Title: Part 3 - In Your Honour
Rating: 15 to NC17
* changes through the Part
Characters/Pairings: Team, Martha, Ten ; Jack/Ianto
Spoilers: S1, 2x01, Minor DW 3x12, 3x13
Warnings: Mild violence; M/M relations; Angst
Summary: How will Ianto deal with the Doctor's appearence?...
The 'And So It Begins... Again' Saga ]
Disclaimer: Torchwood belongs to Russel T. Davies, I sadly don't own them... All lyrics belong to Foo Fighters
Author's Note: Okay! So yeah, long time to wait, sorry guys =[ Just not been in the mood for posting - I'm hoping that this'll help me straighten my head out now though, so please read and comment!
This part is all one big songfic... an Album!Fic to be completely fair. Each chapter goes with lyrics fromt he corresponding track on the second In Your Honour album by Foo Fighters (that's the accoustic album). IO hope you like it and enjoy the story - if any of you know the songs, I hope you like the lyrics worked to them too =] I'm not trying to recreate the songs, just a couple of lines from each to direct the story a little.
I hope you guys are still interested in this! Just started Part 6 of the fic and I'm dead excited about it!
Please enjoy <3
Chapter 1A
“Promise I will be forever yours, Promise not to say another word,
Never mind what’s done is done, Always was a lucky one…”
-Still, Foo Fighters
Jack was snapped out of his second Doctor induced trance when he heard Ianto’s head hit one of the head height cabinets. He looked around so see Ianto leaning, head first, on the wooden door, eyes closed. He smiled and walked over to the young man, hooking an arm around his waist to support him as he swayed gently on the spot.
Blinking a couple of times, he opened his eyes again and looked blearily at Jack.
The older man just smiled affectionately at him and wrapped his arms tightly around the young man’s torso. He sympathised with Ianto as he leaned his head on Jack’s shoulder and loosely rested his hands on Jack’s hips. Ianto hadn’t had a good night’s sleep in a long time.
Slowly, he untangled himself from him guided him round to his office. Ianto blinked a couple more times and tried to protest as Jack pulled him down into the bunker, but yawned instead. A few minutes later, Jack had Ianto settled in between the covers, his suit and shirt now hanging up in the wardrobe.
Heading upstairs, he left the office and closed the door gently behind him. He pulled a hardened look onto his face and walked back down to the sofa where Martha and the Doctor were happily debating the existence of Flux Capacitors, the Doctor’s back to him.
“But we’ve seen ALL sorts of stuff from films that’s actually real, why couldn’t that be real too?” Martha was getting a little heated, obviously annoyed that the Doctor was denying her the belief that Back to the Future could happen in the same way as the film.
“I’ve told you before! The reason they don’t exist is that Flux isn’t the cause of time travel!” The Doctor sighed and rolled his eyes dramatically. “Flux is just the amount of time in one place! It doesn’t flow, so you can’t get it stored in a capacitor! Did you flunk A-level physics or something?”
Jack saw a dangerous look in Martha’s eyes and stepped in before the situation could sour any more.
“Right, that’s enough guys.” He stood in front of them, arms crossed, looking at them with a stern expression on his face. “I don’t know what you two think, but I seem to recall that whenever the Doctor’s around for too long, aliens come calling and a few people end up dead, mutated or on another continent. Personally, I don’t want to have to clean that one up.”
He had to stop himself smiling at the story he’d read of the Welsh fruit and vegetable stand from the local market ending up in the middle of the Himalayas a few weeks after the Doctor’s last visit. Instead, he concentrated on the fact that the Doctor would only be around to make his life hard. He had to leave.
“You need to fix the TARDIS, I can probably help, but Martha needs to get back to work.” He smiled briefly at her. “I don’t need inquiries from U.N.I.T. about a missing medical officer.”
The Doctor just smiled placidly to him and nodded along to the entire monologue. It unnerved Jack a little. He shuffled his feet and tried to keep the Doctor’s gaze.
It didn’t work. He ended up rubbing the back of his head and casting his eyes around the hub.
“First off, can I bring the TARDIS in here? I don’t feel right about leaving her outside. I’m pretty sure I could manoeuvre her over to here. It’s just the inter dimensional and time travel that’s the problem.” The Doctor stood up, hands in pockets and rocked on his heels a little, smiling continually at Jack.
Jack gave him a sidelong look before scouting around for a suitable place for the TARDIS to be parked. He didn’t want the Doctor to be on his own down in the archives - God knows what he’d do to the stuff down there - and he wanted someone to be in his company at all time. He decided that the best idea would be to drain the basin and level the floor out. It would give the Doctor enough space for the TARDIS and room to work.
Tapping a few buttons on his wrist strap, it beeped an affirmative and the slow draining noise of the basin emptying drifted up the them. A few seconds later, a metal floor slid over the top of it and crated a space roughly nine feet square. Jack pointed silently down at it and the Doctor followed his finger.
“Fantastic! Alright, I won’t be a minute.” He smiled, hopped round to the elevator and jumped, signalling to Jack to raise it. Jack complied and as soon as the Doctor was out of sight, slumped down onto the sofa and groaned. This was going to be a very long and hard few days.
The next morning, Jack woke to the clatters and bangs of metals parts being dropped and thrown around inside the TARDIS. He’d stayed up late into the night, finally collapsing on the sofa behind Tosh’s desk in exhaustion. The Doctor had been like an ADHD riddled child all night, as always, and had chattered away for the majority of the time. It had worn Jack down enough to the point of sleep.
He guiltily pushed himself up and rubbed his eyes. He should’ve gone to bed with Ianto, spent the night with him, even if it was just lying next to him whilst the young man slept. He quickly decided to push the thought to the back of his mind and get himself moving, going to have a shower and get changed, generally waking himself up for the following day.
He was just creeping out of his office, shoving his shirt untidily into the waistband of his trousers, when the Doctor stuck his head out of the police box’s door, grinning up. Jack felt his heart sink as he realised that the Doctor hadn’t even begun to lag. I must be getting old, he thought wryly.
“Jack! Morning!” Jack waved and snapped his suspenders over his shoulders, rolling his shirt sleeves up and walking round to the basin.
“Managed to make any headway with the-“ Jack stopped in his tracks as a second voice floated out from inside the TARDIS.
“Doctor, I think I found something that could be irritating the internals.” Jack looked stunned as he peered in to see Martha looking into an open console. She looked up and grinned, waving him a good morning.
“Work?” Wasn’t she here on U.N.I.T. business?
“What? Oh! Yeah, work… You seriously think I just happened to be in Cardiff this soon after everything, and I coincidentally called Torchwood and spoke to Ianto?” She looked sceptically at him and rolled her eyes. It slowly dawned on Jack that Ianto had arranged the whole thing deliberately.
He must’ve known that Jack needed to talk to someone who could completely relate to his experiences the previous year. The only two people who could were standing in front of him. The only one of those who would actually be useful in a semi emotional counselling session, was Martha.
I must be getting really old, he thought. Jack looked away, a little sheepishly.
“I knew that.” He turned and stalked away to his office, silently reminding himself to think before he spoke next time. Especially when the explanation was so evident.
He dropped into his chair and sighed heavily. He was tired and he felt jumpy in his skin. He decided that what he really needed was Ianto, so he kicked his boots off and climbed down into the sleep space, sitting below the opening and watching the young man sleep.
He was quiet and peaceful, breathing deeply as he slept on his front. He looked more composed than he had the previous day, his arms tucked neatly into his body, hands on the pillow on either side of his head, face turned towards Jack again. The American leaned forwards and gently stroked Ianto’s hair, feeling the calm of the young man’s sleep radiating up his arm and soothing the disquiet he felt deep inside him.
After a few minutes of silently watching Ianto sleep, he felt better and decided to make an attempt to get some work out of the way before the others came in.
He successfully managed to hide in his office for an hour and finish filling in several accounts of the weevil attack from a couple of days previously. He altered the CCTV footage of the area, filed fake police reports of the disturbances being teenagers messing around with fireworks and filled in his own, Torchwood, documentation on the event.
He’d just closed the file up when he heard a series of angry yells from the direction of the hub. He hurried out of the door and looked out at the workstations.
“FREEZE!” Gwen was standing at the front of the trio in front of the cog door, her gun raised and pointing straight at the Doctor. She had a cold, steely expression on and was glaring at the seemingly insane man in front of her.
However, the Doctor was grinning at her, hands in pockets and rocking on the balls of his feet again.
“So you’re the team then, are you?” The Doctor was quite happy, not perturbed at all by the three guns which were trained on his chest.
“I don’t know who you are, or how you got in here, but you are trespassing on private property.” Owen was the next to confront to Doctor, a little less commanding and a little more annoyed than Gwen had been. He looked tired and a little hung over. He hadn’t thought he’d have to fire a gun before he had his first cup of Ianto’s coffee.
“Hands out of your pockets, where we can see them.” Gwen’s voice was as steely as her expression, and she gestured to his pockets with her gun, waiting for him to raise his hands. “I said, hands where we can see them.”
The Doctor’s smile was fading a little and he raised an eyebrow quizzically at the woman ordering him around. Had Jack not told them about him yet? Surely they’d seen the TARDIS behind him - he had turned the perception filter off, hadn’t he? - but clearly Jack hadn’t explained everything to them, as was his usual habit.
“Look! You have three guns pointing at your chest, all of which can fire a bullet through your heart in a nanosecond.” Gwen was getting a little bit jumpy, unsure why this stranger was so comfortable with the situation. “Hands where we can see them, or we all shoot!”
The Doctor sighed and rolled his eyes, turning his attention to Jack. Gwen whipped around and looked up to see the Captain leaning on the railing by Tosh’s desk with an extremely amused expression on his face.
“You could fire, but it won’t exactly do much good.” He smiled knowingly at the confused team before explaining. “He has two hearts, you’d only get one with where you’re aiming. He’d still be rocketing around again in a matter of minutes.”
Owen looked at the Doctor curiously. He opened his mouth to speak, but Jack cut in.
“No, you can’t experiment on him, Owen. He’s not around for that long either.” Jack suddenly realised that he hadn’t even introduced his guest.
“Everyone, that guy-“ He pointed a finger at the Doctor, who was once again grinning as he raised a hand and waggled his fingers. “- is the right kind of Doctor.”
Gwen looked at Jack searchingly once more before looking back at the Doctor, about to apologise. She was cut short by him smiling and waving his hand to stop her.
“Don’t worry, you were just doing your job. I’m glad to know you don’t shoot on sight all the time.” He cast a sharp, accusing look at Jack who quickly looked away, before smiling and heading back into the TARDIS.
Jack quickly ducked into his office and closed the door, leaning on the back of it and letting out an unconsciously held breath. When he opened his eyes, he saw Ianto’s head and shoulders had emerged from the sleep space, his arms folded on the floor and his chin resting gently on them.
“The others found out about him now then?” Jack nodded and put his hands in his pockets.
Was that a habit he’d picked up from the Doctor? Possibly. He doubted he’d ever really know, but it was a habit he was getting quite attached to, so he didn’t feel like forcing himself out of it.
He watched and followed as Ianto climbed back down into the sleep space and look around for some clothes. Jack sat on the bed and watched as he found a suit and shirt hanging up with clean undershirt and boxers folded on a chair. Ianto smiled and glanced at Jack as he picked up the clothes and headed to the bathroom, kissing him gently on the cheek before easing the door open.
Smiling to himself, he stepped under the hot jets of water and enjoyed his shower, thinking about nothing in particular. He must’ve had a decent amount of sleep to feel this good.
TBC - let me know what you think!
Chapter 1B