Top Ten for gleeverse

Jan 10, 2012 04:19

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Comments 42

tinylegacies January 10 2012, 14:01:28 UTC
These are a lot of the reasons why I'm not a big Finchel fan.

Though one that I recently rewatched that seriously pissed me off was at the end of Comeback when Rachel first suggests doing original songs for Regionals and everyone shoots her down and then in the hall after, Finn is all "good idea, Rach". It was SO INFURIATING. How can you stand there and say that you believe in her and blahblah when you are SUPPOSED TO BE A LEADER and you REFUSE TO STAND UP FOR HER.


caitriona_3 January 10 2012, 15:59:21 UTC
This was my reaction with Sectionals when Santana snipped at her. Puck stood up for her, Finn just tried to redirect the conversation, and everyone else just stayed quiet.


juliahearts January 10 2012, 14:21:29 UTC
Oh my god, I love you. This is absolutely perfection. The coloring, the god I hate Finchel.


complexplane January 10 2012, 16:10:10 UTC
Hi. You're perfect. Seriously, this was all saying what I've been thinking for ages. (And oddly, enough, as I was writing this comment, I just scrolled past this list on my tumblr dashboard. Apparently, it's making it's way around the St. Berry/Puckleberry/Fuinn fandom.)


maxiefae January 10 2012, 16:47:54 UTC
I don't ship them


burntheflaws January 10 2012, 18:20:02 UTC
I'm both a Rachel/Puck and Rachel/Finn shipper, and I agree on many of these points. Season two really made me dislike Rachel/Finn in particular, and in general I've always flip-flopped between liking and disliking them. The biggest problem for me is that Finn is a major hypocrite (and yes, everyone is to a certain extent, but you're right in that he doesn't change his ways or even attempt to), and Rachel becomes a different person when she's with him, or in order to be with him. Things like the Christmas episode really bothered me, because that was completely OOC of her to write up a list of things she wanted from him. And all the times he's forgotten she's a vegan... oh boy. I also saw the sex as pity sex, which, again, seemed very OOC from her ( ... )


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