I have been very bad about posting pictures from Australia. Mostly they go up in my Facebook but not everyone is there. So I'm being good and throwing pictures up here too!!
First batch is cats and me. That being, I introduce you to the 4 fuzbutts that live here...and the picture of my mohawk.
cutting like a 14 year old emo )
Comments 5
And that's all I've got to say about the cats. Because *_* MOHAWK. AND EYELASHES. and you just don't ever stop being adorabubble, do ya? :D Even with crazy!insane hair XD Where'd you get gel/glue/whatever strong enough to hold it up? I can't find anything strong enough to keep my own hair up and it's only, like, an inch long.
as for the hair...i get the super strong gel along with max hold hairspray. Apply gel. Hold head upside down. Hairspray then hot blow drier then repeate it over again its all up and not budging. My lovely friend Appy taught me this and it does wonders!
washing it all out though....ugh....
And those eyelashes are made of awesome. :D
ANd I still love your mohawk and eyelashes. XD
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