Title: Affirmation (Chapter Sixteen)
VanessaPairing: OB/VM
Rating: NC-17
Summary: When a tragic situation leaves Orlando broken and isolated will Viggo’s love and belief in him be strong enough to bring him back?
Feedback: Always appreciated
Warnings: Violence, Angst, and Character Death (Original Characters only).
Disclaimer: This is not
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Comments 29
Viggo is fine with waiting as long as Orlando needs for sex. He's not fine with Orlando pushing forward without thinking and hurting both of them in the process... again and again and again. I thought that was clear in the last chapter... *bites lip*
Viggo feels like shit anyway. He hates being upset with Orlando, no matter how justified he feels it is.
As for Orlando being okay... you'll have to wait until next week to find out. *evil grin*
Thanks for the feedback.
As for what happened to Orlando, you'll find out next week. Maybe.
Do try not to die from the suspense, though.
Damn Viggo!!!! *growls*
*squishes my poor Orli*
*giggles* Why is everyone mad at Viggo NOW? *laughs* I thought you'd be mad at him last chapter, not this one.
And careful there... he's still rather jumpy around strangers.
(The comment has been removed)
And yes, four more chapters. Well, technically three and an epilogue, but the epilogue is longer than most of the chapters already and it's not finished yet, so... *laughs* It actually might end up being four chapters and an epilogue... it's going to depend on how the editing goes on the last few, but as it's written it's four chapters and an epilogue... and it's all written except the last part of the epilogue.
I hope you enjoy the new version as much as or more than the old one.
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