Marauders to the End: Year One, Chapter Five

May 05, 2013 07:39

TITLE: Near the Forest Edge
FANDOM: Harry Potter
CHARACTERS: Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, James Potter, Peter Pettigrew, Hagrid
SUMMARY: James and Sirius want to cause trouble. Unfortunately, they get caught for the obligatory exposition dump.
AUTHOR COMMENTARY: I was trying to make this series somewhat match the regular HP continuity. It didn't work out so well. Other than that, this chapter is pretty much filler.

Finally, it was Saturday. James and Sirius were planning to go “explore the grounds.” Remus knew this couldn’t mean anything good.

“The grounds,” he repeated. “You mean you’re going to try to go into the forest Dumbledore warned us away from.”

“It’s on the grounds,” Sirius said brightly.

“Yeah, if it’s such a problem, they’d move it,” James pointed out.

“Oh, yes,” Remus snarled. “You can just move a gigantic forest because it’s a problem.”

Peter was apprehensive as well. “Some of the older students told me there were werewolves in the forest!” he squealed. “I don’t want to go within three feet of any werewolf!”

Remus opened his mouth to answer that, then hastily closed it. He couldn’t say anything about that, no matter how offended he was.

James and Sirius didn’t notice. “Oh, come on, Peter!” James urged. “What’s the fun in doing anything if it’s not dangerous? You’re in Gryffindor, aren’t you?”

Peter squeaked feebly.

“Besides,” Sirius said. “Werewolves aren’t that dangerous. One good curse and they’re on their back howling.”

“Then what do you do with it?” Remus asked before he could stop himself.

“Nothing,” Sirius answered brightly. “You run away as fast as possible and hope it doesn’t get up and follow you.”

But despite Remus and Peters’ objections, James and Sirius were bound and determined to get into the forest and see what was there. And because they couldn’t think of anything else to do, Remus and Peter went with them.

Of course, it’s hard to look innocent when you know you’re breaking a rule, and when you’re four first year boys walking towards the edge of the forest where no one is supposed to be, someone is bound to be suspicious, as our protagonists quickly found out.

“OY!” and voice called them and they approached the trees. “What’re ye doin’?”

The boys turned and found the gigantic form of Hagrid striding up to them. Peter squeaked again.

“We were just looking around the grounds,” James said defensively.

“An’ jus’ happened ter end up at the edge of the forest?” Hagrid asked sarcastically, but James was pretty sure he was smiling.

“The forest is on the grounds,” James pointed out.

“An’ Dumbledore gave the warnin’ at the start-o’-term feast that students aren’t allowed,” Hagrid reminded them.

The boys looked at each other. Hagrid continued to stare down at them.

Finally, Remus decided to break the silence. “I tried to stop them, sir, I really did...”

“I don’ want ter hear it,” Hagrid told him. “An’ don’ call me ‘sir.’”

“No, s- Hagrid,” Remus said.

“Tha’s better,” Hagrid said gently. “Now why don’ you four come in and have a cup o’ tea?”

They were slightly taken aback by this abrupt invitation, but readily accepted it. After all, it had been a full hour since they’d eaten breakfast, as Sirius was quick to realize.

Hagrid led them up to the little hut by the forest edge. The moment he opened the door, an enormous boarhound jumped out at them, apparently determined to lick them to death.

“Back, Vaughan!” Hagrid growled. “Back! C’mon in, boys, he won’ hurt you.”

They entered, looking slightly apprehensive, Peter squeaking quietly as he went.

Hagrid set about making tea as the four boys settled around the table. He offered around a plate of little cakes which were about the consistency of rocks and tasted like glue. James put his down almost immediately, but the other three managed to choke them down.

“So let’s see if I got this right,” Hagrid said. “James Potter...”

“Yes...” James said.

“Peter Pettigrew...”

“Yeah,” Peter squeaked.

“Remus Lupin...”

“Right...” Remus nodded.

“An’ this’ll be Sirius Black!” Hagrid smiled. “We all knew you was comin’ up, but we weren’ expectin’ yer ter be in Gryffindor!”

“Um...” Sirius wasn’t quite sure what he was supposed to say.

“Don’ worry,” Hagrid said. “I can tell yer not like them.”

“Thanks,” Sirius answered nervously.

“So is anything exciting going to happen at Hogwarts this year?” James asked eagerly.

“Excitin’?” Hagrid repeated. “Nah, not that we have planned. It’s just gonna be an average year.”

“But something has to happen!” James exclaimed. “It’s our first year! Don’t tell me we came on a boring year!”

“It’s not a borin’ year,” Hagrid told him. “Yer four came an’ that’s excitin’ enough for everyone.”

“In what way?” Sirius asked.

“Well, we have a Potter, an’ they attract mo’ trouble than anyone else,” Hagrid began. James grinned. “Then,” Hagrid continued. “We have a Black ‘oo wasn’t Sorted into Slytherin. And we have little Peter here, an’ from what I hear, yer’ve made quite a stir in the Muggle world tha’ won’ have any trouble gettin’ ter the wizards.” Peter blushed.

“An’ then we have Remus,” Hagrid finished fondly. “An’ if yer anythin’ like yer mum, we’re in fer a wild ride.”

Remus stared into Hagrid’s warm, black eyes and felt the guilt and grief he’d resolved himself not to show building in him.

“So?” James asked. “That’s exciting for everyone else, but for us it’s just normal.”

“Yeah,” Hagrid said. “But fer the rest of us, that’s all the excitement we need ter be gettin’ on with.”

“Come on, Hagrid,” Sirius said. “There will be something interesting, won’t there?”

“What would yer consider interestin’?” Hagrid asked.

“I don’t know. Maybe we’ll find out that there’s a Philosopher's Stone hidden far underneath the castle with the entrance on the third floor and guarded by a three-headed dog named Fluffy,” James suggested.

Everyone stared at him.

“Sorry,” James said. “I have a lot of Seer blood.”

“Right,” Sirius said.

“There’s not anythin’ like that,” Hagrid reassured them. “If there was, Dumbledore woulda warned ye at the start-o’-term feast.”

The boys looked faintly disappointed at this.

Remus looked at Hagrid. “Is there anything new happening this year besides us?” he asked.

“Now that ye mention it,” Hagrid answered. “I heard Dumbledore sent out an order fer a Whompin’ Willer fer the grounds.”

“Why?” Peter asked fearfully.

“Well, er...” Hagrid threw a covert glance at Remus. “Yer know... let some o’ the older students get some extra Herbology study... use in Potions... stuff like that.”

“I’ve never heard anyone using Whomping Willows in Potions,” Remus said, trying to keep his voice casual. He had not missed the implications of that look.

“Well, yer haven’t been studyin’ the right potions then, have ye?” Hagrid answered airily.

They stayed at Hagrid’s talking in this manner for the better part of the afternoon, and when they went back up to the castle at dusk, they were all feeling rather good about themselves, although Remus couldn’t help but wonder what a Whomping Willow had to do with him, and if this was Dumbledore’s solution to his... illness.

harry potter, character: sirius black, character: remus lupin, character: hagrid, fanfic, series: marauders to the end, character: peter pettigrew, character: james potter

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