Title: White Rabbits
Chapter: 23/?
Author: Diana Michelle (
Warnings: Spoilers for Revenge of the Sith.
Pairing: Anakin/Obi-Wan.
Rating: PG/PG-13.
Summary: Obi-Wan and Luke each find out something new about the Jedi.
Disclaimer: Not Lucas, don't own a thing, not making any money.
Chapter Index(
Chapter Twenty-Three -- Immortality )
Comments 18
I suppose it's mean of me to luaghing this much, but this is just PERFECT. I can just imagine pre-Rots Obi-Wan just getting that 'you broke my brain!' look at this revelation.
“No, you really did die,” Luke said. "Lightsaber battle."
There was another uncomfortable lull in the conversation.
Because really, there is no way to avoid the line of reasoning that starts with 'who the heck was I fighting a lightsaber battle WITH if all the Jedi were dead?' if Obi-Wan wants to avoid thinking about Anakin going Dark.
I love that they are all speculating about what becoming a blue-ghost means, and how Obi-Wan managed it, and they are so completely *wrong*. I take it that Luke has never met Ghost!Qui-Gon, or he would have mentioned it. On the other hand, that would have not made Obi-Wan or Anakin any happier, I think.
A silent Anakin was an Anakin coming up with a brilliant plan, and that rarely ended well.
ENjoyed this, as always. Thanks.
I suppose it's mean of me to luaghing this much, but this is just PERFECT. I can just imagine pre-Rots Obi-Wan just getting that 'you broke my brain!' look at this revelation.
Poor Obi-Wan. No one prepared him for this.
Because really, there is no way to avoid the line of reasoning that starts with 'who the heck was I fighting a lightsaber battle WITH if all the Jedi were dead?' if Obi-Wan wants to avoid thinking about Anakin going Dark.
So true. He doesn't really want to go down that line of thought.
I love that they are all speculating about what becoming a blue-ghost means, and how Obi-Wan managed it, and they are so completely *wrong*. I take it that Luke has never met Ghost!Qui-Gon, or he would have mentioned it. On the other hand, that would have not made Obi-Wan or Anakin any happier, I think.
Not really, no.
*giggle* Amen.
Obi-Wan still had a faint scar on his left arm from Anakin's last brilliant plan, back on Hermoida IV.
Why does this make me grin so?
Why does this make me grin so?
(Anakin is still scary)
(he is, a bit, yeah.)
Anakin is so afraid of losing people and tries so hard to hold onto them, that he actually endangers these relationships.
I can perfectly understand why he acts this way. Having to leave your mother behind when you're a child is extremely tough. I think it somehow translates into his fear of being left behind by others.
Very sad that this lets him see Luke as a threat to his friendship with Obi-Wan. I hope he can work through this.
And yeah, we understand why Anakin is possessive, but it doesn't stop it from hurting him in the long run. It is sad.
Wow, Obi-Wan can be a bit of a smart ass when he's off balance, can't he.
“I’m not a speeder, Anakin, I’m hardly going to get stolen,”
Heh. I can sort of see Obi-Wan rolling his eyes when he says this.
Lovely part, we're going to see Dex next right? More soon?
Poor Obi-Wan. It is his life's trial to deal with Skywalkers.
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