Title: When the Lights Come On Characters: Chuck, Georgina, Serena Rating/Word Count: PG-13 { 568 One-Line Excerpt: This is not the girl who basically attacked him and had her way with him when they were only 11 years old.
I really like the idea of Chuck finding humanity (albeit in a twisted sort of way) in Georgina through her feelings for Serena. Cool interpretation of the theme :)
SG ♥ They should have spent more time on them. *sighs*
The three children of mischief destined to destroy everything they touch except for each other.
Hell yes. Oh man, what i would give to see flashbacks. ♥♥♥
Georgie..so crazy there. I love that Chuck's totally freaked out. Because no matter how much he hated her, he still misses her. (You can't forget your first.)
And as much as Chuck says he wishes he could forget, I don't think that's entirely true. She must have done something right otherwise sex wouldn't be such a must for him. Thank for reading :)
Is most likely someone's psycho ex-girlfriend but for all of her psychotic behavior I still love her character. Thanks for reading :) Oh and I love you icon.
Comments 8
The three children of mischief destined to destroy everything they touch except for each other.
Hell yes. Oh man, what i would give to see flashbacks. ♥♥♥
Georgie..so crazy there. I love that Chuck's totally freaked out. Because no matter how much he hated her, he still misses her. (You can't forget your first.)
SUCH a wonderful description of G. LOVE this.
Oh, Georgie. Walks like a psycho ex-girlfriend, talks like a psycho ex-girlfriend.
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