
Jul 03, 2007 12:32

Barbossa sits at what has quickly become his usual spot by the lake, on a large flat rock from which he gets a good view of the Pearl. This time, though, he's busy with something entirely different, as he has occasionally been for the last few days. He holds a small, palm-sized leather-bound book in one hand and seems to be reading backwards ( Read more... )

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pirate_gibbs July 3 2007, 16:47:55 UTC
Gibbs is navigating his way along the shore when he spots Barbossa. for the moment, he makes himself less than visible (figuratively speaking) as to avoid offering any hint of where the Pearl. But after covering his tracks, he once again emerges. Even if he's not sure he wants to talk to Jack's betrayer.


bushel_o_apples July 3 2007, 20:33:46 UTC
"Hate isn't the word I would use, Gibbs. If need arises that would be unsurmountable by other means, I will still use magic. But I don't trust it. Not after being on the bad end of it, and after knowing as much as I know about the things beyond the senses of mortal men. It is a foul thing that always seeks to twist itself against men, you hear me, Gibbs. Give me what I can take by my own hand and my own wit, and I will be far more happy than I will with some treacherous spell being the cause of my fortunes."


pirate_gibbs July 3 2007, 20:40:45 UTC
Gibbs nods. "On that we are in full agreement. Though it would seem that we have some more magic ahead of us if we are to bring back the captain and the ship.

"Best we consider bringing along a supply of rum then." And while it's far too true that Gibbs loves his drink, sometimes the drink is the only thing that can dull the anxiety of facing the impossible.


bushel_o_apples July 3 2007, 20:44:16 UTC
"I never said it would be a pleasant enterprise to undertake, and I'm quite sure we were both aware of that, mr Gibbs. But yes, a good provision of rum would be a good idea. The men might need it 'fore the end of our trip."

Barbossa prefers to face the impossible on a high of his own rage and pride. It has worked for him so far.


pirate_gibbs July 3 2007, 20:46:56 UTC
"Well, at least I know where to find rum in Tortuga. And probably Panama." He smiles just a tiny bit.

"Now, as I think our business for now is done, I should be seein' to my duties."


bushel_o_apples July 3 2007, 20:52:51 UTC
He nods. It's a respectful gesture, one few people get from Barbossa once he gets to know them.

"See to them, mr Gibbs. And I won't ask you to give JAck my greetings, but since you seem to think she still has her soul, please give the Pearl my fond regards."


pirate_gibbs July 3 2007, 20:56:06 UTC
"I'll consider it." Which is to say that later he might mention to the planks (and Jack) that he and that perfidious Barbossa talked today. But even that is more than he thought he might do for Barbossa two weeks ago. "Good day."


bushel_o_apples July 3 2007, 21:06:26 UTC
"Fair enough."

Barbossa turns towards the Bar as Gibbs leaves, and ponders. Maybe a celebratory drink would be in order.


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