Iscariot Part Two

Dec 15, 2013 06:44

Title: Iscariot
Fandom: TGWTG
Characters: Linkara, Suede, Critic, ATG, Santa Christ, Ama, Spoony
Rating: PG
Warnings: Language
Summary: Linkara checks in with a few friends
Notes: Takes place in the Denny’s Court verse after “ Formal Assignments”and “ Dancing to Hell”, concurrently to the beginning of “ How Far Have We Fallen.” Ama created by ranguvar42. Used by permission.

Part One

Linkara hurried to the church, hoping that Santa Christ was right and Suede was fine. He hated to think what could have happened with his guardian angel away.

He found the priest sitting by the pulpit, reading his Bible with a slightly furrowed brow, looking slightly perturbed but otherwise unharmed. Linkara coughed quietly to get his attention.

Suede looked up and his expression cleared. “Good morning, Linkara,” he said. “What brings you here so early in the morning?

“Problem with a demon last night,” Linkara said. “The one who’s been bothering you.”

“Oh,” Suede sighed, standing up and putting his Bible down. “I did wonder why…I mean…” He blushed.

“Why he didn’t bother you last night,” Linkara finished, looking at Suede sympathetically. “He’s getting bolder in his advances, isn’t he?”

“No more than usual,” Suede mumbled. “So what was he up to last night?”

Linkara pulled out his phone, where he had saved a copy of the picture. He showed it to Suede. “He was out dancing with a guardian angel…according to Critic, your guardian angel.”

The color drained from Suede’s face as he looked at the picture. That was Little Miss Gamer…in a lavender dress…dancing with him…no…no, it couldn’t be…

“She…what…no…” Suede clutched the pulpit. Linkara caught his arm and gently led him to one of the pews to sit down. It took several moments for Suede to catch his breath. “Why would she…why would she do that?”

“I don’t know,” Linkara said. “I just know what Critic told me this morning…well, Critic and his brothers. They said that she and Benzaie went dancing last night…and they’ve both been cast out. They’re now wandering around the city as mortals…which just adds to my workload, but…”

Suede wasn’t listening. “She…no. They must have been mistaken. She wouldn’t do that…she wouldn’t be friends with him…not like that. She wouldn’t hurt me like that…”

Linkara looked more concerned now. “Suede, I don’t know what happened…but you need to calm down. She’s an angel…your guardian angel. I’m sure whatever she did was done for a good reason.”

Suede was shaking. “I don’t know…” he said. “What possible reason could she have for going out with…him?”

“I don’t know,” Linkara admitted. “But…he’s been cast out, too, so…he won’t be bothering you for a while…I hope.”

“THAT…JEZEBEL!” Suede shouted, his rosary glowing hot. Linkara jumped away to avoid being burned. “HOW COULD SHE DO THIS TO ME?”

“Suede, I’m sorry,” Linkara said. “I don’t know…I don’t know…please, calm down!”

Suede stared at Linkara for a moment without really seeing him, tears starting to slide down his cheeks. “She went out with him…she’s his friend…she’s his friend…she betrayed me…she…”

Linkara didn’t know what to do. He had been betrayed in the past, but not like this. He had never been hurt this badly, even when the Order had turned on him. He had been prepared then. “Suede, I’m sure it’s not like that,” Linkara said. “Look…just…calm down…we…we’ll figure this out.”

“What am I going to do?” he asked quietly. “If she’s his friend…and if she’s been cast out…what am I supposed to do now, Linkara?”

Linkara bit his lip. “I don’t know,” he admitted quietly. “But since Benzaie’s been cast out, too…you may not need her. And if you ever find yourself in trouble, you know where to find me.”

Suede nodded, his face soaking with tears. Linkara hesitated. “Is it…okay…if I touch you?” he asked. He knew better than to do so without asking after seeing the burns on Critic’s hands from the last time someone had tried that.

Suede nodded again, and Linkara carefully wrapped his arms around Suede’s shoulders, pulling him close, trying to comfort him. Suede buried his face in Linkara’s shoulder, sobbing. Even if Linkara smelled of vampires and magic and God only knew what else, there was something safe about him, something comforting. They stayed there for a few minutes until Suede managed to stop crying.

“Are you going to be all right?” Linkara asked as they broke apart.

Suede nodded and even managed a small smile. “Yeah,” he said. “I mean…it could have all just been a misunderstanding…I know she wouldn’t…I know it’s okay.”

Linkara nodded back. “Okay,” he said.

“Go home, Linkara,” Suede ordered quietly. “Take a shower, get some sleep. Be with your Lord. I’m fine, I promise.”

Linkara nodded as he stood to go. “Remember,” he said. “If anything happens, call us. Or Critic. Or anyone.”

“I will,” Suede assured him.

Linkara smiled as he left the church, mentally thinking through the steps he’d have to take to get the smell off the priest off of him before Spoony smelled it.

As soon as Linkara left, Suede slumped back in the pew, his mind racing. It wasn’t true. It couldn’t be true. He didn’t want it to be true…

But he had felt it last night. The shudder in his soul that told him that something was wrong. That something big had happened…

No. Benzaie may have done something last night and been cast out-their souls were linked more closely than Suede would have liked to admit. Yes, that was it. Benzaie probably just found some girl who looked like Little Miss Gamer and convinced her to go dancing in order to upset the priest. Little Miss Gamer was fine. She was in Heaven, watching over him as usual. Critic was just misinformed, or Linkara had misunderstood him. Because an angel would never go dancing with a demon. It couldn’t happen.

It couldn’t.

Suede shook himself and glanced at his watch. Nearly eight. The parishioners would be coming in for confessional soon. He stood up and headed toward the back, preparing himself for a long day of listening to other people’s problems and giving them penance.

And once they were done, he would have to drive to the next city and make his own confessions.

But how could he confess doubting his own angel? That was almost like saying he had doubted God…

No. He didn’t doubt her. She was still his angel.

She wouldn’t betray him. She was his friend. His protector.

He couldn’t be betrayed.


It wasn’t until the sun set that Linkara was able to make his report. Once Spoony woke up, though, Linkara was alert and ready to report.

“So what’s going on?” Spoony asked.

“Benzaie, Suede’s guardian angel, dancing, both cast out and wandering the city as mortals,” Linkara summarized, rubbing his temple. Mixing churches and vampires too often caused a lot of headaches.

“Shit,” Spoony muttered. “So now I have another disgraced demon and fallen angel running around in addition to everything else?”

“Critic’s keeping an eye on them,” Linkara mumbled. “So they aren’t really our problem.”

“How’s Suede taking it?” Spoony asked.

“Badly,” Linkara answered. “Fells betrayed…and I don’t blame him. He got pretty angry…crying and everything…but I managed to calm him down. I think he’s mostly in denial right now.”

Spoony shook his head. “I don’t like it, Linkara,” he said. “Sure, they’ve been punished, but I can’t help but feel like this is alluding to something else happening…something bad. Like, really fucking bad.”

Linkara shrugged. “Santa Christ did say I was about to face my greatest trial,” he admitted. “But I’m not that worried.” He managed a smile. “After all, I can face any trial if I have you with me.”

Spoony smiled back and kissed his consort. “Yes, you can,” he said. “And so can I.” He glanced at the clock. “Bella will be here soon. Better get into teacher mode.”

Linkara rolled his eyes. “Don’t call her that,” he muttered without rancor, but he got up and started pulling himself back together.

Spoony shrugged. “Gotta call her something.”

“Her name is Rachel.”

“And?” Spoony smiled. “Don’t worry. I won’t say it to her face again.”

“Right, that makes it so much better.” Linkara started looking for his spell book. “Are you going to get anything done tonight?”

“I’m going to check the cemetery,” Spoony answered. “Make sure there aren’t any demons hanging around while we’re distracted.”

“Good luck,” Linkara said. “Just don’t interfere. Critic has it under control.”

Spoony snorted. “Critic couldn’t even keep an angel from going dancing. I doubt he can stop a horde of demons if they want to come in.”

Linkara shrugged. “Fine.” He got his materials. “I’ll see you later, then.”

He headed out of the room to meet Rachel and Spoony pulled himself out of bed. If an angel could betray a priest, he didn’t like to think of what else was coming.

character: suede, oc: rachel, character: spoony, character: linkara, fanfic, character: oc, series: the denny's court, tgwtg

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