Reaction fic to "Journey's End" (8/9)

Jul 06, 2008 23:50

Still spoilery.

Nine Ways Donna Noble Had a Fantastic Life
by Christina K
copyright 2008


From the Times
July 23, 2024

Backbencher MP's Give UNIT Support: Budget Safe For Now
Noble says newest numbers 'reasonable, fair'

In a surprise move yesterday, a majority of both Labor and Conservative MPs voted against the current party's proposal to cut additional funding to the United Nations Intelligence Team (UNIT) and re-allocate funds to army and navy sources. Spokeswoman Donna Noble, MP for Brentford and Isleworth, stated, "The need for a prepared military willing to look beyond the concerns of traditional warfare, and prepared to deal with extraordinary threats, can not be understated. A reasonable, fair budget allows us to maintain a state of readiness without compromising our security." ....

See Related Story, A23

From Temping to Representing: MP Donna Noble
Nadja Warren, Special to the Times

MP Donna Noble, Labour representative for Brentford and Isleworth, has recently become the focus of consideration for a cabinet post after the next election. Noble, 54, has been the MP for her borough since the 2016 election landslide for Labour, and has maintained consistent back-bencher status over the last eight years. Her latest politicking in aid of both UNIT and the lesser-known Torchwood Institute have lead some pundits to question her expertise, but Noble claims it's just good sense.

"Since the beginning of this century, the encounters and incursions - not to mention invasions - of alien life have become more and more frequent. What are we going to do, just pretend it didn't happen? I'd like to see the outcome of that," she states. "We can't have the defense of the planet in the hands of national military organizations. Too much chance of bias, too much possibility for stupidity. It has to be the UN, and it has to be the experts. And they have to have the money to do it."

Noble began her career as a temporary member of her district's school board, and a 'temp' secretary to her local MP. Mother of two, avid stargazer and cinema fan, Ms. Noble moved into politics after the political corruption scandals of 2014 convinced her that an interim representative was needed for Chiswick and its environs. With the support of her family and husband, Ms. Noble has remained as one of the most firmly entrenched MPs in Parliament, if not one to take the spotlight.

Now, however, that appears to be changing. Rumblings from within Labour indicate that Ms. Noble's star may be rising in the next election. Some are mentioning her name in conjunction with the Party Whip, others are even wondering if the possibility of yet another female Prime Minister may not be out of the question.

"I've always considered Harriet Jones an inspiration, but no way, Charlie," Ms. Noble replies in answer to queries about her political ambitions. "Catch me taking on that job! Thankless and painful, and I've got my family to think about. I've got enough work on my plate without being Mum to the entire [censored] country."

She pauses, considering.

"Talk to me after the kids are out of university, yeah? Might have some time on my hands then. You never know."


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