Title: Time, Time, Time: Part 2: When I Come Around
Rating: NC-17 (eventually)
Pairing: Ariadne/Eames
Word Count: 1,553
Summary: A collection of snippets that look into their relationship.
Warnings: Mentions of sex and foul language throughout
Notes: The chapter index can be found
Ariadne thinks that he doesn’t notice that she looks at him all the time. Eames lets her have her little delusion. He pretends that he doesn’t see it, sits there calm as you please. He goes about his business, minds the manners he has. He takes some sort of sick pleasure in Arthur catching the young architect looking at him, hides a smile, pretends he doesn’t know that she's been looking at him and didn’t just get lost in her own head.
It's become a game for him by now, to let her watch him and pretend that he doesn’t see it. But over time Arthur has started to see it and now every time they're in the same room together he tends to keep an eye on the young woman, watching her watching the forger like he's trying to figure out exactly what it is that’s drawn the girl to Eames.
Ariadne leaves one night when the others are still at the warehouse, keeping her gaze turned away from Eames as she moves like if she looks at him it will give her away even though she's already been given away long before. The forger smiles behind his hand, clears his throat. Arthur looks at him like he's trying to figure something out but moves away to go do his own thing.
Eames stays to study the dream level he'll be in charge of, looking over the model and the sketches Ariadne created, looks over the notes she left about the details. She's quite wonderful at designing these levels, puts her heart and soul into it and it's admirable. He's never seen someone become this talented this quickly and he's worked with several teams before. No, she has a definite talent for it. That’s undeniable.
Yusuf rolls his chair over towards him, the chemist moving slowly, watching the British man with a detached interest. He's noted, in the last couple of days, that’s there's something different about Eames. It isn't something readily noticeable, not something that would make people stop and gape but there's something different nonetheless, something that he can't accurately describe. But there's definitely something different about him. It's in the eyes, really. Some sort of twinkle, some sort of light that shows he's amused. Or curious. He's not sure which and that surprises him since he knows Eames so well. But he seems to be the only one who notices something different about Eames. Because he notices the little details about him right now. And God is in the details.
"You're up to something," Yusuf decides after a moment, leaning over a bit to rest his elbow against the table in front of them and then rests his chin against the heel of his palm. "I don’t know what it is yet. I just know you're up to something?"
"Am I?" Eames smiles a bit at his friend, sitting back in the car. He folds his hands and rests them on his stomach, arching both of his light brown eyebrows. The corner of his mouth curves up slightly into an almost smile, an almost smirk though he doesn’t let it actually spread across his face.
"You are," he confirms. "You've been acting…odd. Well, odd for you, at least." And that’s saying something because Eames has always marched to the beat of his own drum. Everyone who knows that is used to the way he is by now, knows that he isn't like everyone else. So, for him to act as differently as he is for his normal behavior that’s a big deal. He isn't used to the way Eames is acting right now at all.
"I hadn’t noticed," Eames lies easily. Lies roll off his tongue quite easily in life. When he was younger he was decent at it but over time he had gotten even better at it, was pretty much the perfect liar. And so a lie like these rolls off of his tongue as simply as anything else he had ever said. And yes, he may feel a bit bad for lying to his friend but it doesn’t mean that he was willing to take it back. Because the lie makes things so much more fun.
"Now we both know that’s not true."
Eames almost smiles again, chuckling softly under his breath, nodding a bit in acknowledgement. He lets his flicker down to the model on the table in front of him, eyes skimming across the white schematic of the level he's in charge of, looking at it as though he has no choice, as though it takes up his entire mind. And then he turns his gaze towards the doorway that the architect had gone through to head home, the smile almost spreading across his face again. "Can I ask you something?" he asks the chemist.
"I suppose." It’s a dangerous game to play, letting Eames ask if he can ask a question. It opens up a whole can of worms because the forger can ask just about anything when you leave yourself open like that. but right now he has to admit that he's quite curious about what's going on right now and so he thinks that maybe, just maybe if he lets Eames ask him a question then he himself can get some answers to the questions that are bouncing around in his own head.
"Have you noticed anything strange about Ariadne lately?"
"Strange?" Yusuf furrows his dark eyebrows at the British man, taking his arm off of the table so he can sit back in the chair. He folds his hands over his stomach, mimicking Eames without realizing he's doing so. "What do you mean strange?"
"You know. Strange. As in unusual."
"Well, no," Yusuf admits, stretching his legs out in front of him, crossing his ankles as he contemplates that. Unfolding his hands he rests an elbow on one of the arms of the chair, resting his chin against the heel of his palm. He hadn’t been watching Ariadne all that closely, actually. Actually, he tends not to notice that sort of thing. More often than not he tends to notice things that don’t fall into his job description unless he's really looking. And he hadn’t had any reason to really look at Ariadne and how she was acting.
"I can't say I've noticed her acting strange at all."
"She watches me," Eames tells the chemist. "Every time I come around here, every time I walk into this place she watches me. The entire time. Like I fascinate her."
"Does she?" Yusuf furrows his eyebrows again as he watches the forger, dropping his arm down so his hand hangs over the edge of the chair as he cocks his head slightly to the side, thinking about that. And when he stops and thinks about it- really thinks about it- he supposes that he has noticed that Ariadne has been watching Eames more often than she normally would have. But he hadn’t thought much of it. At times Eames can be an interesting person so he figured that’s why she watched him so often.
"She does," Eames confirms, nodding his head just a little bit. "She tends to watch me quite a bit."
"And…what, may I ask, does this have to do with anything?"
"I've just noticed, that’s all." Eames shrugs his shoulders quite casually, actually smiling this time. "So, I let her watch me. I pretend I don’t notice."
"Why would you do that?"
"Because I find it rather amusing," the forger replies as though that should be the most obvious thing in the world. And to him it really does seem like the most obvious thing in the world to him. "Why wouldn’t I find it amusing? I find it rather, well, fascinating that she seems to…enamored with me."
"You should be careful," Yusuf warns, pointing a finger at him. "If you're not careful things could get quite messy."
"Yes, messy." Rolling his eyes Yusuf lowers his hand back down to rest in his lap. "Do you know why Ariadne is watching you?" He pauses for a moment and no longer than that before he presses on, not waiting for his friend to reply. "She's a young, impressionable girl, Eames."
"Not as impressionable as you may think," Eames argues easily. "She's a smart girl. I'm sure she can take care of herself quite well."
"In many ways, yes, I'd agree to that. But she's still young. If you're not careful you may give her the wrong impression."
"The wrong impression?" Eames laughs a bit, unfolding his hands and sitting up in his chair. "Why, Yusuf, whatever do you mean?"
"You know what I mean," the chemist insists. "Don’t play stupid. We all know you're not. I'm telling you that if you aren't careful you may make the poor girl think you're interested in something you're not."
"Now, I'm disappointed in you," Eames scolds as he stands up from the chair. Plucking his coat off the back of it he slips it on, straightening out the collar as he looks at his friend. "Very disappointed indeed." Smiling at the chemist he lifts his hand up in a slight wave as he heads towards the door, calling out as he walks away, "You have absolutely no idea what I'm interested in."