted. "I fucking dare you to do it, bitch.” She coughed, blood dripping from her mouth.

Rachel’s smile vanished. “You and your little vampire pals say that Linkara has to answer for his crimes of hurting their kind. Well, it’s only fair YOU and your kind pay for what you did to these people in this hospital!”

“They're nothing but weak useless humans...” Clarice gasped out. “No worth except to be food for higher animals like honestly think you're better than us. We vampires are the next evolution! You are nothing but an inconvenience!”

“Really?” Rachel asked. “Does this feel like an inconvenience to you?” She pulled the chain, hard.

Clarice coughed up more blood. “Will this be your first time you killed a vampire?” she asked weakly. “Took a life? That is why you're hesitant aren't you? You won't do it...I was human once like you. A woman once...if you kill me you would take another person's life....can you live with that on your conscience?”

Rachel shrugged. “Have to, don't I? This is what I was trained for...what I'll be doing for the rest of my life...” She looked at Clarice with pity. “I'm sorry, but I have to do this.”

Rachel yanked the chain out of Clarice's body. She let out an antagonizing scream as blood sprayed the walls, the floors, and all over Rachel as the deed was done. The body fell on the ground, turning into dust on impact with the floor. Rachel quickly grabbed the knife from the pile of dust and ran over to the overturned chair to cut his ropes. “Are you okay doctor?” she asked.

“Fine, fine,” he said, pulling himself into a more dignified sitting position. “I have thick skin.”

“Yeah, I can see that,” Rachel said. “Whatever threats she gave you…”

“Oh yes,” Ashens muttered. “That too.”

Rachel raised an eyebrow, but helped him up. “We're going out the emergency exit,” she said. “My partner's still fighting one of them...I hope.”

Ashens nodded. “The other hostages...are they okay?”

"Yes they are,” Rachel said. “I escorted them out of the building where they probably are with police".

“Good. And do they know to keep their mouths shut?”

Rachel nodded. “I told them what to say. Besides, I don't think the police would believe their stories of vampires anyway.” She took his hand and started dragging him to the fire exit.

Linkara suddenly appeared around a corner and cut her off ,causing Ashens to tense up and nearly punch him until Rachel grabbed his wrist. “NO! HE IS NOT ONE OF THEM! HE IS A FRIEND!”

Linkara threw his hands in front of his face. “Whoa, calm down!”

“Sorry!” Rachel said. “He's a bit jumpy.”

Linkara nodded. “I can see that. Take it you killed the last vampire?”

Rachel nodded. “Yeah, I killed her...I...ripped her heart out...” Linkara could see the blood dripping off his apprentice's body. “She is dead.”

Linkara put a hand on her shoulder. “That is good.”

Rachel nodded shakily. “Thanks...and I take it you got the other one? The one who summoned you?”

“Sort of,” Linkara said. “I managed to subdue him enough for questioning, but he swallowed a Eucharist wafer and burned from the inside out. Like it was a cyanide capsule or something.”

Ashens grimaced. “That's unpleasant. Wonder what big secret they had that they needed to avoid capture.” His face fell. “But....that gave them no excuse to attack my hospital like damn reason at all.”

“No,” Linkara muttered. “No reason at all.” He looked troubled. “Doctor, I'm so sorry about all your patients and colleagues...”

Ashens nodded. “Thank you, I appreciate that...Mr...?”

“Linkara...and this is my trainee, Rachel.”

Ashens nodded. “A pleasure to meet you both, though I wish it would have been under much nicer and pleasant circumstances like a party or social get together. Not like this...” He tried to smile. “My name is Dr. Ashens.”

Rachel tried to smile back. “What kind of medicine do you do here?”

Ashens hesitated a moment. “I’m a specialist, you might say,” he finally answered.

Linkara’s brow furrowed. “A specialist in what?”

Before Ashens could clarify, they heard a scream coming from Rachel as something grabbed her leg and pulled her to the floor. “LINKARA! HELP!”

The men whirled around. A tall figure had risen from the floor and had pulled Rachel up with him, one arm wrapped around her neck. Linkara recognized him as the vampire called Rigel.

“One false move and she dies, Slayer,” Rigel hissed.

Linkara pointed his gun at Rigel but he didn’t dare pull the trigger as Rigel moved Rachel in front of him. “Let her go!” Linkara ordered.

“Fuck you!” Rigel growled.

Linkara moved in front of Ashens, still aiming the gun but holds off pulling the trigger. He could sense Meg’s confusion, but after assessing the situation, she seemed to understand why she had to lie still in this fighting situation.

Ashens looked around Linkara. “How...did you survive vampire?”

Rigel grinned. “She only hit me in the eye. Not a fatal spot for a vampire unless you have a fuckton of holy water on hand.”

“Let her go,” Linkara insisted. “I'm the Slayer. She is a newbie…it’s me you want, not her!”

“Wrong,” Rigel growled. “This bitch threw a knife in my eye and now I'm going to break her neck!”

oc: rachel, character: ashens, character: spoony, character: linkara, fanfic, character: oc, series: the denny's court, tgwtg

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