Don't Look For Me- Chapter 4

Sep 07, 2007 16:27

Title: Don't Look For Me
Rating: M
Pairing: GSR Of course
Spoilers: Right now, Living doll? This is a post Finale fic, Kind of a stand alone... with mentions of previous seasons. No spoilers for season 8, I don't read them anyways. I am assuming FOR THIS FIC, that she was saved, again ASSUMING.
Summary: Sara leaves Vegas behind because it gets to be too much. What happens when Grissom meets her again, years later?
Author's note: Thank you to the coolest cat around gabesaunt for being such a great beta.
Disclaimer: I don't own them... except for the added characters in future chpaters.

No Looking Back-Prologue, No cake- Chapter 1, You Missed- Chapter 2, Forensics 101- Chapter 3

Foot Prints

Chapter 4

Sara was exhausted, and it was now nine in the evening. Three lectures and one tutorial, she was wiped. Her once, nicely placed, hair was curling around her face. Her feet hurt like nothing else as she walked into the teachers lounge with her runners in her hand, bag slung over her shoulder. Sara dropped her stuff on the floor outside her own office, huffing as she juggled around for the keys in her pocket.

Her office was located just off the communal teacher’s lounge. The lounge was decorated dark and warm, like the rest of the science facility. It was circular, full of leather couches and chairs. Shelves lined the walls, packed with ancient essays and books dating back before she was even a thought in her parent’s minds. Doors were placed in between shelves, gold lettering on each door, letting visitors know whose office belonged to whom.

She gave a triumphant ‘ah hah’ as she pressed the key into her own door and kicked it open, tossing her bag and shoes on the floor as she fell onto her faux leather couch, sighing softly.

Gil watched her, frozen as she passed his door to get to her office. He didn’t move, he barely breathed until she was inside her room. He’d listened to her fall onto her couch and a million different pictures came rushing into the forefront of his mind. Gil stood slowly, shaking his head and creeping into the main room for some much needed coffee, unsure of what his real intentions were. Did he want her to walk in on him, or was he still hiding?

Sara lay still for a few moments until she heard rummaging in the main room. She listened contently, wondering whose foot steps those were on the wooden floor. She’d heard them before, she was certain but she couldn’t quite put her finger on it. Her investigative skills turned on. It was a lab foot step, from back in Vegas. And old sound, still lingering in her mind. That she was certain of. But it wasn’t Nick’s. No, she’d seen him the previous Christmas when he came to visit his family.

She smiled warmly at the memory. After he’d gotten over his initial anger, they’d fallen in step again, like old times. He took her to dinner even, with his family. Said he didn’t want her to spend Christmas alone, which she then kindly accepted. He made her promise to keep contact with him and in return he had promised to keep her whereabouts a secret.

But no, it wasn’t his steps. Warrick’s? No, he carried himself with a fuller stride, more certain. Catherine’s? Definitely not, it was a man’s step for sure, no heel, and the strawberry blonde would never be caught in anything less than an inch of heel. Greg’s? Sara smiled at the thought. There was no bounce in the step it seemed gentle, quiet almost.

Her curiosity got the best of her as she sat up slowly. She kicked her shoes aside, after nearly tripping over them. She was about to reach the door when her office phone went off. She cursed softly before picking it up.

“Sidle,” He heard her answer, making him smile. Some things never change. He listened on.

“Yes- Yes… I said I’ll be there Berry- Ye-I know I just finished class, I’m about to grade tests…” Gil heard her sigh and swore she rolled her eyes.

He continued to eavesdrop on her conversation, as she grew silent before saying good bye and hung up the phone. He was tempted now, tempted to stand in her doorway and announce his presence. Give her a good scare, but he decided against it as he began doctoring his coffee.

Sara huffed as she picked her bag up and placed it on her desk, she was about to sit down, when she suddenly felt like some one was watching her. Looking around the room, she saw it empty. Blinking slowly, she turned her lamp on before picking up her shoes on the way out of her office, to grab some much needed coffee.

Sara was about to speak when she looked up to who was in the room with her. She stopped dead in her tracks as she blinked. Her breathing quickened slightly. He looked just as surprised as she did. Which he was, he hadn’t expecting her to come out, not to see her yet.

Sara’s eyes danced around as it all added up. The new specialty teacher, the foot steps, the watching… She felt herself begin to panic slightly as she licked her suddenly dry lips. She found they were always dry when she got nervous.

Watching him, she looked to her office then the door, she quickly considered running, but he’d probably go after her.

Gil watched her, watched the emotions shoot across her face, from worry to just plain scared.

Finally, Sara spoke. “Gil...” She breathed, her eyes landing on him, taking him in, truly for the first time. He was thinner than she remembered. Shoulders still broad, strong, carried down to his strong, thick arms. Oh how she loved those arms. His mid section was lighter, not as round. Before she could go lower, the silence was again broken.

“I- didn’t expect to see you here...” He whispered, he gestured to the room with his free hand, his coffee mug held so tight in the other.

Sara nodded, folding her hands in front of her, straightening up a little as she ducked her head slightly. “Yea- I work here.” She breathed, her hand pointing to her office, more specifically the sign on her door.

“I gathered that.” He replied, looking at his coffee, his eyes, boring into it.

Sara couldn’t help but wince at the hurt she heard in his voice, looking down, her own eyes made friends with the wood.

A few seconds passed before she looked back up. “Welcome, to the college.” She offered, nodding slowly. “I have- Uh tests to mark.” She said gently, her body wanting so bad to step forward, to touch him. But she resisted, ultimately, she’d been the one who had left. Sara noticed he was feeling the same, as he swayed forward before pulling back.

Gil nodded, looking back up at her, trying his hardest to offer a smile. He failed. “Yea you better get on that.” He looked down defeated.

Sara’s heart broke slightly as she turned to her office.

“Oh Sara…” She stopped, turning to face him, hope in her eyes. But she had no idea what she was hoping for.

“I uh- Did as you asked.” He dropped the hand he raised second before speaking. “I didn’t look for you.” He whispered, not even bothering to hide the pain this time as he walked back into his office, shutting the door.

Comments are love<3
Small note: I usually update on LJ last, my story is posted at HERE.

+fic: don't look for me

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