Title: Requiem Of Love- Chapter 1: Traditional Mourning
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1430
Characters Included: Godo, Toki, Yasou, Mio, Kiara Takarai, Naoko Takarai, Kuniko, mentions of Godo's parents
Warnings: None
Author's Notes: Takes place in the world of
ffvii_tng. All accept Godo are OC's.
Summary: Godo sees someone who strikes his interest.
Requiem Of Love- Chapter 1: Traditional Mourning )
Comments 25
And I think you messed up Godo's age. It's been eight years since his brother died, and you said he was fifteen when that happened, so he would already be 23 (which was how old we figured he'd be when Tseng is born). Perhaps change the fifteen to thirteen? Then he'd be 21 right now to Kiara's 18 - which is the same three-year difference we figured on.
Tseng is gonna be pretty old when he is a dad, isn't he?
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