old 97's are a band you really only need to see once. this is what i determined last night. at first, the place was hardly crowded (the killers were also playing last night) and was warm and pleasent. three cold gusts of wind later it was raining. stubb's is outside, soo... we got kinda wet. no one would say if the show was canceled. we stood under this tent thing by the stage for a while. really, really close to everyone else. fourty minutes later i decided we should leave and wait in the car, then as we were driving past on our way out of downtown they started playing. so we (eventually) found another parking place and went in. i wasn't into it. i don't know why really, they just were the same as they were six months ago. so i'm going to wait until rhett miller tours solo again and pass on future old 97's shows. that's (again) what i really wanted to see. now that i think about it, that's what i wanted to see last time too. (yep, it
on wednesday i saw brandi carlile... she was pretty awesome. she definitely likes girls... i think other people knew this before, but i didn't realize it until "josephine." she was really down to earth, interactive with the audience and personable. she played everything i wanted to hear, plus some really great covers. i'll see her again...
i'm not sure how, honestly. it was stable the entire rest of the show. anyway, it fell and after seeing what it did to my finger i kinda blacked out for a minute. i didn't faint, i just couldn't see anything. i lost control of my body. i made every attempt to look normal but i have no idea how i did. luckily (i guess) the two girls standing next to me were in a verbal fight and didn't notice. i ate my mint and took off my jacket in attempt to make myself more comfortable. i just stayed put... and finally i started gagging and my vision came back. thankfully, nothing came up (that might be worse than fainting, i think) and i was back. it was scary. like, a lot scary. now my left ring finger is completely bruised, but not broken.the top of my hand is bruised over the pointer & index fingers. it hurts... a lot. (especially while typing. ick.)
other than that, the week was normal. went to work, hung out with andy, went to sleep. yep.
i am lucky