Marauders to the End: Year One, Chapter Eight

May 08, 2013 07:59

TITLE: Flying Away
FANDOM: Harry Potter
CHARACTERS: Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, James Potter, Peter Pettigrew, Madame Hooch
SUMMARY: The boys have a flying lesson.
AUTHOR COMMENTARY: Believe it or not, this chapter was meant to set up a major plot point later on. I won't say anything more, since I might actually finish this thing one day, but my head cannon that Remus was not inclined to flying was part of it.

The owl prank remained firmly lodged in everyone’s memory for several weeks. Not only were James and Sirius now the most popular first years in Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw, but they also became the least popular first years with the Slytherins, who went out of their way to retaliate. Fortunately, James and Sirius were so good at recognizing prank attempts that they were able to get everywhere unscathed. They didn’t even mind their administrative detention for the incident, mostly because it involved scraping glow-in-the-dark slugs off the underside of all the tiles in the castle. They were supposed to get rid of them, but instead the two boys kept them, just in case.

Remus had gotten through the second full moon that year in early October by telling his friends that his cousin Jeffrey died and he had to go to the funeral. Sirius’s suspicions grew, but he didn’t say anything, although his friends noticed that he was spending a lot of time researching magical creatures in the library. James and Peter took it in stride, but they found it a little odd that Remus interrupted every time Sirius got to certain sections in books and always distracted him enough to make him forget what he was looking at.

Never the less, all four boys were in very high spirits until they read the notice board. Flying lessons for first years were starting, and Gryffindor and Slytherin were put together.

James didn’t much mind who he was learning with as long as he got in the air. He had been playing Quidditch ever since he could walk, and was just a bit disappointed that he couldn’t bring a broom and get on the house team. Sirius hadn’t flown much, but had enjoyed it whenever he had. The two spent many long hours discussing Quidditch and which teams were best, leading to more than one argument in which James insisted that the Chuddley Cannons were going to get better and Sirius said that James was an idiot and every moron knew that the Wimbourne Wasps were much better. Remus and Peter, neither of whom had ever flown before in their lives, did their best to ignore these discussions, and left the room every time the decibel level reached maximum impact, which it did with alarming frequency.

Remus was very nervous about learning to fly. He checked out Quidditch Through the Ages to try and help him, even though he knew in his heart that it wouldn’t. In fact, he was willing to bet everything he owned that he was about to be failing more than potions. He hadn’t really wanted to fly in the first place, but learning with and failing in front of a large group of Slytherins was almost enough to make him feign an illness so he wouldn’t have to go to class. He idly wondered how many lessons would land on a full moon.

Peter read Quidditch Through the Ages as well, although he actually believed it would do something for him. He knew he was a complete klutz, and was scared to death of broomsticks. He desperately wanted to evaporate before Friday.

Of course, nothing of the sort happened, and Friday dawned bright and clear as usual. The first years were all talking very excitedly about flying. Remus re-read Quidditch etc. for the eighth time, hoping that something would come bounding out of the forest and devour him before he got to class. Peter read the book over Remus’s shoulder and hoped several things would devour him at that very second. James and Sirius devoured their eggs and sausages before running onto the field.

Class began normally. Madame Hooch instructed them to call their broomsticks. James and Sirius both got their brooms to respond immediately. Peter managed to get his on the twelfth try. Remus’s refused to budge for almost five minutes before he got exasperated enough to shout at it.

After they all mounted and were gripping their brooms correctly, Madame Hooch blew her whistle, and all the first years kicked off to hover until she blew her whistle again. It was in the few minutes they were hovering that it happened.

Remus was in the air a few feet away from his friends, the closest to the forest. He looked around, slightly dizzy from the height, and saw a huge black shape rising from the trees. It began to fly towards him, and as it neared, Remus saw that it was a huge, reptilian creature a bit like a horse with wings. It was coming straight at him. He was so startled and frightened, he lost his grip and fell.

He was knocked unconscious for a few minutes, but when he came round, he saw Madame Hooch and all his friends standing around him. He heard laughter coming from all the Slytherins, but he couldn’t think straight.

“Remus?” James asked. “Are you all right, mate?”

Remus could only gibber incoherently. He didn’t have the words to describe what happened.

James looked at Sirius confusedly, who was just as perplexed. Neither one of them had noticed anything that would make Remus fall.

Madame Hooch was checking Remus for injuries. Luckily he only had a lump on the head from impact. For a few minutes she was afraid that it had affected his brain, but soon enough Remus was able to calm himself enough for her to ask questions.

“There was... a winged horse... but it had scales... and it was flying at me...”

James, Sirius, and Peter exchanged a look. None of them had seen such a thing.

Madame Hooch whispered to Remus, “It was a thestral. It wouldn’t hurt you, although I don’t blame you for being startled if it seemed to be coming at you. I’ve never seen one, but I understand that they can be quite intimidating in appearance.”

Remus nodded.

“I think you should go up to the Hospital Wing,” she said. “Have Madame Pomfrey give you something for the bump on the head. Do you need me to accompany you?”

Remus shook his head. He got unsteadily to his feet, caught up his bag, and stumbled back up to the castle to get a headache cure and read up on thestrals. He privately resolved never to touch a broomstick ever again, unless it was a matter of life or death.

“The rest of you, back in the air!” Madame Hooch called.

harry potter, character: sirius black, character: remus lupin, fanfic, character: other, series: marauders to the end, character: peter pettigrew, character: james potter

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