Title: I (heart) YOU
Pairing: JongKey
Genre: fluff, humor, romance
Summary: Snarky, sharp tongued Kim Jonghyun finds a job. Curious Kim Jonghyun sees a sleepy boy on the booth bench at the juice bar. Sweet, naïve, innocent Kim Jonghyun uses Post-its to communicate with the strangers. Love comes in all kinds of ways.
A/N: A remake of a YoonYul oneshot I
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Comments 18
yes, yes, i am.
my punishment has been a decrease of hours so on the weekdays i get 2hrs and on weekend days i get 5hrs.
but, i am working on a new chaptered. my hs!au isn't going to be as long as i expected, unfortunately :l
thank you soooo much, unnie!!
Jjongie is soooo cute, really! i love him in this universe!
i love everything in this dongsaeng :)
hope you're doing well, xoxo~ ♥
gaaaaaahhh, i know right?! sleepy!Key is deee bomb diggity, let's kidnap that guy RN!
I think i made jjong a more.. business/strict kinda guy (which i totally like ATM)
THAAANK YOU! it took me three days to do this ficcy, kekek, much more to come soon!
doing very well actually, my grades are the problem :pp
let's go!!!what time would they finish that rehearsal? you got the blind fold there right?pink? okay! perfect!
hmm! he's more mature here, i like it :)
you're more than welcome~wow! that's actually fast...i can't really write a one-shot.even if i plan one, they just go long long long XD
haha! i understand you! most of the time, i go to school for my friends, and not to study^___^v
too perfect, presh and cute
*puts to memories*
great job ^^
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